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LAP-BAND Patients
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About prettyface30

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/09/1977
  1. Happy 35th Birthday prettyface30!

  2. prettyface30

    Migraine medicine

    This is just a helpful tip that my doctor told me. The only difference in Excedrin Migraine and regular Excedrin is that Excedrin Migraine contains caffeine. My doctor told me that a cup or two of coffee can really help a migraine because the caffeine in the coffee constricts the dilated blood vessels that are causing the migraine. Even with some of my more mild migraines coffee can help. I know that everyone has their own opinions about coffee, but this is a relatively simple thing to try if you have trouble taking pills. Good luck.
  3. prettyface30

    Migraine medicine

    Hi! I suffer from severe migraines. I have a long family history and have had them since I was 5. If you have true migraines I would recommend that you talk to your doctor about medications that are in the triptan family (i.e., imitrex, maxalt). These are prescription medications but are extremely effective for migraine treatment. They also come in other forms such as injection and dissolving tablet. I have taken the aforementioned seizure medication and it did not help my migraines, but it did help me lose some weight.:thumbup: However, if you do not suffer from frequent migraines I would not recommend it because there are side effects and you have to take it daily. The triptan medications are not daily. They are for acute migraine treatment. As far as taking pills so far I have not had any trouble and I have the AP Standard band that holds 10 ccs. It is currently filled at 6.5 ccs, but that is going to change tomorrow so who knows after that. Good luck!:biggrin2:
  4. prettyface30

    All you people do is complain...

    Yeah! I'm not really fat either. I'm just "big boned".:cursing:
  5. prettyface30

    All you people do is complain...

    I'm not sure why you keep making degrading statements about fat people as if you're not fat. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just have lap-band surgery? :confused2:
  6. prettyface30

    Raleigh or Durham, NC recommendations?

    Thanks for your response. I actually had my lap-band surgery on 1-14, and I love Dr. Enochs. I felt the same way about the Duke surgeons not really being advocates of the lap-band. Dr. Enochs was so nice and informative. Good luck!
  7. prettyface30

    Raleigh or Durham, NC recommendations?

    Hi! I am new to posting on forums so please bear with me. I am having my lapband surgery on January 14 at Rex hospital and Dr. Enochs will be performing my surgery. I was searching for anyone else that had seen Dr. Enochs. I read that you were going to try to get into the Nov. 13 seminar. I was wondering if you did because I was there too. The process has gone pretty fast for me, and I am nervous and excited. I would love to talk to someone else in the area that has had or will be having the surgery. I really like Dr. Enochs. He is very knowledgeable and thorough. He has also been performing lapband surgery for quite a while in comparison to most bariatric surgeons in NC. I went to a seminar at Duke because I live in Hillsborough and I felt that their program was too big and was worried that I would be just a number. I do not feel that way with Dr. Enochs. His staff has been so nice to me. Also, I did not like the thought that my surgery could be at Durham Regional. If you would like to share any more info or just chat I would welcome the support. Thanks!

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