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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cervidae

  1. Thank you for your experience, and I'm sorry to have hurt or offended you. You have to understand, though, that your good results are independent of our perception of this product. I'm genuinely happy to hear it worked for you, but it does still seem disturbing and not at all something I would try. That's just my opinion, and has no bearing on your own experience and happiness. You continue to do what works for you, and I'm going to continue to be a little weirded out by this. No one can take your success away from you.
  2. I'm ten months out as of yesterday and I still have a shake daily. Some days, two (on days when I just can't force myself to eat because it's so unappetizing). My weight loss is still going strong and my blood work is great.
  3. Cervidae

    Halo Top ice cream

    I love this ice cream! It's a great treat that has a decent amount of protein, low sugar, and low cal. I would caution people who have an issue with sugar alcohols to be careful, though. If you're able to enjoy a few bites and put it away, it's a great treat. The lemon cake is my favorite flavor.
  4. To me it seems like every other weight loss fad out there, only more gross and creepier. As I understand it, this device allows you to eat whatever you want, then remove 30% of that food from your stomach via a tube? In what way is that actually helping to create a healthy lifestyle and good habits? It's like... medically assisted bulimia. I find it somewhat disturbing. D:
  5. Cervidae

    Food funerals

    My favorite was a grilled stuffed burrito from Taco Bell, smothered in hot sauce. Also ramen noodles. I can't even fathom how many packages of ramen noodles I've eaten in my lifetime...
  6. Today, I am 10 months post-RNY. I'm down 162 pounds since surgery and 217 overall. In 4 pounds, I will have lost HALF MY WEIGHT! :D

    1. kmorri


      That's amazing! Way to go!

    2. ssflbelle


      Wow!! Congratulations on having lost 79% of your excess body weight. That is a fantastic accomplishment and I am sure you are feeling terrific. At the rate you are losing you will be at goal real soon. Keep going strong!!!

    3. OzRoo


      Awesome! Well Done and Mega Congrats :)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  7. I'll be getting a tattoo to celebrate a year since surgery and close to 200 pounds lost! Though I can see how that may be a little TOO celebratory for most people.
  8. Cervidae

    Surgery scares!

    Of the hundreds of people in my support group at the hospital I had my RNY at, I know maybe one person who has had these issues, and it wasn't something that persisted past 6 months or so. I myself am nearly 10 months out and I'm doing really well. I've lost 159 pounds since surgery and have no complications. The girl who shared a room with me on surgery day had a leak, and was rushed back to the OR to fix it. She's now perfectly fine and doing great. So I would say that MAJOR complications like the ones you've described are pretty rare, compared to the number of people who have no real problems, especially if they follow the rules to the letter.
  9. @@laurarogersclark I've lost over 70 more pounds since this post. Doing really well! Thank you.
  10. It seems monumentally unfair that I have to have a sinus infection and horrid menstrual cramps at the same time, all just two weeks before I'm supposed to move to a new place. At least my throat is killing me so I can't eat a bunch of crap from the stress. :(

    1. ProudGrammy


      it IS unfair!!! good luck with moving during your bad health. You'll do as well as you've lost weight!! - feel better, kathy

    2. Christinamo7


      that isn't fair! garble salt water, it can help a lot.

  11. Cervidae

    Not "seeing" results

    I've lost over 200 pounds total but I still sometimes have days where I feel exactly as big as I did two years ago. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take pictures and measure your waist, hips, bust, thighs, etc. I take a picture every month on the 17th (that's the day I had my surgery last august) and when I look at them all side by side there's no denying a huge change! I track my measurements on myfitnesspal, which is a great site for a lot of reasons, but I really love how they give you a graph to show you just how much progress you've made. Hope this helps! You're doing great, keep it up.
  12. Cervidae

    Soups with protein?

    you can check out the BariatricPal Store too, they have a bunch of soups and bouillons you may like with at least 15g of Protein per packet.
  13. If you are post op, it may be a lactose intolerance rather than a Protein allergy. Also, how much sugar is in the shakes you're drinking? Have you tried other brands?
  14. I think it can sometimes depend on the manufacturer. I live in NY, and I bought some while I was one vacation in Cali, and definitely noticed a huge difference int he taste and consistency. Sometimes it's different from box to box, even. A bit annoying but I still prefer it over any of the other Protein shakes or powders I've tried.
  15. Goodbye 230s, hello 220s! :)

    1. Valentina


      !Great job! Feels wonderful, doesn't it.--and it will only get better. :)

    2. ProudGrammy


      good for you - down another 10 lbs!!! i'm sure this has been a very exciting period.-

      keep up the good job - raising my glass to the next 10 lbs and more!! kathy

    3. BiggiSmalls


      My 1st goal weight is to get down to what I was when I got married. I was still overweight, but I'm looking forward to it. Congratulations!

