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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cervidae

  1. Cervidae

    Pain meds

    I was on mine for like 2 weeks, though by the end of the two weeks I was really only taking them before bed to help me sleep more comfortably. Hope your recovery is going well.
  2. Here's a 9 month progress picture for anyone who enjoys seeing such things: http://imgur.com/RxWZFMB <3

    1. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      You look amazing and have a healthy "glow" about you. Wow!

    2. KristenLe


      @ExcitedAt55 I noticed this right away too! lol @Cervidae You look great - and so happy! Hope the knee is healing well!

    3. downhomegirly


      OH Goodness, You really look amazing! I love seeing before and after pictures, they give me hope, that I will really be able to change myself. My surgery is on June 3rd. I pray I have such a good outcome as you have!

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  3. @@achappex3 really wonderful. I've had no complications, and now I'm 9 months out and down about 150 pounds. Highland and the bariatric center there have been super good to me. My blood work is perfect, my health is great, and I feel really awesome, despite currently being laid up recovering from knee surgery.
  4. @@martypants if you need anything or just want to talk, you're more than welcome to send me a message as well! I was 23 when I had surgery last August.
  5. Cervidae


    Stalls are normal and necessary! We've all worried about them. I had more than average, most likely due to my PCOS, and I was here making similar posts, scared that I would be stuck at whatever weight I was forever. In fact, I have a 2-3 week stall every month, that's just my body's "normal". And yet, here I am, 9 months later and down 150 pounds since surgery. It all adds up, and worrying about it is just needless and adversely affects your mental and physical health anyway. Just keep up with your water intake, protein, and vitamins, and soon you'll feel silly for ever worrying about this.
  6. I should also say I can eat most of the food I've tried, including veggies and salad. I also have never experienced dumping, and I've passed the usual time frame for dumping. Obviously it could still happen but seriously, staying away from the things they tell you to stay away from and taking things slowly when trying new foods will make the odds of it happening even smaller. Just giving a counterpoint.
  7. Cervidae

    Omg! Omg! TMI alert!

    @@UsernameTaken all your liquid counts - milk, shakes, soup, popsicles, etc. Yesterday I only drank 24 ounces of water but I had a TON of miso soup throughout the day, which all certainly added up to much more than the 64 ounce goal. It's just important to get liquid, doesn't have to be water.
  8. Cervidae

    Omg! Omg! TMI alert!

    @@UsernameTaken all your liquid counts - milk, shakes, soup, popsicles, etc. Yesterday I only drank 24 ounces of water but I had a TON of miso soup throughout the day, which all certainly added up to much more than the 64 ounce goal. It's just important to get liquid, doesn't have to be water.
  9. @@gina171 you just put words to something that has been nagging me since the very first seminar... the whole thing about not knowing what people you meet are really like without the "fat" test, and all the rest. They are very strange and uncomfortable waters, and to be honest, I still have not really decided or found any answers to these questions. I find myself wondering these things every day, just walking through the grocery store, sitting in a doctor's office waiting room, any time I interact with strangers. I look back and feel almost unbearably sad for the very heavy person I was, because I can see how I'm suddenly "acceptable" in the eyes of strangers. Some even flirt with me, an experience which I am in no way used to or prepared for. Pretty much everyone treats me so kindly now, it's almost scary compared to the way I was treated just this time last year by the general public. To be honest, it makes me frustrated and furious that this is a social reality, and one nothing I do will ever change.
  10. My bmi when I started the program was 66*, I believe. I first planned on the sleeve, but for the same reasons you are wavering, I decided to talk to others and read forums, etc. From that exploration, I saw that there are SO many people who begin the process happy with their sleeve but in the long run, end up revising to bypass. The sleeve can be great, and I've seen a few people (and I mean a only a few) who are happy 3-5 years out and don't want to revise. The fact that my bmi was high, the fact that so many sleevers end up getting or wanting but being unable to afford a revision, and the fact that so much long-term data exists for the RNY all cemented my decision solidly toward the bypass. And now I'm 9 months post op, had no complications, and I feel wonderful. I've also lost almost 150 pounds and 12 pant sizes since surgery day, and gained my health and a level of self-love and confidence I never really believed possible. *edited because I went to the calculator and checked and my bmi was way higher than I thought it was when I started the program at 402. At my highest, I weighed 442... which gave me a bmi of 73. Now I'm 39 and I can't even believe it was once that high... but anyway. >.>
  11. I should also say that I didn't even start feeling normal hunger again until a little after 6 months. Before that, there was absolutely no desire to eat food.
  12. Hello! Just wanted to say I'm 9 months post op and I only feel hunger when I actually need food. If I go several hours without eating or drinking anything, I get a little nudge of hunger that I didn't really recognize at first. Hunger before surgery was less a feeling coming from actual physical need for food and more of an obsessive compulsion. Now, when I feel it, it's just "oh, I'm hungry. I should eat something." Then, after eating a normal or smaller than normal amount, the feeling goes away. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to be able to operate like a "normal" person. So the answer is yes, I feel hunger, but it is in no way like hunger was before my RNY. Also, I've been in therapy since before surgery, and it has really helped me so much in terms of how I think about food and why I want to eat, and how to separate hungry from head-hungry. I would truly recommend therapy to every person who is considering, is having, or has had surgery. It's rare that it is purely physical hunger that drove us to become this way. Best of luck to you, hope this helped.
  13. https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/ostrim/products/ostrim-chicken-buffalo-wing-flavor these things! They taste like a not-disgusting slim-jim, very wholesome ingredients and no nasty fillers, and 80 calories/14g of protein per stick. Very yummy and a great snack.
  14. Cervidae

    Omg! Omg! TMI alert!

