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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bloomer723

  1. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs where do you live?
  2. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs ~ I'm right behind you, I start pre-op diet on Friday. I have a turkey that has been in my freezer since Christmas that I pulled out to thaw for my Lastgiving Meal on Thursday. I'm going to make a turkey with the fixins' for the family, that way we will have some leftovers for them while I'm starving..lol
  3. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@MollyF22 how'd your appointment go?
  4. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@heav85 - Welocome! How are you doing? What are your stats and surgery date? @@Tssiemer1 ~ I have "that" class Friday at 8:00 am. @@bcostasbiggs ~ Have you heard of Inspire Shakes? I use them and they are really good. You can find them on bariatriceating.com. My favorite flavor is Caramel Latte and Peanut butt Cup. I also have Blueberry Cheesecake, Banana, Strawberry White Chocolate and Pumpkin. You can mix in water, different milks and even coffee.
  5. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @Tssiemer1d nice job, both look fun and easy to journal. Are you taking any vitamins yet?
  6. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs ~ any last meals planned before you start your pre-op diet?
  7. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@perk4756 ~ how's it going? Are you at your goal yet? @@kyboo1972 ~ how's the process going? You have been doing a great job losing weight so far @@fireman9302 ~ did you get a surgery date yet?
  8. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@Tssiemer1 I like your profile picture, you look very nice.
  9. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@Tssiemer1 ~ at my last group class with Ivan and Erika, we were told we have a private room and a bed for one overnight guest if necessary. I told my husband and he said he would stay with me. I probably won't be much company for him, but hey if he wants to stay I'll be happy to have him wait on me ... Lol @@MollyF22 ~ do you know if we are able to mix our pre-op shakes with milk? The shakes I drink are about 210 calories when mixed with 2% milk. I can reduce the calories by using skim or 1% but I like the taste of 2%. You can also mix the shakes I use (Inspire) with water but they don't taste as good.
  10. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@byrdbabies ~ Did you get a date yet? We are all at different spots on this journey. @@molly ~ Just curious why you're not following the phases? I'm scared to death to deviate from the plan due to concerns I will fail. @@Tssiemer1 ~ What's the PAT?
  11. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs I had blood work again and went over meds. The also do a physical & medical history. I saw the anesthesia Doctor. @@bcostasbiggs I had blood work again and went over meds. The also do a physical & medical history. I saw the anesthesia Doctor.
  12. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    Had my second to the last appointments today. Next week I have pre-op nutrition class and start my two week pre-op on 4/15. Can't believe it's April tomorrow.
  13. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@Tssiemer1 not to be a Debbie Downer but the date they submitted for precert for me (3/20) did not end up being the surgery day. Did you already do the pre-op nutrition class and anesthesiologist appt? Great job Perk!
  14. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    Looking good!
  15. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@Brittneysue12345 - Hi Brittney! We are all at different places in our journey. Keep reading posts to educate yourself. The time goes by fast.
  16. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@MollyF22 we are FB friends. I am also on the gastric sleeve page. I've seen your post on there ....lol. On FB I'm Lisa Poe Bloomer. Good job on the weight loss. Are you still on liquids or have you moved to puréed? Can you believe it's been a month already? I am leaving for FL today (not Disney yet) and can't wait to get to the beach. This is the last time I'll ever be this big at the beach. Hopefully the sunshine will increase my vitamin D levels. The beach is my happy place. Be sure and post your loss after you weigh.
  17. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs 3/31 I have an appt with Ivan and then Anesthia. Then 4/8 with Nutrition and start shakes 4/15. Surgery 4/29 @ 8:45 a.
  18. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    Bummer Tssiemer! Have you started using the machine? Molly how's it going? Have you returned to work? Bcosta we are a week apart on surgery dates. When are your classes before surgery? We might have one together. Kyvsg any new appointments? Kyboo, you're past the halfway mark now ... Lol
  19. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@bcostasbiggs I'm one week after you with Dr. Thompson.
  20. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    So I got the call today, surgery is scheduled 4/29 that was the first available date. I'm glad to have surgery scheduled but disappointed it's not for 2 more months. I was told Dr. Thompson had more availability when I initially started but now it appears he's busier than Watkins. I asked about switching surgeons and was told I'd have to go through precert again. Frustrating! I was hoping to have lost some significant weight for our trip to Disney in June,. I gotta look at the bright side I guess, what's 2 more months?
  21. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    How are you doing Molly? Are you back at work?
  22. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    I got an email indicating I have been approved!!! Email further stated I will receive a call in a FEW days, WTF, to schedule surgery. Seriously??? I'm thrilled to be approved but the wait is killing me....lol
  23. Bloomer723

    Ashland, Ky

    @@kyboo1972 you are doing great! @@MollyF22 I exchanges some emails with Diana and called insurance. On Friday insurance requested more clinical studies, on Monday Diana said she provided that information and hoped to have an answer Tuesday. I am up 4.2 pounds from the stress. Yesterday I YouTubed o meditation video to avoid eating. I really need an answer today!
  24. Walking girl and kim1984, how are things going?

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