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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Nologoz

  1. Had both done at the same time about 6 months ago. It was not easy. I needed help (especially the first 5 days), mainly because I was paranoid about the drains. I had four total. One in each arm, and two in on either side of the pubic area below the abdominal incision.

    After 5 days it got a bit easier because the arm drains came out. I had the stomach drains in for almost 2 weeks. I didn't feel comfortable being left alone for long periods of time until all the drains were out.

    Whatever you do, do not wait too long to take colase. Constipation is a b***h. I didn't start the stool softener right away because I was worried about getting diarrhea and not making it to the toilet on time. Big Mistake! Instead I became very constipated about 5 days post op.

    When you can't use your arms, you don't want to have to use a suppository. The colase wont work right away if you start it too late. I added Metamucil to my Protein Shakes and that eventually helped get things moving. If I had to go through the surgery again, I would have started the colase right away.

    Here are the things I did right:

    1. I rented a lift chair for $150 per month. Look for a two motor chair that offers zero gravity. You don't want to use your arms to get in and out of bed. A lift chair will basically pick you up, and lay you back into a sleep position with ease.

    2. Get an Amazon Echo Dot and some Phillips Hue bulbs if you can afford it. In my chair, I could verbally (instead of physically) turn the lights on and off whenever I wanted. It also kept me entertained when I was alert (news flashes, podcasts, audio games). When I was high on the pain meds, I would tell Alexa to play lo-fi meditative "zone out" relaxing, trippy music. Haven't been that "stoned" since my college years. You might as well enjoy the high since its legal. Looking back, I wish I could have had a nest thermostat, so I could have controlled the room temperature with Alexa. You tend to get hot and cold quickly when you sit around in a chair for days on end.

    3. Toilet seat riser with handles on at least one side, for obvious reasons.

    4. A Medicine Log Book. Write down the time, every time you take your meds. Its especially important with the pain meds. You will be very out of it and you don't want to OD because you forgot that you already took your pain meds. I would also use the timer/alarm feature on Alexa to remind me when the next dose of medicine was due.

    5. A good quality blender for making fruit/protien smoothies. Get a Vitamix if you can afford it. If not, a Ninja or a Magic bullet should suffice, For some reason after surgery, prepackaged foods taste horrible. Getting high quality Protein is essential for a fast recovery. I blended bits of fresh fruit with nectar Protein Powder and ice. Flavors like Fuzzy Navel, Grapefruit, and Kiwi strawberry blend nicely together with bananas, pineapple, etc. Tastes like Jamba juice, but without the refined sugar.

    6. Be as active outdoors as much as you can, the weeks prior to surgery. Do errands, play sports, go hiking, take a walk, go shopping. Get out of the house as much as possible. For 2-3 weeks after surgery, you will likely be stuck inside, in a chair, bored out of your mind. Don't watch TV at all prior to surgery. DVR your favorite shows and save them for after surgery. Trust me, you will have all the time in the world to catch up on your TV shows after surgery.

    Hope all this helps. Best of luck with your surgery and recovery!

  2. 2 hours ago, teacherlady095 said:

    I am a band revision patient as well (or I will be on 4/27) and I am going with sleeve. Did I make the right choice? Just wondering what made you guys go from band to RNy?

    For me it was all about GERD. The lapband caused me all kinds of problems with acid reflux, etc... My doctor said that the sleeve was not a good choice for me because it was more likely to cause GERD issues than the RnY.

    For the record, I have had no complications and the acid reflux and GERD are gone. The RnY has been a total success for me.

    That being said, there may be very valid reasons why your doctor is recommending the sleeve over the RnY. Every patient is different.

    Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery!

  3. I know this is an older post, but I think it deserves to be revived for others with the same question.

    There are definitely times when a "higher than normal BMI" can have plastic surgery for loose skin. In my case, My high weight was 385lbs. I'm 5' 7".

    When I had Tummy Tuck and brachioplasty a few months ago, I weighed about 220lbs (35 BMI)...still firmly in the "obese" category. They removed almost 9 lbs of skin during surgery.

    The way I was told how it works with massive weight loss is that they want your weight stable...ideally for a year.

    Ideally you should also be as close to goal as possible for the best results. Although I was still 40 lbs from my goal weight, I went ahead with the procedure. I don't regret it. Since recovering, I have found it easier to lose weight and feel great with my new silhouette.

