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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lachellove

  1. You look pretty on your before and after. I can def see the the slenderization in effect! ????

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk

    Thank you ???? slenderization.. I love that word

    I see it too! You are pear shaped like me. I noticed the weight moved slower off my lower half! What is your experience? You look great!

    yesss the pear lol. But yea if it wasn't for my jeans becoming loose I wouldn't be able to tell. My thighs still seem huge to me. I see a little excess skin there .. Not a lot but yea I do feel like the bottom half is going to take awhile ..
    Yep, the hips don't lie! That's what I tell my husband lol. Being pear shaped has it's advantages! You are progressing beautifully.
    yea I hope to have some left at least a little lol my hubby loves them..

  2. I see it too! You are pear shaped like me. I noticed the weight moved slower off my lower half! What is your experience? You look great!

    yesss the pear lol. But yea if it wasn't for my jeans becoming loose I wouldn't be able to tell. My thighs still seem huge to me. I see a little excess skin there .. Not a lot but yea I do feel like the bottom half is going to take awhile ..

  3. You can have rice I can't wait lol I was told rice is a no no..

    It's not that rice is a no no. Eventually, you will have room in your stomach for rice. Right now, you should be concentrating on getting all your Protein in. Protein first, and veggies if you have room. I am not sure when you had your sleeve surgery.

    Rice expands in your stomach. So be careful. You can eat a small amount, and get really full as it expands while it's sitting in your little tiny stomach.

    .. Thanks yea I have a ways to go I'm only 18 days out. I am still trying to focus on eating slower lol.

  4. @@lachellove it's silly, like I'll start feeling down for no reason. Then I'll be excited for the future. It goes back and forth. I feel like there's more to it then just the surgery itself, I am staying with my parents because I have a 16 month old and I can't lift him for 6 weeks. So I'm not recovering at home. My parents are awesome but I miss home & my hubby. So I'm sure that plays a lot into it. Plus, it's hard to feel so restricted sometimes & eat the same stuff. However, this week should be easier as I can add yogurt, cottage cheese and scramble eggs.< /p>

    . Yea I see what you mean I had the same roller coaster emotions..but I'm home so it makes it a little easier it's when my hubby and kids leave and I have time to think.. It will get better for us both .. Very soon ..

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