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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by magicalwoman

  1. magicalwoman

    Sex after weight loss

    Hope mine is better. My husband always tells me that I could gain more weight and he'd love me. But our sex life is stuck somewhere, and it's not here. I feel very unattractive, so I am really hoping and praying for improvements.
  2. magicalwoman

    Surgery date 9/14 who else?

    Amber, what are your clear liquid plans after surgery. First two weeks= Clear liquids Next four weeks = liquids (I think I have that covered) I am a bit stumped on the clear liquids.
  3. magicalwoman

    Surgery date 9/14 who else?

    Hi Amber, I have a surgery date of September 9th. I am just a tad (tads do matter) over 5'4" and 330. I am into my pre surgery diet now, and hope I can shed some before my August 28th Dr. appt. Good luck to you. We will stay in contact here and I wish you the best.
  4. Hi fellow September Sleevers! I've been taking some vacation time and relaxing a bit before hitting the pre surgery diet and then surgery on September 9th! I am nervous, and excited. I've found this pre surgery diet (870 calories) a B*T@H!!! Over the past couple days I have found that lemon water (which I actually enjoy) helps curb my appetite. I have jello cups 25 calories if I need a snack, a protein shake mid day or mid morning and then a Lean Cusine or similar meal for dinner. Yesterday, I was super busy at work so no time for lunch, at dinner I had a chicken and liguine Lean meal and put the food in green leaf lettuce leaves like a wrap. It was actually pretty good. That was 270 calories. I seem to be doing well. My pre surgery appointment with the Dr. is August 28th, she wants to see that I've lost 10 to 15 pounds. YIKERS! How is everyone else doing that is pre surgery for September 2015?
  5. Hi everyone, I have been on my journey for over a year, digging for information, with my PCP, the insurance and me in general. I am so ready to have surgery, mine is now scheduled for September. My husband really likes big women, he always tells me how attractive I am, he buys me beautiful clothes, lotions, etc. But I try to tell him since gaining over 100 pounds after an auto accident, I don't feel attractive. I don't like what I see in the mirror, I hate walking from the car to the house and becoming a ball of sweat. I feel my hygiene has suffered because face it with little dinosaur arms you can't always reach the important places. I dislike paisley clothes. Last evening as he was reading in the forums he said OMG, Deflated boobs, I'm done, that's it I'm going to bed. I do not know where he was reading but I guess someone mentioned it. My daughter (whom is looking at surgery too) called last night and said well you know Mom, I've had three or four friends who have had this done and one thing I've noticed is they look like they have aged 10 years, they look old. My husband said yeah that is true. Then when I explain what I look at in the mirror, he said How will you feel when you look in the mirror and see all that skin hanging. So then I second guess my decision to have surgery. But it is fleeting. He said But I support you in this 100%. My journey has been well over a year. Monthly doctor visits, I swim every morning, I really try to eat slower and watch my consumption. I want this so bad, I want to be healthy. I quite smoking a year and a half ago too. From my accident (I was rear-ended at 60mph) I have a bad back, I have 3 cervical disc that are bulged, I have two bad knees and the osteoarthritis is eating my joints away. I want this, I NEED this, but most of all I am going to accomplish this. I wish I could feel different about my husband's reactions.
  6. This topic has been a great one. So much fun and enlightening to read how alike we all really are. I laughed at boob sweat............
  7. LOL, I lost my necklace in my neck about a year ago.
  8. I want to go ziplining!!!!!! Right now they wouldn't let me or I would snap the line! LMAO - Don't you wish you could really laugh your ass off! Me too! Me Too!
  9. magicalwoman

    Return To Work

    Hi Belinda, I am having surgery on September 9th. I return to work on September 21st. Well that is my plan. My Dr. said she will see, my employer said they need me back by that day. This is going to be a fun ride. I work at a college and Fall classes begin on September 21st, that is why my employer said that.
  10. Not buying clothes that always have flowers on them or are gathered across the bust line. Having my heart shaped face back. Being able to wipe without contorting my body or breaking the toilet seat. Flying Sitting in a chair without wondering if I will end up on the floor. Thinking I will fit through somewhere only to knock everything over or getting stuck. Getting on a crowded elevator without someone getting off. To get on the floor with my grandchildren and not having to crawl to a piece of furniture and take 5 minutes to get up.
  11. I am still trying to find a high count Protein shake, Meal Replacement that I might like. I'm not a milk person and not fond of chocolate. I have two in mind Syntrax nectar and Bariatric fusion. Both have fruit flavors. I typically order from Amazon, but there is a sigh doctorsbestweightloss that seems good too. I'd love to get feedback. I've read horror stories of people losing haird etc. I have thick, thick hair, but I don't want to begin to lose it. Can we take chewable Vitamins? Or should we take liquid? Finally, I just phoned my case manager on insurance and asked about insurance coverage since this was what I need to have and she said she had never heard of the shakes and Meal Replacements being covered by insurance, but I could call the general number and ask. Oh questions, questions, questions............. Thanks for such a tremendous support network.
  12. magicalwoman

    pre op support needed.