    Ask your bariatric doctor for a referral to a plastic surgeon who can handle "body reconstruction". If you have lost a massive amount of weight, it's not gonna be a simple "nip tuck". A reconstructive surgery is very different than the average plastic surgery.

  4. I think this is a topic that I can help you guys with.

    Many moons ago (almost 10 years), I got the Lapband. It was put in at my highest weight...385lbs. I lost about 115 pounds in about a year...then gained back about half of the weight over a period of two years.

    My band was filled way too tight. The only thing I could get down was junk food. I had lost my health insurance at the time...which is why I lived with it for so long. Fills were expensive, I couldnt afford to fill/unfill. I had terrible GERD. I couldn't sleep at night without spitting up Fluid. I was taking antacids (prilosec, tums, etc..) every day!

    Long story short, I got insured again and went back to the doctor. I found out that my band had dilated my esophagus because it was too tight! They unfilled the band and life was good again. I could eat healthy food. I actually lost weight once I could eat other things besides sour cream, ice cream, and salads drenched in dressing.

    Anywhoo...A few months later, I got the revision to RnY. BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE!

    The weight has come off slowly since the revision. Most revision patients lose slower than first time bariatric patients. It has been 2 1/2 years since my revision, and I am less than 25 lbs to my goal weight. I can eat healthy food with no problems. Broccoli, steak, chicken, green Beans, apples...you name it...I can eat it. I now love whole foods and rarely touch junk food.

    One word of caution I have for everyone is that the surgery alone does not fix everything. In addition to the support of my bariatric medical team, I also do the following:

    1. Psychotherapy: Address the reasons why you are a compulsive over eater. If you need weight loss surgery, you likely have a food addiction. Find out what is causing you to turn to food for comfort. I see a therapist bi-weekly.

    2. Diet: Get rid of sugar, flour, Pasta, bread, and rice. Those items are for thin people who need to maintain their weight. Not good for people who need to lose weight. Stick to Proteins, vegetables, and a limited amount of fruit.

    3. Exercise: Find some type of physical activity that you enjoy. Do it regularly.

    4. Support: Whether it is spiritual or just a support group, find a community that understands the problems associated with obesity. It could be a church or a medical support group. I personally go to O.A. (overeaters anonymous) even though I don't follow "the steps". I go for the fellowship and the weekly reminder of where I came from...and where I want to go.

    Another tip... help answer questions on these boards. I don't do this often enough, but when i do, I find it is very therapeutic. Help yourself by helping others.

  5. I have a Vitamix and wonder how useful it will be following surgery. I am not sure what to expect during my first few months as to what I'll be eating. I meet with the nutritionist in a few weeks and will find out more then, but I'm curious if any of you use a blender regularly for meals?

    The Vitamix has been so useful to me after surgery.

    My doctor recommended that I replace one of my 3 meals with a Protein shake. I use the vitamix everyday for at least one Meal Replacement...usually Breakfast.

    I use it with nectar Protien powder by Syntrax. My favorite recipe is one scoop "Fuzzy Navel" nectar with 1/2 cup of Water. 1/2 apple, 1/2 banana, 4 strawberries, a few blackberries, and a cup of ice.

    Once you have been off sugar for a month or two, it will taste like a Jamba juice....but without all the sugar and calories.

    Between the supplements and the vitamix, I've never felt healthier.

  6. Now here is the problem...and question..

    prior to banding I had severe gerd...to the point where I was afraid to go to bed at night. Woke up with acid in my sinuses 3 times a week, choking on stomach acid whole nine yards.

    I thought it was because I was fat and was one of the driving reasons for my weight loss surgery. In my banding surgery they found a hernia and repaired it. Cool that must be my reason right? Fat and hernia...

    Never had Gerd or heartburn post banding...well, until after my unfill that is. Just about after every meal I have heartburn to some degree. Havent had a night time gerd episode "yet" but after reading all the GERD stories on sleeves I am hyper nervous.

    Anyone tried unfill to refill strategy ?

    Any thoughts or comments are appreciated!

    Hi Duckhnt,

    I had band to RnY revision six months ago. The main reason my doctor advised me to choose RnY was because of the severe GERD that was caused by the band. The sleeve is usually not a good choice for people who suffer with GERD.

    Now your situation may be different...but what happened to me is that the lapband was overfilled and resulted in a Dialated Esophagus. Thankfully the esophagus retracted back to normal and I was able to have the revision to RnY.

