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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Seerae3

  1. I'm curious how much time are you taking from your job to recover after surgery are you taking? What is typical, barring any complications? I have a relatively sedentary job, medical setting at a desk mostly, so nothing too strenuous.
  2. Women's crisis centers often need clothing for interviews and professional attire for women who will be looking for work. I've donated with them locally and they're always very grateful for the donations!
  3. Seerae3

    Troubles stopping smoking

    hang in there! you can do it. it helps to make a list of why you are doing this whole thing to begin with....then when you feel the urge, bust out your list!
  4. The program I am in with Kaiser basically sets it up so the process takes about 6 months, initial orientation class, nutritionist, psychologist, nurse case managers, support group participation, pre-surgery weight loss goals, labs, more classes....so if you do everything they want you to and take the first available appt for each new step it takes about 5-6 months to get to surgery date. This is Kaiser in Northern California.
  5. Thanks for your responses, I was thinking 2 weeks would be sufficient.
  6. That might even be for the best, at least if your still in the liquid diet phase, you won't be tempted to try the holiday dinner. Maybe you can flavor your liquids to mimic some of your holiday favorites, like chicken broth with a little poultry seasoning, or tea with some pumpkin spice? Just a thought... good luck!!
  7. Seerae3

    NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!

    So after reading everyone's comments about carbonated beverages, I went and got myself a diet coke at lunch. I'm pre-surgery so I'm still okay. I don't usually drink soda pop but I thought well hey I better get one or two in before it's too late. MEH I'm not missing anything, I think this will be one of the easier things to give up, for myself anyway. Good luck everyone!
  8. I'm back! Almost two years ago I went through the entire 6 month+process of jumping through all the hoops for insurance, weight-loss and actually getting a surgery date, only to chicken out 2 weeks before surgery and call the whole thing off. Now nearly two years later , 20 lbs heavier than when I started the first time, having developed Diabetes II and just generally hating life, I'm starting over in the process again. My PC submitted a new referral to the bariatric clinic and the new journey begins. I am ready this time.
  9. Seerae3

    Here I am again

    So I need to redo my orientation class (4 hours) and my surgeon contacted me with my new pre-surgery weight loss target. I'll find out more after the orientation.
  10. Thank you ladies! I enjoyed reading your immediate post-op entries, thank you for being so honest and sharing your journey. I wish you both the very best and all the success in the world!!
  11. Seerae3

    Vitamin patches

    I had no idea vitamins came in patches, that's brilliant!!
  12. Seerae3

    Just getting started

    I had jumped through all the hoops almost 2 years ago got all the way done and had a surgery date, then chickened out. So now I start again, waiting to see what parts I have to re-do and what parts if any they'll let me keep from last time. I have kaiser permanente. Good luck!
  13. Seerae3

    Here I am again

    I don't know yet. I called the clinic last week on Friday and the nurse said she would "re-activate" my case. So they'll look at it and decide what portions I need to do again. Hopefully not ALL of it, but I'm prepared to do it all over again.
  14. My son is grown, he's 21 and I told him right away. His step-mother had a gastric bypass 10 years ago and so he remembers some of that. He was supportive, he had a lot of good questions and we sat down and went over everything in detail. I'm a little more concerned with co-workers. I work with a lot of women in a healthcare setting and I'm not looking forward to their assumptions.
  15. I'm looking forward to riding roller coasters with my son again, and not having to ask for a seat belt extension on airplanes! Also not being winded after 1 flight of stairs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