    As I have said, I am scheduled for surgery (sleeve) on September 9th. I am excited, yet scared. I keep reading things that frighten me, hair loss, vomiting, infections, torn stitches etc. The one that really has me concerned right now is skin, skin, skin......I want to dip myself in a vat of olive oil until my surgery. I'm no spring chicken (57), but I love to be active especially swimming. I have no interest in becoming a size 4, I would settle for a 16. At 330 this is a LOT of weight to lose. Maybe I should aim for an 18 and then adjust. I hear some people drop the pounds super fast and others not so much. I am on a mission to become a healthy me.
  13. Geesh, I meant to say a web site, not sigh...doctorsbestweightloss
  14. magicalwoman

    Need to lose 10lbs

    I too must lose 17 pounds by the end of August (28). I have only met with the NUT at my surgical center once. She wrote a bunch of stuff down and then I refer to the paper. She suggested that I go on a 2 week diet of 870 calories a day. YIKES! But I will do that. We go on vacation next week with our son and youngest grandchildren, they will keep me moving and in the pool. Crunch time when I return. One thing I don't understand is if they identify that obesity is a problem, not just that we want to be obese. They know that we have tried every diet under the sun 100 times without success. Why do they require us to lose weight and such a great amount before our surgery? I am confused. Good luck with your 10 pounds. When is your surgery? Keep me posted and friend me.
  15. I work for the State of Washington. I have Uniform Medical through Regence. I will post my entire story in the other thread. I began my 6 month in October 2014, was referred to Weight Loss Center in March 2015. Meeting with surgeon, then dietician, exercise coach, surgeon again. Then my psych eval, and I received the letter of approval in July 2015. Not too bad. Does anyone have any experience with Molina Healthcare? My daughter has Molina and would like to get surgery too.
  16. Does anyone know of any fruit juice Protein drinks? I DO NOT like chocolate, strawberry is ok, and vanilla is too. However, I do not like the milky consistency, I would prefer fruit juices. Any suggestions? Thank you
  17. magicalwoman

    Tomorrow is my Surgery!

    Good luck and lots of prayers with you. I think I will be the same way and feel "put the mask on and tell me to breathe". Done deal. The next year of my life is going to be amazing.
  18. magicalwoman

    pre op support needed.

    Hi PBlady, I am new to the forums too. I have found a tremendous amount of information and support here from presurgical people, to post surgical. My surgery is scheduled for September 9, 2015. I am excited and nervous, it is to be expected. My husband is supportive and I know he is concerned, he has a very hard time putting his thoughts into "correct" words. If you don't mind me asking, why are you traveling to L.A. for your surgery? That is a long haul. Keep reading all the information you can, make friends and connect, it really does make a difference.
  19. magicalwoman

    Fruit Juice Protein Drinks?

    Wonderful information!!! I will be doing some shopping. Thank you so much.
  20. magicalwoman

    Will eating EVER feel comfortable again?

    It was great reading this thread. I have wondered, will I ever be able to enjoy a nice meal again? What about a hotdog while camping? I guess I will get there.
  21. I just love all the support and encouragement I have gotten. No my husband is not overweight. As a matter of fact we use to go on short hikes all the time. I can no longer do this, I am hoping to be able to next year. NO, I WILL be able to next year.
  22. Thank you all so much. I am so determined..................I will do this!
  23. So cool SJ, we will for sure have to stay in touch. My surgery is the day after yours. How long are you taking off work. I will return to work on September 21st, my boss says they need me at work that day. Hope I am not pushing my self. I want to go on walks, I want to run with my grandchildren, I want to sit on a chair without thinking will it break. I'm so glad to have found this site and to have recently met you. I just posted a thread about concerns with the stress and pressure and my spouse. I guess I am just pretty emotional now. Time to get busy doing something to take my mind off things.
  24. Hi Sjfink! I live in Marysville and my surgery will be in Everett. I have not started my pre-surgical diet yet. We have a family camping trip next week and while I am very careful about what I eat. My shakes and soups will begin when I come home.
  25. I have not had my surgery yet, however with all the information I have read, people I have talked to, information sessions I have attended and my list could go on...WHY would anyone even consider this? I may have fudged a pound or two to myself, but visiting with my PCP told the truth, and we worked from there. If anyone is considering "faking" information, not only are they breaking the law, but they are walking the failure path. This surgery and me is more important that faking something to obtain a REAL goal.

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