    Like you I was awakened every night with acid reflux. My poor husband had to endure my nightly coughing sessions and neither of got any quality sleep. The RnY procedure totally put that to an end...and my weight loss has been kickstarted again.

    If you haven't already, get to a bariatric doctor asap. He will probably order an Upper GI to see whats going on.

    Best of luck to you!

  7. Thanks, the doctor thinks the bypass would be the best because of insulin resistence and reflux. insurance approved for RNY, but i am scared, have trouble getting Fluid in, most days around 70 oz. i have read the complications and sucess stories, just scared of complications, am 205 and want to get to 145 but cant do it without help, love this group fou info.

    Hi Cheri,

    Your post brings back memories. I was very afraid to have Band to RnY revision before I had it done. Your story is a bit different than mine in that you are only 60 lbs from goal. I was much heavier, which is why it was probably an easier decision for me.

    That being said, my experience with RnY has been so much better than it ever was with the band. It's hard to believe that a procedure that is so much more invasive has had WAY less complications than the lapband. I am 6 months post op and have had ZERO complications. My 6 month bloodwork just came back and everything is in the normal range.

    I no longer take Prilosec or Get "stuck". I no longer cough at night and am able to sleep through till morning.

    The best part...I can actually eat healthy! Vegetables, Steak, chicken, fruit, etc all go down. I don't need sour cream or Condiments to get em down!

    Here's the deal. In my opinion, the lapband is a quick and simple surgery with a ton of bad side effects and post op complications.

    RnY is a more complicated surgery, but after the initial healing period (2-4 weeks), things get WAY easier.

    One word of caution...RnY still requires a ton of effort to lose weight. It is much easier to eat with RnY than the lapband. Like the lapband, gaining weight is possible if you eat the wrong things. The difference with RnY is that healthy foods actually go down (after a few months of healing).

  8. Any band to bypass revisions with high starting bmi and slow weight loss ever make it to goal?

    If so, It would comfort me to hear it.

    Currently only down 60lbs since revision surgery four months ago. I'm 110 pounds down since pre lapband in 2007....but I still have over 75 lbs to go to make into onederland. Would ideally like to get 110 more lbs off to get to a normal bmi.

    Is this possible?

    I'm in a terrible stall/plateau/hellish nightmare...and havent lost anything in over three weeks.

    I know I need to improve on my Water intake. My Protein, exercise, suppliments, and calories are all ok though.

    Pre lapband I was about 387 lbs back in 2007. Currently 275 (four months after revision). Hoping to get to 160 eventually.

    Is this a pipe dream? Should I re evaluate my goals to a more realistic number? Maybe just getting into onederland will be the best I should expect?

    A "friend" of mine is saying I probably wont get under 200lbs. At first I thought she was just envious of my revision. (She had her lapband out - no revision - and is 220 lbs) But now Im worried she may be right.

    If there is anyone out there who was a high bmi with slow weight loss who made it to their goal...I would love to hear from you.


  9. I'm moving from Band to RNY on the 29th of October. The band which I got in 2009 helped me lose 150lbs but also gave me severe gastrparesis. My stomach will no longer digest food. It goes in and sits there for days. Becomes septic. I get ill. It's miserable. Worst decision ever. My surgeon is hopeful this will fix the issue. But he cautioned me it could be a rough surgery because they don't know the true extent of damage done by my band and the gastrparesis until they open me up. That's not comforting to hear. I hear soooo many horror stories on social media. I think I'm prepared. The liquid diet has been rough. My stomach has reacted with severe nausea and constant hunger pains. Not a fun combination. Only 9 days till they cut me feels both like it's moving to fast and taking an eternity to get here. I'm just scared. I'm a single mom of a 9 yr old autistic boy and can't afford to be out of commission a long time. So many thoughts twirling thru my head. No longer sleeping. Just nerves I guess. They are changing 80% of the medicine I've been taking for 5 years this week to more Bariatric friendly meds. Will I be as stable? Will they work as good? So many unanswered questions. Thanks for letting me rant.

    Hey Tina,

    Your story is a bit different than mine. I had a dialated esophagus. You have gastroparesis.

    Although they are two totally different conditions, I thought it might help for you to hear that after my conversion from Lapband to RnY....all my problems with the esophagus and GERD, and acid reflux went away.

    I don't know how I lived for so long with that band. It was causing me major issues which have all gone away now.

    I'm sure your doctor is skilled and knowledgeable and is correct when he tells you the surgery will help fix those problems.

