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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by magicalwoman

  1. magicalwoman

    November 9th and 10th

    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. We sent to the surgeon yesterday. Final pathology of the tumor, benign grade meningoma. So the 4 others that are there, we will monitor with MRI's to make sure they are not becoming a problem. I will return to work on December 14th. The surgeon wants me to see a neurologist about my headaches. He will make the referal and I will be contacted. I am feeling pretty good, I get tired quickly and still get dizzy spells. I am praying these next two weeks that I gain more strength and the dizzy spells stop. Thank you all again. It has been a blessing to read the support and having my beautiful angel by my side (my Mom) has been very comforting.
  2. I lost a couple more pounds. Yesterday was my 15th year wedding anniversay. Yesterday my Mom passed away back in NY and I could not be with her. Yesterday was the first year anniversary of my good friend Kirsten's passing. She battled breast cancer for a couple years. Today, I am having brain surgery to remove one of 5 brain tumors on the dura layer covering my brain. Prayers that they are benign tumors. You have all been my friends as I made the decision to have weight loss surgery, you have been my support after my surgery. Thank you for being there. Today is a day of many emotions. I miss my Mom so, but I have a beautiful angel going into surgery with me. Thank you all so much. Liz
  3. magicalwoman

    November 9th and 10th

    My Mother had relatives in Lancaster PA. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mother will be with you everyday for the rest of your life and she will guide you. Hugs from Lancaster Pa The tumor they removed was more invasive on the brain than originally thought. The surgeon removed the largest one almost completely and it was benign. YEAH. I have been having a problem with dizziness and vertigo so I am on a new medication. I find it hard to recall words that I want to use and it is frustrating. Nothing tastes good at all. I am down another pound. If this keeps up I will probably lose more. The new medication for vertigo is a patch and cost 48.00 for 5 Patches. Yikers. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Last week was kind of rough with my Mom passing on the 9th, surgery on the 10th and then ICU for two days then having to stay an extra day in the hospital. We will have a memorial service for my Mom in the spring back in New York. My BApals are great. Thank you.
  4. I had my surgery on September 9, 2015. I was doing good losing about a pound a day. I've had increasing problems with migraine headaches that have gotten to the point of waking me up out of a sound sleep. My Dr. order an MRI and on October 14th it was discovered that I have 5 tumors on my brain. Currently I am going through a ton of testing. The Dr. thinks these tumors growing on the meninges layer over the brain may have metastasis from another place in my body. I've had a mammogram, it was negative. Chest xray, it was negative, colon cancer fecal screening, negative. Today I am scheduled for a CT Scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast. I am drinking this aweful berry fusion smoothie for the scan. YUCK. My weightloss journey seems to have taken a backseat as my mind can only think of what is next, what do I do, and of course just feeling so lost. I quit smoking in 2012, I've tried to eat better, healthier, lose weight, become more active and WHAM 5 brain tumors. I can say there are times now that I almost feel defeated. Altough I know I am not, it can just get to you some days.
  5. magicalwoman

    Oops! Drank with my food.

    If I drink any amount of liquid when I eat it acts like alkaseltzer and up everything come. The NUT nurse said this is a common reaction. NOT GOOD
  6. VERY well stated Roxy! I am not that far along, but I fear not losing as well. I think eating wisely and healthy foods are key. I want to do that, but meals can be a challenge. Protein can be a challenge, yet on another hand is simple. Overall, it is complex and I have found my taste is off so each bite can be challenging. I hope others reply.
  7. magicalwoman

    I finally did it!

    Oh yes G A S
  8. magicalwoman

    Protein Suggestion!

    I am exactly one month out, surgery was September 9th. I am SO SICK of Protein shakes, but I know I need them. I found a Cappuccino flavor I like. I also have fuzzy navel and chicken unjury. My Dr. was concerned I am not taking in the desired amount of protein and Fiber I should. I am sticking to Soups, mashed potatoes and gravy. They want me to begin eating but keep the protein and fiber up. I did some research online and came up with plenty of options. I am sick and tired of oatmeal and creme of wheat. So there are cold Cereal options. I have tried cod filets and I liked them. Chicken breast and last night had about 4 oz piece of cube steak and pureed sweet carrots. Meal planning is becoming a challenge. Oh what I wouldn't do for a salad!
  9. magicalwoman

    How SAD is this?

    Bella, If you care to occupy your Sunday afternoon, here is some reading material for you: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265215.php http://www.webmd.com/diet/bmi-drawbacks-and-other-measurements http://www.sott.net/article/246849-How-Flawed-And-Outdated-Is-The-Body-Mass-Index-BMI-Measurement Just a few articles that support what I am saying. Enjoy.
  10. I had my surgery on September 9, 2015. I lost about 17 pounds on my presurgery diet, and about 13 since surgery. I'm averaging about a pound or so a day. I'm happy. My goal weight would be about 160 or so. I DO NOT want to be a twig! So this is what a popular website says about my goal weight: (depressing) Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 27.5 Kg/m2. This means your weight is within the Overweight range. Your current BMI is greater than the recommended range of 18.5 to 24.9. To be within the right range for your height, your ideal weight should be between 108 lbs and 145 lbs. Being overweight increases your risk of developing coronary heart disease, as well as other health conditions such as diabetes. Keeping to a healthy weight will help you control your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You lose weight if the amount of energy coming into your body is less than what is being used up by your body. Aim to exercise more and eat a healthy balanced diet. For individualised medical and dietary advice consult your GP and Dietitian. We are so appauled when girls are anorexic or bulimic, yet instead of encouraging good eating, healthy eating and good exercise, we still promote the STUPID BMI which turns us into twigs. Why are we doing this? I guess after my long, long journey I will remain over weight!
  11. magicalwoman

    How SAD is this?

