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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KTBUGG

  1. Hello All.... I just thought I would check in. Everything is going well with me. Losing slow, but, still losing. :thumbup: I have found a new shampoo that works great. My hair does not fall out anymore. ( I have really thick hair and have always had issues with it coming out.) It is called Sunsilk anti caida (yes, that is spanish) it means anti fall.... I bought it and the 27/7 cream at Flower Factory. It can also be found online at drugstore.com, otherplaces as well. less than $4.00 a bottle and works better than all the expensive stuff I have tried, even the bio stuff. Glad to see (hear) all the new people. Good luck. And be the best loser you can be. lol Take care. :wink_smile:
  2. Just thought I would say hello, And see how everyone is doing??
  3. :thumbup:Angie* that is super you got your drain out and that you are eating mushies. my dh used to make me shepard pie(?) I think that is what he called it. yummy. meatloaf and mashed potatos blended together. he added more, but, would not tell me. I am a very picky eater!! Congrats on the 21+ loss. your doing great. I am going out of town today, and I only have 1 pair of jeans that fit at this time. So, I told my dh he has to take me to a thrift store and buy me at least 1 pair. lol.....nobody seems to want to get clothes right now. I have over 100+ items to sell/get rid of. Kathy* welcome to the world of restriction!! eat slower. eat 1 bite and wait 1-2 min. then try another bite. wtb on passing the 50lbs mark. Niki* see you in a few weeks. (we are on the same fill schedule) Lyn* your doing great. hang on until you get a fill. It will slowly get easier. one more thing. I had an awesome nsv last night. I (yes,me) fit into a size 20 tankini top!! I look hot now. I actually looked into a mirror while I was wearing it. (I bought it in May, and I had no chance in getting myself in it at that time. lol) keep being losers!!:drool:
  4. Dr. Choban was on ch. 4 today. they are really promoting now.
  5. HIya TM, I am glad you checked in. I am so glad you are doing well. Please let me/us know how it goes on Tue.
  6. Special K, I am tired all the time. I am almost always napping by 2pm. (sometimes sooner) and in bed by 11pm. I was told it is because of my fibromyalgia flare-up, But, I am waiting to see what my blood has to say. Maybe if you have fibro, the stress could be making you have a small flare-up. just an idea. Hope you start feeling more energetic soon.
  7. I will be there at 10. My fill is set for 10:15. Hope to see you there Niki
  8. TM: Good luck on Wed. Make sure you Drink and walk. I will be thinking of you. Please let us all know how everything went and how you are feeling!! :smile2:
  9. Hello All, I just wanted to check in. I guess I have not posted in more than 30 days. I do not want them to boot me. :biggrin: Things are going well for me. I am down over 70lbs now!! I have had several NSV. I think my two favorites that happened in the last 2 weeks were 1. I fit into a size 15 jeans. 2. I can now take my hubbers clothes and wear them. I go in for another fill next week. I am excited I am getting close to my "sweet spot" My family Finally noticed I have lost weight!! that made me feel good. (they do not know I had the sx) Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your stepfathers death. I am thinking and praying for you and your mom. I am sorry that the post is so long winded. Is anyone else getting filled next week?? Keep being losers :thumbup:
  10. Hi everyone, I am not going to make it today. My car is down. My dh has the van. So, I am stuck. I wonder if this is a sign. I have been trying to come every month. Something always comes up at the last second. Glad everyone is doing good. Does anyone need some clothes?? I have bunches I need to get rid of. pjlmk. tc, Bugg
  11. TM, I am so glad you finally got approved. I was wondering when you would get it. Special K. Congrats on not needing to use the extender. and I am glad you had a blast on your vacation. Greg. You are doing super on your weight loss. You have almost beat me!! keep it up, we can race. lol. I am doing much better after this fill. I am down 10lbs. (yes,10) since 6/03. I hope to lose another 15+ before my next fill in 7/24. I am excited about that because that has been during an insane month. 3 birthdays, 2 anniversarys and a couple trips to Pittsburgh ( the food is amazing there ). I got my wedding anniversary presant yesterday. A pure white husky. She is adorable!! I am excited about that. I am a very happy camper lately. lol. So, anyway, kids, keep being losers. TM, please keep us updated. Juli, Do you know where I could get a really cheap 3 wheel bike. I do not have the balance for a 2 wheel anymore. Katie :thumbup: I think I finally have my dh talking into joining a gym.
  12. Hi, Has anyone heard from Thinner Me?? What about Greg?? I have not seen anything from them in a while. thank you