    I know it's hard, but try to go into the surgery with the mindset that this will fix your problem. That is what modern medicine is all about. Be grateful that you are in a position to fix the problem...instead of having to live with it for a longer amount of time.

    Best of luck to you! Give us all an update when you are feeling up to it!

  10. YAAAASSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't eat anything healthy with the band, but Cookies were no problem. WTF?? Now I can eat veggies to my heart's content without getting stuck. I had this weird dance I'd do in my seat to try to get stuff to go down, and I'd always have my hands over my head because it felt better to be stretched out...but it looked ridiculous!! I can eat more than a typical bypass patient, but I can eat very normally with other people and not have to make a quick escape to get something dislodged. And sleep is wonderful now.

    Veronda, I agree with everything you wrote.

    It's so empowering to be able to eat broccoli and green Beans instead of junk food all the time. When I go to the restaurant I can order the healthiest item on the menu...instead of having to order something that will "go down''.

    I finally feel human again now that I can sleep through the night. When I finally had the band completely unfilled I was so relieved. I'm so glad the RnY is nothing like the band.

  11. I just wish I could hear, you look beautiful! Just once.

    This is a topic that hits a nerve with me.

    My mother was the same way. I was forced to go on a liquid diet at 16.

    My entire life I have had to hear her opinion about my weight. It makes me mad because the main reason I turned to food was to cope with her verbal outbursts.

    Your Mom sounds like she had her good points, but unfortunately for me, my mother is mentally ill.

    My mom has borderline/narcissistic personality disorder. The emotional abuse I endured as a child left me afraid, insecure, and destroyed my self esteem. The way I coped with the chaos and the family dysfunction was to "treat" myself with food. It calmed me down and made me feel better.

    It has taken 44 years to finally understand how I became obese. Sure there are definitely hormonal and genetic factors that cause obesity...but throw in emotional abuse by a parent and you are left even more vulnerable to the disease.

    I have never heard my Mother say I was beautiful without a "BUT" attached to it.

    "You are so pretty BUT you just need to loose weight" or "You have such a pretty face BUT you are way too heavy to wear that outfit".

    You would think after loosing weight everything would be better....wrong!

    If she can't complain about my weight she turns to other things. When I'm thin I'm either "too young or too old to wear that outfit".

    No matter how well I do professionally I should always "go back to school to get a better job/make more money"

    In her mind, I have never been (and will never be) good enough, as is.

    Now that I understand her mental illness, I no longer care about her opinion. It used to affect me horribly as a child and as an adult. Now it just makes me really mad. I have gone "No Contact" with her and I have no idea if I will ever be able to have a relationship with her in the future. All I know is I feel better now without her than when I was in contact with her.

  12. Got another technical question.

    How can you change your tagline...the phrase that appears below your user name on your profile?

    I joined this forum as "Natasha" back in 2008 with the tagline "Post Op Lapband Newbie"

    I just changed my Display name to Nologoz...but am unable to change the tagline. I want to change it because I no longer have a lap band. It has been revised to RnY.

    Is there a way to change or delete the old tagline?


    EDIT: OK.......never mind. Somehow the tagline just defaulted to "Senior Member".

    I dunno how or why....just glad it's fixed...ask and you shall receive.

    Many thanks to the gods of the internet.

  13. Just read your post and I have had my lap band for 7 years and was wondering if the length of time you have had your band increase the complication rate of the conversion to Gastric bypass?? I am wondering about weakened esophagus tissue where the band was...... Did your doctor mention anything about this pre-op for you? Did you have your lap band removed separately from your gastric bypass? If so, how long between the two surgeries?

    Thanks so much. Wish my surgery was behind me, but know all will be worth it!

    Hey Susan,

    I had my lapband for 8 years. Started having trouble the last 3 years. I finally got up the courage to go back to the doctor in May this year. Turned out the band was too tight and I had a dilated esophagus. My doctor unfilled the band on my first appointment and told me I needed to wait 30 days to see if the swelling would go down. He told me if the esophagus returned to normal in 30 days that I could have revision surgery right away.

    Everything moved very quickly. The esophagus returned to normal and I ended up having revision surgery by the end of July. The lapband came out, a hernia was fixed, and the RnY was performed all at the same time. There was some swelling and scarring where the lapband was attached, but otherwise the surgery went well. The surgery took about 3 hours. I was in the hospital for 3 days.

