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Posts posted by lachellove

  1. Praying for an outcome that is best for you and your children,There's going to marital problem in having some as I type. That is the main reason why I won't ever tell anyone to leave. I would definitely have a chat with him about respect not only for you but for your children if her starts to get physical that's something new. Are you ever afraid? No one deserves to be degraded or disrespected. Try to get him to remember your vows . If you feel like you have tried every thing you could then contemplate your next move.

  2. I think the question is what type of spiritual support are you looking for?

    Another question: are you going to keep it positive only? The reason why I ask, some people say, since I've had issues, if I say here is what happened to me or try and ask people to do their "surgeon" or "office" research, that's negative.

    the thread is for support through the good bad and worse .. And to help eachother over come. Negative in everyone's eyes and case is different. We are here for support, prayer, conversation, venting whatever is needed at the time.

  3. Lord, i pray for each person in this group today. My prayer is that we will put all of our trust in you. I pray that we will begin to look to you and not food for everything that we need. ie love, comfort, support companionship etc... Give us the strength to get through the rough days and fill our minds with positivity and joy. We thank you and praise you. Amen

    . Amen I receive it.

  4. My big day is also tomorrow I thought I was the only one feel all type of different emotions ..

    @@lachellove how are you feeling?

    @@Gaelsmom how are you feeling?

    I'm feeling okay the hardest thing for me mentally is blood clots and pneumonia haven't had time to care about not eating lol
    Hi guys

    I think today had been my best day. I walked about four miles and haven't taken five naps through the day or had the bad gas pain through my shoulders.

    I'm having a hard time taking in fluids. I tried to eat Jello but could only do one tablespoon. I'm not hungry but my sense of smell and memories are strong. I just want to be able to drink normally, especially on a hot day.

    I just can't wait til I'm weeks out so I can get active without being tired. This is a slow road to recovery ... I'm already wishing my two weeks go by fast ..
    Yes. I feel the same way about getting active. I walked as slow as a turtle and preop I was jogging here and there. Are you taking in B12 to keep your energy up?
    yes I am doesn't seem to help with energy though I still be tired. Hoping it changes soon

  5. Right??!! Just so strange.... I am so curious what she tells you about this stage...

    You know I just remembered about a dr that gives lectures and records on YouTube that isn't a big fan of shakes. Or I think you can go to his website - drmatthewweiner.com or you might be able to google it.

    Maybe it will give you some good ideas while you wait for your NUT to call back? (I haven't watched it in a while so I don't quite remember so don't judge me if it is bad info. :))

    . Sorry so late but I will check it out. I was told early on how important Protein was.. So trying to figure out why I'm not required to have any .. I can't wait too call tomorrow

  6. I had surgery the day before everyone here: August 11th. I have been drinking Water and Protein shakes. Today I added broth and SF Jello. I have gone between feeling "hungry" and deprived to fulling very full from a couple of baby spoonfuls of Jello or an ounce of broth or Protein shake. I have yet to meet my daily protein or liquid requirements.

    I am glad to find others who have just had the surgery, as I swing from "I can do this!" to "Why did I do this?"

    .. I too have had buyers remorse lol. But it does get better in time. I have been having head hunger.. I want everything even the things I don't eat lol. I know it will get better

  7. Still feeling really good but my heart rate is up so that has me a little worried. My hubby & the kids just left and now I am going to try and get a nap in before my next walk. I'll will post again in the morning ????

    Great ...you will be great. You sound like me . My hubby and kids were there too but I was still groggy and slept .. Lol they stayed to walk with me . Get some rest keep us posted on your recovery ...

  8. My follow up is tomorrow. I have lost 4lbs since surgery. It took a while to get the extra 6/7lbs that I gained from IV fluids off. I had cream of chicken Soup today. I had a hard time figuring out when I was full. And if it was up to me, I would live off of that rather than Protein Shakes. But there was no Protein in it and I realized by 4pm today I had no protein. I don't think I can meet my protein requirement today. I'm trying to get 30 grams in at least.

    4 pounds is awesome my doc said protein in take right now is going to be hard but stay hydrated

  9. It's nice to know I'm not alone. I am not sure about how long the incisions take to heal. I have my one week follow up with the surgeon on Wednesday. I can't wait for real food either. I am definitely able to tell the difference between head hunger and real hunger....head hunger goes away if I am distracted...thank goodness! I am down 8 lbs since surgery...how much are you guys losing?

    not sure I haven't weighed myself since before surgery

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