  13. Just found this. I think this is Awesome!!!! I hope the link works. Has anyone else seen this?? What do you think about it?? <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  14. Hi, Had my unfill on Friday .5cc. Doing great now, Feeling much better. Had a great birthday dinner and a bite of my cake. I am hoping to start losing more now that I finally have restriction. I do not know how to update my ticker. But, I have lost a total of 56 lbs. I was told that now they do not think I have a leak, But, that maybe they just did not get the fluid in right or missed or something. However, I am losing inches. I am so happy now that I have restriction. Anyways, I have rambled on quite long enough. Happy Birthday LYN. Glad everyone is still doing good. Keep being losers.lol....
  15. Since I have only been able to keep down 2 yogart cups since tues. and can't keep water down. Missy said I have to have an .5cc unfill. So, I am now going in tomorrow at 1.
  16. Hi, Yes, That is what I was thinking. There was still some saline in from the last fill. So, Missy and Dr. Choban decided to put about 5 more cc's in. I think I now have 8.5 cc in my band. I lost a whole .5 lb. IN 6 weeks. I am not sure if it is now too tight or if I am getting sick. I have not been able to keep any food down since yesterday. I eat about 2 or 4 bites and then I return it. So, I am going to give it until friday and see how I am doing. I might have to go get a slight unfill. thank you for the early birthday wish.
  17. wtg tm on being one step closer. I am off to mcw now for another attempt on a fill or to see if/when they are going to replace my band. I hope I get some news today because my DH is almost more upset about this as me. So far 12 weeks of weight loss has been wasted. I wanted to be down 65+ lbs. for my 26th birthday. Unless a super miracle happens by Sunday I am SOL. I will let ya'll know later. Have a super swell day my friends.
  18. It was great talking to you also, TM. I was so glad we started talking. You are such a sweetheart. You looked so cute, the other day. I am really glad you have a great support system. Call them tomorrow starting at 8am. I have bunches of clothes, any takers?? I have Jeans from 18-22, Shirts from 26/28-30/32. I need some smaller jeans. and a couple smaller tops. So, I need the space. plus my hubbers is not happy with them still being here. lol. I have only lost 1lb since 4-29. But, I think I have lost some inches. I am hoping to make it on the 14th. So, I am excited about that. Have a super day kids!!!!
  19. Nope, maybe 10 or so women. More employees around than anything.
  20. It was very nice. glad I went. But, I wish I had known it was only for Riverside pt. felt stupid, but, they were very nice.
  21. Hello All, I am back.....Vacation was a blast. I am glad to hear everyone is still doing good. I do not think this fill is working at all, I am Hungry alot. Did good on Vac. though. Shared meals with my dh, and my dfil tryed to sneak food to me.lol. He said I am not eating enough. I wore a couple of the same shirts I did last year and took pics in the same places. WOW, there is a big difference. I was so happy to see that. Dr. said yesterday I will be able to get off my Zocor next month!! According to his scale I am where I was on 4-29, however, evilness is here so, I think that is the reason. I have my 3rd fill on June 3rd. ( They told me it was going to be late July before they fit me in. Made my dh call and interesting enough, got in June 3rd. Just 5 days before my birthday.) I am now just going to have it done with the floro. with Missy. Well, I have rambled on enough, I am off to a few yard sales (need to find some clothes) then we are going to go see Wish You Were Here tonight. I live in Whitehall, is there anyone on the east side that might want to go on walks and stuff in the mornings?? Sorry again for my as always long post.
  22. KTBUGG

    Columbus Area

    Thank you Juli, I was thinking it must be something extra. WTG SpecialK. That is awesome.
  23. KTBUGG

    Columbus Area

    Quick question?? What is NSV?? :coolgleamA: Can't figure it out....Sorry
  24. I am so excited to get this fill today. 10 am can't get here fast enough. lol....... I am going to see if they are going to max it out. ( already had 9ml put in on 1st. fill). (14ml band) Is anyone else going to be there about that time?? I am going to the office, but, I would like to meet you all, so, I would walk over to the testing center. extra walking is a bonus too... Please let me know. I have to leave here around 9:20am or so. Fills are painless, the drink is not. lol............Mellisa was great, if you start to feel sick from it she will stop and ask if you want to continue, and then waits until you feel a little better and then will continue. She is great. New fillers I want to know what you thought about the experence. Have a great fill!! :coolgleamA:

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