    The OP isn't talking about not wanting to be at the low end of the BMI table. She's saying she doesn't want to be within the BMI table at all. She wants to weigh above the recommended weight for her height, to remain overweight by medical standards. Because she feels that even at the high end of the BMI table, people look like "twigs". She is saying she believes the BMI table to be wrong and to encourage extreme weightloss and a body type that is too skinny. I disagree with that, I believe the BMI table to be correct because it's founded in medical science and rooted in health. If the Op wants to remain medically overweight, even after this surgery- that's her decision. But I do not agree that the rest of the posters on here are misguided to want to fall into a healthy weight range based on the BMI table. The BMI table is an excellent guideline for our health and since our goal is health, beyond aesthetics, we should desire to fall within the range recommended to us. BELLA******** You are so wrong. I suggest you go back and read MY original post. I also think you need to loosen your ponytail or something. If you don't like my post or the fact the you are totally WRONG about the BMI index then delete or unfollow the post. Don't continue to insult me by telling others or posting what I MEANT, try asking. It's time to just stop because you are wrong, wrongggggg,
  12. magicalwoman

    How SAD is this?

    This WAS NOT meant to be offensive. If someome chooses to be a size 2, 3, 4, etc and this makes them happpy...MORE POWER to them, that is their choice. What I said is I DO NOT CHOOSE to be a twig.............or should I say that small. If you do then I applaud you for that. Offensive is when someone takes your words and twists them to make it sound offensive. In our world today we put way too much emphasis on being a size and not enough on being a happy person. This is why these young girls purge and end up in severe health trouble. Then we ask why. Shouldn't we be proactive? Happy travels to you. I hope you find happiness and acceptance of varying viewpoints. Blessings.
  13. magicalwoman

    Tomorrow's the big day!

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Check in when you can.
  14. magicalwoman

    How SAD is this?

    Great conversation! Y'all have no idea how much I appreciate the view points, it really makes you take a look at your comments or how you describe a certain situation. I meant NO offense at all. Women and men are beautiful creatures and we each hold such power, wisdom, warmth and spirit. I hope everyone knows that I simply meant that the BMI scale is certainly tainted. Large or small, tall or short, we all love and deserve love in return. Blessings to each of you.
  15. magicalwoman

    Required 6 months

    I am in WA State. I have Uniform Healthcare and I work for the State of WA. I had 6 months supervised weight loss too. I checked in with my primary care Dr. each month to go over what I had done, what I hadn't done, and plans for the next month. My other criteria was I had to weigh less at the end of the 6 months than I did at the beginning, even an ounce less. Just less. I think I remained about the same, maybe lost 1/2 pound. That was in March of 2015. I received the all good thumbs up from my caseworker at the insurance company. They told me I could then make my needed appointments at the Weight Loss Center. I received my letter of final approval in July of 2015 and had my surgery on September 9, 2015. My approval was valid from July 2015 through January 2016. Hope this is helpful.
  16. So so frustrating. Get that appeal in! Hugs and prayers are with you.
  17. I will try Pepcid. I guess I take it no matter what. It will get better, I know it will and I know I made an excellent choice. Just a stumble I can get up. Thanks.
  18. Had my sleeve on September9th. I've done so well, not too many problems my first couple weeks. Now I am back to work, feeling exhausted and I have had two bouts with dumping. NOT FUN AT ALL. Pretty scary as a matter of fact. I can't sleep more than a couple hours at a time, my headaches are GRIPPING and I have acid reflux all the time. I am a walking burp. I went to my PCP and he has ordered an MRI with contrast because my headaches are a serious red flag. They wake me up out of a sound sleep and keep me up. I hate fruit things, it makes me gag. Tomato Soup is a saving grace. I did tolerate some mashed potatoes with gravy yesterday. But the day before, dumped after two sips of soup. I know this is a rough spot, but it is frustrating. And being back to work is rough, going home early or calling in sick. Ughhhhhh
  19. magicalwoman

    9 days post op

    I have lost about a pound a day. So I'm not complaining.
  20. magicalwoman

    9 days post op

    Hi all. My surgery was Sept 9th. I really dislike the taste of Protein shakes now too. I am doing lots of Soups (broths) and have also had some mashed squash. A couple more days and I can expand my diet.
  21. magicalwoman

    Back to work

    Surgery 09/09/15...I return to work on 09/21/15 I AM NOT looking forward it at all. I work at a community college and our new quarter begins on the 21st. Lots of confused freshmen. I don't have a lot of contact with students, I work on special projects for a Dean so my job is primarily at my desk.
  22. I am coming up on 3 weeks post op. I have not had a problem eating foods, but really stick to my soups, protein shakes and water, water, water. Next week I can begin puree foods which will be heavenly. My biggest problem is gauging how much is just right. I always seem to take a spoon or two too much. Typically I find a pound a day gone.
  23. Over the years I've called him other things, for sure. My husband loves big women, he never once said I looked bad or should lose weight. He does agree that health is at the forefront, so weight lose is paramount. I had my surgery on September 9th and he has not left my side once. He is my rock and my primary cheerleader. He tells me several times a day how well I'm doing and always encourages me. Now there are the messes in the kitchen, OMG, and the smelly dog, OMG. And he loves to sleep in, but with everything going on, he is by my side and rubs my back. My husband, My Rock, My support. Thank you baby.
  24. Hi, I just arrived home about an hour ago. I had a pretty restless night at the surgery center...wasn't my iComfort! I've taken my meds and I think I am going to try to rest and sleep for a bit.
  25. I want to keep learning about obesity. I want to help, encourage, and mentor others. I am going to get involved in the support group at my Weight Loss Center. Oh and I want to ZipLine! Oh yeah

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