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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by ebwinslo

  1. I am finally in the 230s! I am down 35 lbs (22 since surgery 5 weeks ago)

    1. Stevehud
    2. jane13


      GREAT JOB! hold on, the best is yet to come!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Congratulations!! Great progress!

  2. my incision stitches come out today!

    1. jane13


      glad to hear you are doing so much better!

    2. Cervidae


      woohoo! It was like heaven when mine came out. And that damn drainage tube. :)

  3. 2 weeks post surgery and finally feeling better :)

  4. 2 weeks post surgery and finally feeling better :)

  5. 1 more day!

    1. jane13


      good luck tomorrow and happy belated Birthday!

    2. ebwinslo
    3. jane13


      let us know as soon as possible that you are out of surgery, Godspeed!

  6. 10 lbs down from my pre-op diet! 4 days till SURGERY! AH!! :)

    1. Mountaingal


      Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I hope it is the best Christmas present you ever get.

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