    The surgery was more difficult to recover from than the lapband...mainly due to the length of time I was under. Gas pain was the main issue that caused me discomfort.

    It's been 2 1/2 months since the revision and I feel great. I've had no complications and it's way easier to eat healthy now.

  14. Hi Everyone!

    One of the Many things I didn't like about the band was that I never experienced what I would call a "satisfied belly" feel. I would stop when no longer hungry of I'd vomit.

    My RNY is two weeks from Mo day and I'm wondering......unlike the band, do you feel full/satisfied as one would feel without the band or what is the sensation like after RNY?



    Hey Marieze,

    I just had revision surgery from Lapband to RnY about 2 1/2 months ago. My experience so far is that the physical stomach hunger is greatly reduced.

    That being said...I have been surprised at the amount of Emotional and Mental Hunger that still affects me.

    I am an overeater because I turned to food at an early age as a way to cope with childhood trauma. By the time I was an adult, compulsive overeating was habitual.

    My eyes still crave certain foods. My nose is temped when I encounter certain smells. My mouth sometimes desperately wants to taste what it shouldn't have. My mind is constantly trying to rationalize why it's ok to eat pretzels and carbs that are not on my diet. My heart still wants to eat because it used to be the way I would "treat" myslef when I was feeling pain and discomfort.

    My point is that there are many different types of hunger. The surgery only supresses the physical.

    The good news is that the reduction of physical hunger makes it so much easier to fight off the other urges. But I have to say that the best thing about the surgery is that the lapband is gone.

    No more coughing all night long

    No more hicupping all day

    No more resorting to slider foods

    No more acid reflux

    No more intolerance of healthy food

    So far RnY is WAY better than the Lapband...but for me....I still need to put in a lot of effort to stay on track.

  15. I am scared because I don't work out and I might have the desire once I get some weight off but my joints hurt and its hard to just stand up out of a chair. I want to get down to 140 or 150 and I am afraid I wont get there. I think mainly cause the band failed me so bad and I ate the same but slowly started gaining weight back. I also have people I know tell me they know someone who got bypass and lost a ton of weight but gained it all back. Help! Need some encouraging words and maybe your story of success from band to bypass to get me to stop worrying.

    Hey HCatt,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I can relate as my story is very similar.

    I know you are scared to try again, because you feel like you failed the lapband. The truth of the matter is that the lapband is not very successful for people with high BMI's. A lot of bariatric doctors wont even perform the surgery anymore.

    I just had revision from Lapband to RnY about 2 1/2 months ago. I have already lost 50 lbs (including one month pre op diet). I still have a long way to go, but so far I am very happy with my decision to revise.

    I'm not gonna lie. It has not been easy. I am still tempted to eat more than I should. My second month of weight loss was only 10 lbs because I was eating 3 healthy meals and not exercising. (I have arthritis of the knee and am waiting to loose more before putting too much strain on it).

    After my 2nd post op doctors visit, I was told I needed to eat only 2 meals max per day and to substitute Breakfast with a Protein drink. I'm following his advise and guess what...the weight is coming off again.

    My point in all this is to say that this surgery still requires a lot of hard work and willpower....but it's a heck of a lot easier than the lapband. I no longer have GERD, coughing at night, hiccups all day, trouble swallowing anything healthy...etc, etc.

    RnY is way easier.

    Weight regain can happen with RnY. I'm terrified it will happen to me as well...which is why I now see a therapist weekly and attend OA meetings once a week. My stomach hunger is almost non existant right now, but the mental and emotional hunger are still there.

    Obesity is a lifelong battle (with or without surgery). I chose revision surgery to increase my odds of winning the war against this disease. You must remember that taking no action will inevitably lead to a life in a wheelchair. Once you are immobile the disease usually wins.

    Whether you chose to revise or diet on your own...I wish you the best of luck!

    But whatever you choose...don't give up the fight!

  16. At least for me, and I suspect for a lot of you, food is more of a compulsion than a choice. I think that's what got us to the point where we needed help to control it. When I get something in my mind that I want, I WANT it and usually can't let it go until I have it. I've been controlling that pretty well on the preop diet because it's a short period with a light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm very worried about that feeling after surgery. I know I will be where you girls are, very emotional about what I can't have. My brain tells me 'that's silly, it's just food, eat something else', but something else in me wants what I'm craving so badly I can't be logical about it. I'm hoping that by fighting through this a few times it will get better, for me and for all of you. Giant hugs all around, we can do this!

