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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zid316

  1. I had to come back to this old post of mine since it has been several months now. I have since had a total of 3 fills for a total of 6cc's in my 14cc band. I am totally seeing the difference now. I have lost a total of 50lbs since my surgery on 12/28/07. I just had my third fill a few days ago on 4/8. It is a huge differnce from my first two fills as I can truly can only eat a very small amount of food. I know a lot of people get frustrated at first because they are not losing the weight or not losing as fast as they had anticapted. The thing to remember is to not give up. Go to a support meeting if your surgeon or hospital offers them. Also make sure to get your fills. I have learn it takes more than one or two fills to get you to the "good" spot. My doctor keeps reminding me that I have a "large" band so he is very aggressive with his fills. Like I said I have had three fills in just over 4.5 months and each one has been 2cc's.
  2. Hello everyone, I joined this forum a couple of weeks ago but I have just been lurking and reading what others have had to say. I started my journey with lapband surgery by attending a seminar in July 2007. After several doctors appointments and waiting on my insurance company I finally was approved for surgery. I was finally banned on December 28, 2007. So far it has been a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. They tell you ahead of time about the liquid, pureed, and soft foods diet but until you are actually doing it, it's a different story. Since I was bannded on 12/28 I have lost 20lbs which made me extremely happy but in the grand scheme of things it barely made a dent in my goal. The problem that I have been having for the last week or so is that I am extremely hunger. I have not had a fill yet and from what I have read from others it seems a lot of people have this problem because their is no restriction right now. I had my first post-op visit on 1/8 and the doctor told me if I am not getting full from liquids to move up to pureed and soft foods slowly. I was so happy to finally be eating something that was close to real food. The problem is that I am not staying full at all. I can eat between 1/2 cup - 1 cup of food at a time. Once I eat the feel of hunger subsides for about an hour or so and then it returns. I have been really good about waiting the half hour after eating before drinking liquids but it seems like once I start drinking Water it pushes whatever food I have in my pouch past my band. I have noticed that since I weighed in at the doctor's office on 1/8 and started eating the soft and pureed foods I have not lost anymore weight. I am still hovering around 388 - 390lbs. The next appiontment is on 2/5. I am probably nuts for saying this but I want to get a fill! I want to feel that restriction after I eat a 1/2 cup of food so that I know this thing is working. Anyways, that is my story so far and I justed wanted to finally introduce myself to the group and I look forward to making some new friends and discussing our weight loss success together. url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wX9V8M3/] [/url] Banned December 28, 2007 Kane Center - Arlington Heights, IL Dr. Peter Rantis
  3. Good luck with the surgery. It was really fast for me it took about 45 minutes for the entire surgery. I was pretty quick to recover and I went home the next day so I spent all of 24 hours at the hospital.

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