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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KTBUGG

  1. Ad on Craigslist:


    Clothesline Plus located at 5089 Sedalia Dr. is looking to consign plus size women's clothing we take sizes starting at 14w, but we are in need of sizes 24 and up right now.

    Clothes need to be clean and folded neatly or on hangers. They must also be gently used and fashionable. I do not buy the clothes outright I will process clothes and put them out on the sales floor. Consignments can last up to 90 days depending on the season. Please feel free to call, business hours are 11AM-6PM Mon-Thurs. 10AM-7PM Fridays and 10AM-4PM on Saturdays

    614 920-3488





    Hope that helps

  2. I am glad everyone is doing great. SpecialK I am so glad your sx went so swell. I am going to PM you later if I can figure it out. I know how to reply. Just haven't tried to semd one yet. lol....... I am at a standstill.. not losing but, I don't think I am gaining either. My FIL is not doing well he has been in the hospital for over a week, and we don't knoiw when he is getting out. We are going down there on the 1st. We might have to go sooner. We are trying to wait to go until I get my fill. FL has great food. lol..I am very stressed. My 2nd fill is the 29th. I think thay could max it out. My 1st fill, She put in 9ml in my 14ml band. I still have almost NO restriction. I still eat less but.........I still think what I am eating is too much. ohhhhhh.... I will check back later. I have 10 min to get to work
  3. Sorry, I missed yesterday. the whole day sucked for me. bad news everywhere. :biggrin: Special K: Miss Chrissy's is not over at Main and Brice anymore. She has not been there for 2+ years. She only has the one store over on West Broad. She is a sweetie. There is a store called Just Plus on Brice rd. right before you get to Livingston Ave. I have been going there buying and consigning since they opened. 5 yrs +/- However, Sandy now has alot of rules to consign there and there are also quite a bit of fees. I have over 300 items (not a typo, lol) I want to consign. It will cost me about $60.00+ just to start. too much for me. There is also a new + size consignment shop over on Sedalia. just past Refugee Rd. Less requirerments and only 1 small fee, but you only get a check every 3 months. I have not consigned there yet, but plan on it soon. Congrats Turler. Oh, btw I can't figure the counter out. But, I have lost 39.8 lbs. so far since being banded. I am going for my 2nd fill on the 29th. I think they are going to max me out. I already have 9ml in my 14 ml band. and I do not have that much restriction. WoW, I am sorry once again this is a long rambling post. I am so sorry. Anyway, keep being big losers (lol, in a great way, of course)
  4. Hi all, I am checking in and seeing how everyone is doing. imho I really think Melissa is the best person they have working with them (other than the Drs) She is always sweet, seems concerned and returns phone calls. I am getting my second fill on the 29th also. I can't wait. I feel like I am starving all the time. :redface: I got 9ml put in the first time. (14ml band) so I wonder if they are going to max me out?? We are going to FL. on may 1st, so I hope it is not too tight (takes about 3-4 days) Niki I hope to see you the 29th. Greg, I hope to see you there also (just not so much.lol jk) keep up the good losing, kids. Be the best loser you can!!
  5. I weighed over 300lbs when I got my sx last month. my BMI was over 50. My Dr. did not try to talk me out of the lapband because I flat out said. I am either getting the lapband done or nothing at all. (I know way too many people that have had severe complications from bypass. 2 people I know have DIED. My brothers gf is always in and oud of the hospital for blockages and obstructions had quite a few more sx to try and fix it.) He was fine with that he just made sure that I realized that because of my weight if they had complications doing it laproscopicly(sp) then they might have to switch and do it open. That did not happen. I am so happy I had this done. I have only lost about 37lbs. at this point but, I can already feel a huge difference in my walking and being able to do more. Sos, my suggestion would be try and talk to your Dr. again and if he still pushes towards bypass. say ty and tell him you are going to go look for another Dr. hth
  6. wow, That was me Greg. I really enjoyed your peep show!! I was going to ask if you needed any help tying it but you turned a little red before I could.:shades_smile: I didn't want to embarrass you. but, you have a very nice backside. lol.
  7. :thumbup:Hi again. I went for my 1st fill on the 18th. I was up on 7 to get weighed first (down 37lbs total) around noonish, I looked and only saw one walker. He seemed like a sweetie. I almost walked down the halls yelling for you guys, but decided against it. lol.... Melissa did my fill she was great!! I was very happy. Also, as far as Dr.s go, I have Dr. Miller I see him out east. It is easy to get in there. I do not think any of the other Dr.s have an office out east. OH yeah, the Dr.s always have another surg. in with them to assist. Dr.CHoban helped Dr.Miller with mine. I did not schedule my 1st fill, they did and I just got a letter telling the time and place. well,anyway, I am running late. I hope all is swell. ttyl. tc
  8. Hi 1 day old bandsters!!!! I hope your surgery was very boring you you had no problems. Congrats. let us know how everything went, ok??
  9. URGENT ?????????? Sorry, this is gross. Ok, I was banded on the 6th. Yesterday I went pee and there was a little blood well, Today, I went poop a few times and when I was done and wiped there was dark blood on the T.P. and brighter red blood in the potty. Not just a little, the water is pure red. I called and they said it could just be a hemroid(sp) I had one a couple years ago. But, The poop was not hard at all. They said I can go to the E.R. or go to west and make an appointment. We think that is too much blood for just a hemroid. and I am having pain and cramping in my tummy and below my belly-button. I know, I am really sorry, this is gross and TMI, but, I need to know if I need to go to the E.R. or not. I don't want to go if I do not have too. but, I worry about the amount. I seem to be losing quite a bit of blood. Any Advice would be great. Thank you so much. Ps. Way to go Special.
  10. Hey kids. I can't go today. My dh is working and, so, I am stuck home. Still not allowed to drive. Maybe next month?? I am sad, I really wanted to go and meet you all. Have a great time. Three days out now, lost 3 lbs. so far!!
  11. Hello all. I was banded yesterday!!!! Surgery went great, Dr. Miller had a helper, Dr. Choban(sp) Had a rough night at the hospital. I just had my first shower and now I feel super. A little tender, but, not bad at all. My dh has been taking very very good care of me. FYI for the to-be-banded, I GAINED 6 lbs. from the time of check-in (8:00am) and 7 pm. I was told it is all the fluid and gas they give you. I am planning on going sat. depending if my dh has to work. if he does maybe we will show up late. anyway. just wanted to tell you all that I am now a banded bander. lol
  12. Ok I really hope someone reads this and can help me soon....My surgery is Tomorrow. I still have not been told I owe anything. I tried to call Charlene but, I do not have a week to keep calling her everyday until she calls me back. Does that mean everything is covered?? I do not want to get there tomorrow and then they say ok well, we need the $xxxx.xx that your insurance did not pay. I do have 2 ins. and everything should be covered, but, I just do not want to worry about this also. I am kinda freaking out as it is. I hate suprises. I am now worring about everything. Except if I made the choice, I know I did. I like my little comfort zone bubble and I do not really like the unknown. I am evenworring about what it is going to feel like to be thin. Stupid I know. Anyway, sorry, this kinda ended up a rant type post. Anyway any advice at all would be super nifty. Thank you.
  13. HI, ok my question is : I can NOT drink that stuff, As soon as I start to drink it and it hits the back of my mouth I start to vomit. Thursday I went to do all my preop tests and a class about what to expect and the food stages. I asked the lady and she said that that is how the Dr. has to do fills!!!! I do not want to puke while I am still healing (well,really anytime lol) So, Did your Dr. do it another way?? Could it be done another way?? Sorry about the long post, but, my surgery is 2-6 and I really would like to know soon. Any advice would be swell. Thank you
  14. KTBUGG