    I had the same exact fears before surgery.

    Before the band, I wasn't really able to tell the difference between hunger and a craving.

    I never felt full pre-op...always felt hungry...always wanted more to eat.

    I'm 4 months out now and I am amazed that for the first time in my life I am able to control my weight without feeling like I'm starving.

    I still have cravings...but the cravings are much easier to fight without feeling hungry all the time.

  17. I really do want to succeed, but I do have to say I think it is kind of silly for people being excited that they can’t get down Water, or can only eat ½ cup of food. I want a NORMAL relationship with food. I want to be able to eat anything, but in moderation. I really would like to do something along the lines of Body for Life. Small portions of protein/veggie/carb and have a cheat day once a week where I can have my poppers or a Sundae.

    But at the moment, I am SERIOUSY mourning food. I even dream about it every night! I was dreaming last night that I was two days post op calling the surgeon because I ate a whole cheeseburger! I really don’t want my life to revolve around food. Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited, especially because I have lost almost 20lbs so far, but honestly, I am not excited. I am scared sh@#!

    I am totally scared, I don’t know what to do. I am mourning. I am hopeful but scared of it at the same time. I want to succeed, but I am scared to want it because of being a failure for so long.

    Does anyone else feel that way? Did you feel that way when you were one week post op, but now are different?


    Just a guess...But you are still in "Bandster Hell".

    Let me put a few of your fears to rest.

    I have been banded for four months. I am at my "sweet spot".

    I have lost lots of weight.

    I can eat basically everything I ate before I got banded. I have only gotten "stuck" on chewy chicken wings...and when I have eaten too quickly.

    I sometimes miss not being able to eat more...but I feel full quickly...which is the whole point of being a bandster.

    The only cravings that I have to worry about now are liquid calories.

    I love my band. I can eat small portions of almost everything.

    Today was one of those days and I stopped McD's and got a Quarter Pounder with no cheese. I didn't eat the bun. But I still feel like a failer. I am still waiting for my first fill and I hope that will help..

    I have a QP without bun occasionaly. It's not the best thing you can eat, but I wouldn't call it a failure.

    The first fill will probably help. Being a banster is all about finding your "sweet spot".

    I hope that this won't sound too harsh, but I think that you need to have a serious conversation with yourself. It sounds like you are feeling deprived and that causes "head hunger"!

    Hopefully it's not that serious. She is only one week post op. I was very emotional after surgery as well. I was frightened I'd feel like I was on a diet for the rest of my life. Instead the band just makes me feel full quickly.


  18. :w00t: I have been eating alot less, choosing better food choices and execersing but still not able to loose 1lbs a week. Here's my typical daily consumption:

    Breakfast- 11oz protien shake

    Lunch- 2 eggs over easy OR small cup of chilie w/ Beans

    Dinner- 1 cup of stirfry vegetables with .5 cup of meat (grilled, stirfried, baked)

    Snack- watermelon (2cup through out the day), non-fat yougart (2oz), or other fresh fruit

    But every Friday morning, I would get on the scale and it would SLOWING

    move (1lbs a wk or it would stay the same).

    Anybody with any insight...Please help:confused2:

    Thank You.

    You are describing my worst fear. I would be so upset. I'm so sorry, that must be horrible.

    There must be something physically wrong... The diet you describe above seems quite modest. I would go to the doctor...even though it could just be a temporary plateau.

    Not knowing your caloric intake could also be the problem.

    For example, last month I stopped losing weight all of a sudden. After three weeks I had lost nothing.

    Then I tried one thing to solve the problem...I stopped getting my morning and afternoon mochas from the coffeeshop that is conveniently located next door to my work.

    I lost a pound the next day.

    ...and I continue to lose now that I get Iced Coffees with Low fat milk and sugar instead.

    It turns out those Mochas have like 800 calories! I knew they werent low fat...but I'd never have guessed 800 calories each.

  19. This was the best thing I could have done for myself

    Congrats Allison! Dont'cha just love being a bandster?:w00t:

    Congrats! I'm 2 months out and hope I can brag also in 10 months time. I'm frustrated at the current moment (read my post, the one after yours). How were you able to lose so fast and so much?

    My guess is Allison found her "sweet spot" quickly.

    I dunno for sure cuz the band works differently for everyone...

    But in my situation I found my sweet spot about 3 months after surgery...so the pounds have just flown off.

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