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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lachellove

  1. Yay a 5k great goal you will have to keep us posted . My goal is to be more active with my children we live around 2 parks and I usually get tired to fast to take them and am ready to take them home in the first 5 mins .. And be able to walk around without getting sweaty and tired.

    @lachellelove. That's also on the agenda for me. Great goal!!!. Thank you seems real simple to many others but they just don't know.

  2. @@lachellove There's nothing that says you can't. However, I started shedding about 3 months out. It's worked out pretty well for me considering I had been natural for about little over a year. I couldn't take it anymore and got a relaxer. I've chosen to relax my hair about every 12 weeks or so and I'm wearing a sewn in weave. I am also careful not use a lot of heat. The shedding is there but not too bad so far.

    I guess the answer to your question is that everyone is different. So try to figure out what is best for you. Hey, you may not even have shedding! Make sure you get your Protein in and take your Vitamins. I also take extra Biotin.< /p>

    thank you, I'm a little over a week post op I'm just taking my braids out. I want to keep it braided out of fear of shedding.

  3. 2 more days on liquids... Counting down to soft foods.. I can't wait. This weekend was hard bc I was at a family BBQ with AMAZING food and did not have one bite. I drank my shake. Drank Water, had some yogurt and then later some cottage cheese.. That was it. I don't think a scrambled egg will ever taste so good! How is everyone else doing?

    it's been so hard for me I was almost in tears we've had so many events within this 12 days lol. I couldn't help but be sad. It was to hard my husband felt so bad but he pep talked me (buyers remorse set in) no regrets, he said sternly ..

    You got this. We are all going through this adventure together. Think back to why you did this.

    I gained .2lbs this morning. Been going through that in and off. My body is hanging on and all I want to do is naturally sleep and wait for sunny days.

    Dragged my butt to work today and it was hard. Smelling all the street vendors and people's lunches in the office. Wanting to take down anyone with coffee and something sweet. Hoping once soft foods start Friday, that I will have more energy.

    Aside from my family and fitting clothes again, here's my motivation: running a 5k in November. My first.

    What do you guys want to do?

    You are absolutely right. Yay a 5k great goal you will have to keep us posted . My goal is to be more active with my children we live around 2 parks and I usually get tired to fast to take them and am ready to take them home in the first 5 mins .. And be able to walk around without getting sweaty and tired.

  4. 2 more days on liquids... Counting down to soft foods.. I can't wait. This weekend was hard bc I was at a family BBQ with AMAZING food and did not have one bite. I drank my shake. Drank Water, had some yogurt and then later some cottage cheese.. That was it. I don't think a scrambled egg will ever taste so good! How is everyone else doing?

    it's been so hard for me I was almost in tears we've had so many events within this 12 days lol. I couldn't help but be sad. It was to hard my husband felt so bad but he pep talked me (buyers remorse set in) no regrets, he said sternly ..

  5. Day 12 since surgery and I finally have energy! still doing clear liguids, cream Soups (strained), SF Jello, broth. The scale seems to have stopped moving. This is disappointing. Are you all experiencing this? It would be MY body to find a way around a surgery! jk

    . Hello again it's day 12 for me and I seem to be more tired then I was was before. Crazy. I thought my Vitamins we're going to prevent that. I'm on full liquids I see my doctor on Thursday ..

  6. Well honestly I tried to eat eggs 7 days post op. I do not recommend it!!!! I was starving and we were out of town and well..... Crap I did it. Annnndddd I puked, for hours. (Though not constantly). But a few days later I tried oatmeal( making it pretty thin) and omg! To be honest I bought unflavored whey Protein (26 G protein per scoop) and added it to my oatmeal. That way I can cut back on my shakes, I'm seriously tired of then, and still get in all my protein for the day. Good luck chica, you can do it!

    . Thank you. So much yea I'm going to wait . I'm to afraid of complications.

  7. Eating before it’s time can be a big mistake. It’s not just about possibly feeling a little sick now. It’s about possibly having long-term consequences. Your sleeve is still healing from surgery. Eating something you shouldn’t could make the surgery wound more serious and cause a leak – not to scare you, just to explain why the “rules” are there!

    Like the others said, try to consider whether it’s head hunger. Even if it’s not head hunger, it may be something you need to get used to. The sleeve doesn’t always eliminate all extra hunger – so you may need to get used to the feeling of some hunger as you lose weight.

