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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Kimjuly7

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My journey began in December 2014 when my primary doctor had asked if I had ever considered weightloss surgery. I said yes, but I did not think I was a candidate. He refered me to a weight loss doctor through Sanford in Fargo ND. The first step was to go to a seminar where a surgon talked about the process. After the seminar I then decided to go ahead with the process. I first met with the surgon Dr. Fabian in Fargo. After speaking with him in January 2015 he said I was a good candidate and we started the process that seemed to last forever. I had to see the Dietrition 3 times over the next for months once I got approval from my insurance. After my first visit I was able to schedule my visit with the Psychologist. Who said I was more depressed than the average overweight individual and refered me to a different psychologist. She started me on antidepresents. After a few different medications we found onen that worked well with no side effects. (Keep trying). Then at the end of my visits with the dietrition I went back to the bariatric psychologist who looked at my progress and gave me the go ahead. by now it had been 4 months and counting, I stilll needed to see the dietition to talk about my diet the 2 weeks prior to surery, see the doctor and take my nicotine test. Once all these were done surgery was schedule for July 7 2015. Surgery went well. I was in pain but I think I was in more pain in my legs from working out the day before surgery thinking the morphine would numb that pain which it did not.The day after surgery I hurt but was doing good. I was not able to hardly touch the shakes that they kept bringing me. I did get up and walk the whole floor of the hospital I was on every 2 hours. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. On the morning I was to be released, I woke up in a blood bath. Somehow when I was sleeping my IV came unscrewed so I must have lost a couple pints of blood that night while I slept. I told the doctor "If that is the worse thing that happens, I wil take it". He was not happy but never the less let me go home. I had a friend stay with me for the first 2 weeks after surgery. More for support than anything. She was wonderful at reminding me to get up and walk. I dearly miss her! I did try to eat a chicken meatball prior to being ready for that and experienced some cramping in my stomach for about 24 hours. I suggest sticking to what they tell you and dont give into your cravings. I also went out to eat with my mother about week 3 and did not chew my food well enough. It felt it was stuck in my chest. It hurt really bad and my mouth immediatly started watering. I tried to swollow to get it down but it just wouldn't budge. I ended up running to the bathroom and puking up all the 2 tablespoons I had in my tummy. Good news was the blocked food did come up and it did not hurt puking. Thankfully I am on week 4 and have not experienced that since. I am struggling getting my water in still. With that comes dizzyness and headaches. I tried today to slam it in the morning and almost puked. I hate taking my pills in the morning. My throat feels like its on fire for hours after. I know I am suppose to take them without food but the food really helps to coat the stomach and reduse the pain of taking them. I started using the runtastic training app about 2 weeks ago again. I try to run or walk at least once a day. I also contacted a personal trainer for a great deal and start training on the 17th. I go back to work as a CNA at a nursing home next week. I am a little worried about passing out with the lack of calories and water and the amount I sweat while at work. With that comes the worry of burning to many calories or not enough especially with my limited calorie intake and water intake. So far I have only hit 700 calories once otherwise I verry between 450 and 600 a day. The nutritionist suggests 600-800 and doctor said 800. I go back to see them both in 2 more months. in January 2015 I weighed 250 lbs. My top weight was a couple years ago at 289. That is when I knew I needed to do something. The day of my surgery I weighted in at 230. Last week I was at 218 for a loss of 18 lbs in 3 weeks. Today i will weigh in. Doc says 2 lbs a week is average for this stage so that is my goal. Today I hope to hit 216.

Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Starting Weight: 250 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 230 lbs
Current Weight: 216 lbs
Goal Weight: 145 lbs
Weight Lost: 34 lbs
BMI: 37.1
Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/20/2015
Surgery Date: 07/07/2015
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Kimjuly7's Bariatric Surgeon
Sanford Health East Grand Forks
929 Central Ave
East Grand Forks, North Dakota 58122

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