    @@UsernameTaken Oh no! This is one of my worst nightmares! Sorry you had to experience that... how are you recovering otherwise? Getting in your Protein and Water? @@betterme38 I laughed when I read this comment. I mean, it's a fair point, but lol!
  15. Cervidae

    Post Op Gassiness?

    I'm 9 months post-rny and I can honestly say after the first couple of months, all my gassiness completely disappeared. It was never really bad to begin with, really. There are definitely a few people who get it for months post op, and VERYYY few people who have it for longer than that. Most people return to a pretty normal state pretty quickly. Though, I will say my breath is often a little funky. I still drink Protein shakes regularly and they can have that effect. I just carry around sugar-free altoids and I'm good to go. even if I had terrible gas and disgusting breath, it would be completely and absolutely worth getting my health back and being able to enjoy my life in a way that was not possible a couple hundred pounds ago.
  16. I'm only 9 months post op and not really anywhere near my goal weight yet but I just had to pop in and first say congratulations! You've done really well. Second, do you have loose skin? It's possible that you have 10-20 pounds of lose skin, maybe more depending on your age and genetics, so you may even be approaching being underweight. How do you feel? Do you have enough energy to go about your day, exercise, etc without being exhausted? Are you hair/nails/skin healthy? I'm just curious, as this is something I've been thinking about a lot as I approach the low 200s and eventually into the 100s. My goal is 170, but I'm wondering if I can even get that low without first getting skin removed, especially considering my high starting weight.
  17. Today, I am 9 months post op! I'm down 148 since surgery and 203 from my highest weight! I "only" lost 7 pounds this month, which is less than half of my average, so I'm thinking I am leaving the honeymoon phase. :'( 7 Pounds is still 7 pounds, and my life and health are both really great. So, no complaints here!

    1. nieuwevis


      woot woot!

    2. jane13


      New pics??? love to see a newer you :D

    3. BonnieJo


      Congratulations on your weight loss and your attitude ;)

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  18. @@bsweetness nope, none of that. The first 6 months or so I was extremely tired, had no energy, and sometimes got emotional from all the hormone changes. But now I feel great and those first several months of discomfort and exhaustion were totally worth it.
  19. @@bsweetness I'll be 9 months post op from my RNY tomorrow, and I've lost about 150 since surgery.
  20. Are you at Highland?! Me too!
  21. Cervidae

    Water intake

    @@roxy0508 I have had absolutely no complications whatsoever. I think getting at least 1/3 of the goal every day was fine for the short time I had to do it that way. So, no complications and I'm down at least 147 pounds (it very well may be more, as I'm not going to weigh myself again until the 17th) in a little less than 9 months, and my health/blood work is perfect.
  22. Cervidae


    at three weeks I was still pureeing everything. It may not have been the fact that it was cheese, it may have been that your stomach is still too swollen and traumatized to handle solid foods. Or perhaps you ate a little too much or too fast. Regardless, you can't eat a list of 4 things only forever, so at some point in the future you're going to need to slowly test and add foods back in. This may have just been a little too soon. Try not to get discouraged - it will get easier. Just takes time, patience, and experimentation.
  23. Cervidae

    Water intake

    @@roxy0508 it was months before I came even close to getting in 64 oz a day. That's the goal, but I don't think anyone is really able to do that for a while. Your stomach is just too swollen. I think it may have been.. 4 months or so before I was able to consistently get in enough water. Before that, I just did the best I could and got in maybe 25 oz a day.
  24. Also, the weepy/exhausted feeling is unfortunately completely normal. Our hormones become all out of whack and our bodies have gone through an enormous trauma. It took me a good 6 months to feel like myself again, and now at almost 9 months out I can say I feel really wonderful! As for food/liquid, it's good that you're getting in your liquids but getting enough Protein and all your Vitamins in is absolutely essential at this stage! If you need to, maybe up your Protein shake intake. Good luck!
  25. So happy to hear that your health is improving! That's what it's all about. As for pureed food suggestions, I'll just tell you a few of my favorites from that stage: - refried Beans with a little sour cream and sometimes a little cheese, all pureed together. - pureed turkey or chicken chili from Trader Joe's. - canned white meat chicken, cheese, and a little milk or cream of chicken Soup. Makes a really creamy, delicious puree. - for something on the sweet side, plain greek yogurt or cottage cheese (my favorite) pureed with canned pumpkin and some cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and perhaps a little stevia. so yummy! Keep up the great work! It definitely gets easier, and your health will just keep getting better and better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