    Also, if you can get in that extra Protein, it can help. It's tough to get those shakes down, but maybe you can try different types/flavors and drink them really slowly.

    I hope the hunger goes away soon and the pureed foods diet treats you well! Keep us posted. Good luck!

    . Thank I believe not having the adequate amount of Protein in making things worst but as I posted the picture my NUT said not worry about protein which seems off since that's all they have talked about in classes and appointments .. I believe it's head hunger because I'm fine until I have to feed my family. Thanks though I will hang in there.

  8. Hi all, had my sleeve surgery yesterday. Still in the hospital. Thank you for your prayers. Everything went really well. I'm sipping Water, walking around the hallways. Will be going home tomorrow. So grateful for the good care of my surgeon and the good folks at Cedars-Sinai hospital in LA.

    Congrats .. Keep walking and sipping lol .. You will be just fine. So glade you are safe and complication free

  9. This is awesome. I prayed and I'm still praying about this. My surgery is next month. I asked God to give me a clear sign because I can be hard headed. If I had to jump through hoops to get this done then it's not for me versus setting me a clear path. So far it's been a simple and clear path. God is so good.

    Yes , Amen God will work things out for you if you have faith. I was so late for my surgery. I had been 20 mins early for the other appointments but on the day of surgery everything that could have went wrong did! I was so sad but I prayed and said God if it's not meant to be then I know it's for the best .. I went in there expecting them to say no your to late . But I checked in and went in within 10 mins. To God be the glory. He has kept me complication free I still worry from time to time but I keep the faith. Congrats on the surgery and welcome. We are all here whenever you just need an ear.

  10. Yea I was telling my husband last night. He just so stuck on what they said. Fearing something will happen but he understands my point so I'm team Protein now.

    I would normally agree to follow your NUTs program, but you instructions are so radically different from ANY good post-op advice that I have heard (especially from my awesome surgeon) that my first reaction is that either you misunderstood the instructions or that your NUT is truly nuts!

  11. I'm still trying to digest that it isn't in God's plan for the surgery. The surgery is a tool, no different than someone who is handicapped would use a wheelchair or cane.

    Wow. Need to digest that one again. How do they know what God's plan is for your life? One can use what they learn to help out others, maybe lead someone to Christ.

    My church and I must have some different mindsets.

    Agreed .. Some people just don't understand .. So judgmental.

  12. I'm so sorry you're going through this but I have to tell you I opened the app to find advice about this same concern! I'm 3 days post op & supposed to be able to take yogurt, applesauce, etc and only sip on Protein Shake in between. I feel better if I get that Protein in. The fluff stuff doesn't do it for me. : ) Hope this concern improves for you soon!

    yea me too I'm hanging in there it gets better day by day. I never really realized how food played huge role in my everyday life .. It's kind of sad! So it just showed me how much of a problem i really had. In the end I will appreciate my wls more right now I'm sick. Lol

  13. I had a few slip ups myself with eating something before its time. But I was waking up with my stomach growling like crazy and feeling nauseas for being hungry. I ordered the pintos and cheese from taco bell. I will admit it made my day , I could only eat 1/2 of the container although it was small I ate the rest for dinner. It was wonderful. I also s able to eat scrambled eggs before it was time . Now on end of week 4 going on five and I had some of the tenderest fillet mignon but only like a tsp full of the smallest pieces. But it was delish none the less. I am determined though now to keep my eating on tract and follow my stage food properly. Wish me luck, all of us !!!!! Cindy

    . Finally one person not that I didn't appreciate the advice just seemed like I was alone. And it was wrong. Thanks for sharing. I've decided to wait though for 2 reasons fear and my husband lol. He won't let me no where near the kitchen without checking to see what I'm up to .. Sneaking seems so dirty lol. Thanks again.

  14. I don't understand why a nutritionist would advise against having Protein Shakes post-op. Calories are not something you should be worrying about at all, you NEED the Protein and it's impossible to get enough without drinking shakes. When I went for my 2 week post-op visit, I had lost TEN POUNDS of muscle mass because I hadn't been getting enough protein. Ever since then, I've been getting 80 grams per day. It's really hard, but it's necessary.

    I totally agree I kept asking her she just wouldn't budge. I felt like she was wrong but didn't want to question her

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