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  16. Cervidae

    8 year post op in New Jersey

    hi, and welcome! Here you'll find a lot of resources, both in the archived forums and in the wonderful people that frequent this site. Sounds like you've got a really good attitude and you're headed in the right direction. This is definitely a journey, and not a destination. Best of luck to you!
  17. I had the bypass in August, and my blood work is perfect. There is definitely a small risk of having these issues, but by no means do the majority of people suffer from severe deficiencies and the like. In fact I've only heard form one person in my support group of several hundred who have had any real big issue. All other issues were easily fixed by changing the Vitamin regimen. I did lose some hair at about the 7 month mark, but now at almost 10 months, it looks pretty much completely back to normal. At 10 months I am now able to get in my required amount of calories and my health is honestly just fantastic. The first 6 months or so were kind of a bummer, as it took me that long to start getting my caloric intake back up. I was often tired and cranky from hormone changes (both of which also happen with the sleeve very often). So the beginning may be difficult, but I can say with certainty that I would do it again a hundred times over if I needed to, and I would choose the bypass every time. My restriction is perfect, I have never had dumping, and I've lost 157 pounds in less than ten months. Hope my experience helps you! Whatever you do, the people here are really wonderful and will always be around to help you in any way we can. In my opinion, it will be so, so worth it to take this leap. The chance of something dangerous happening is so, so low and the chance of dying decades early and suffering horrible health issues because of unchecked obesity is so, so high. In the end, any action you take to better your health is going to pay off compared to not doing anything at all. Good luck! Feel free to friend me or message me any time.
  18. I'd really love to, but I don't have the time or money to, unfortunately. :/
  19. if you're able to drink but not eat, maybe you could just up your shake intake. In the beginning, I sometimes just drank 2 shakes a day.
  20. Cervidae

    No one really gets it

    I was 23. Ask them if the <1% of dangerous complications is scarier than the huge likelihood that being obese will kill you decades early. You may be young, but you are not stupid, and if you've made it this far and know that this is the right thing for you, don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Can't tell you how many times I've heard or read "oh man, I wish I had done this when I was younger!" Do what is right for you and your health. Your loved ones need to accept that they are no longer the authority in your life. They are now the spectators, and it's time for you to take the wheel. You can do anything you want, and you truly have an entire life ahead of you. by the way, I've love almost 160 pounds since surgery 9 months ago, and the naysayers are too busy complimenting me to remember what they were freaking out about in the first place. Good luck to you! I hope you have the same success in the near future! Feel free to friend me or message me anytime if you're looking for someone our age to talk to. I would also be more than happy to friend you on facebook, if you'd like (https://www.facebook.com/abbylynn113) Hang in there.
  21. Cervidae


    Born, raised, and living in Rochester, NY.
  22. Welcome! I had my bypass last August, and I did have a drainage tube, though I have seen many bypassers that didn't need them, so it could really go either way depending on your surgeon, your health, etc. From what I experienced, the drain was annoying and a little unsettling to me, mostly because I have a lot of anxiety to begin with and I always feared it would get snagged on something and hurt terribly/be ripped out of me or something else that would have been horrible. However, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, and I only had it in for about a week after surgery. It didn't hurt when they pulled it out, but it was the most bizarre sensation I have ever felt in my life. Life a GIANT piece of spaghetti forcefully being sucked out of your insides by a giant mouth. It almost tickled! And then it was over and gone. It may be a little cumbersome, but it won't last long and shouldn't hurt at all. Good luck!
  23. Cervidae


    It only gets better from here. Glad to hear you're doing better. Keep your chin up, you're doing great!
  24. Finally lighter than my boyfriend! SCORE! :P

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You warned of this the other day. You're sounding more and more competitive. It's sexy. The blood is coursing through your veins.

    2. her1981


      YESS!! Isn't it awesome?

    3. living55


      I know what you mean! Congrats, mine can carry me now ... LOL

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  25. Cervidae

    Realistic Weight Loss/ Surgery Day

    I am also 24, and 5ft6, and I've lost 155 since surgery last August. I've got a ways to go still, but I've already far surpassed what I felt was even possible. I'm 9.5 months post op and still losing consistently, albeit much slower than the first 7 months or so. You can do anything! Just gotta take the leap. Honestly, even if I were stuck here forever, I would still be amazed and grateful for how much my life has changed. Good luck to you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