    Barium drink????

    It is some really thick drink that makes it easier to see inside your body basically. It is used for fills,CT scans, MRIs, and all kinds of things.
  15. KTBUGG

    Feb bandsters

    I am Feb. 6th too!! I am watching what I eat. I am not eating all day if I know we are going out to eat at one of my fave resturants. I sure will miss the Chinese buffets :cry Yummy.............But, it is for the best. I had my last buffet on Sat. I am chewing more. it hurts my jaw. I am not used to that yet. Let me know how ya'll do.
  16. I don't think I am going. Not until after I have my surgery. IDK yeah, I don't think they are going to be able to recover. 10 minutes left.......31-17.
  17. KTBUGG

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hello All.... I think this is where I belong. My surgery is on 1-6-08. Woohoooo. Nice to see everyone is as excited as i am too be a LOSER soon. in a good way this time.lol
  18. Sorry don't know what the text did on that.
  19. Congrats SpecialK....keep up informing us. I am soo excited for you.
  20. KTBUGG

    Feeling Betrayed!

    I am choosing not to tell anyone either. I did not want all that crap to deal with either. ok, so do they know when you are going to have the surgery?? You could just tell them that you changed your mind and decided just to use what you have learned in the process to try and lose the weight. The choice is yours to make. Do you want to worry/stress over what other people think now that they know ( even if you have not spoken in 8 years) Or do you want to just ignore them all and do what you need to do for yourself?? You are the important one here! Try not to worry about the future right now, today is here. Try not to count your weight loss before it happens (make sense??) take everything as it happens, one day at a time. one pound at a time. It will all work out. * so sorry about the long post*
  21. KTBUGG


    You know they have particular birth control pills that allow you to have your period only once every few months, right? Once you're at a healthy weight and no longer at risk for blood clots...assuming your religion permits, ask your doctor about Seasonale. Issue solved. We have been trying to have a baby for 4 years. The Dr. said I was just to fat to get pregnant. stupid Dr. lol I also have PCOS. So, as an added bonus for getting healthy, I might get pregnant too. That would be so great.
  22. Hello, I am scheduled for surgery 2/6/08. I am really kind of nervous/scared about afterwards. MY husband is sooo supportive of me and is going has gone to everything with me. I am not telling my family because they are very unsupportive of me. They are all fat too, but, I guess I am the best to make fun of.:think What do I tell them about my weight loss?? Should I tell them down the road?? My husbands family does not know either. I will tell them afterwords. ( my husband is 55 and his family is old school about things like this. but they will be supportive.) Is it hard to deal/accept all the changes?? I am so sorry about the long post. I just have alot of questions. Any and all insight would be swell. Thank you. :help:
  23. When I go for my pre-op testing in a couple weeks, should I have my hubby come too. Just for the class thing? Is it something he is going to have to know?? how long is the class?? I can't wait to get thin clothes. I have already bagged up 8 trashbags full of my fat clothes!! Still more to go through.
  24. KTBUGG

    Columbus Area

    Ty Debbie. I thought it was cute and matches me. The polaris thing sounds cool. Maybe I can go next time. Ty for the offer Juli. I will do that. Bugg
  25. I was told I have to lose 10 pounds before my surgery on 2/6. Just to make my liver smaller.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
