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About ButterflyRainbow

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    Advanced Member

About Me

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  1. ButterflyRainbow

    Bariatric eating

    Yes thank you!!
  2. ButterflyRainbow

    One Year Concerns

    Thank you James this really does help.
  3. ButterflyRainbow

    One Year Concerns

    So this Saturday is my one year surgiversary and tomorrow is my 1 year appointment with my doctor and I have been looking forward to this appointment for a few weeks now, then I saw my profile on here and it seems as if I lost most my weight in the first 5 months of surgery and only 10 lbs in the last 7. I stopped weighing myself because I would drop 10 lbs in a week and then not lose anything for weeks so instead of weighing weekly I would only weigh monthly last month I weighed myself and I had only lost 5 lbs from the month before and then I saw on here the weight I had posted and I have barely lost anything. I hate the scale and always have and I noticed quickly that the scale is still no friend of mine so I don't really pay much attention to it but I pay more attention to how I feel and I feel great, look great, and I know I still have a ways to go but my only concern is I see others around my starting weight and they have lost double what I have lost and have reached their goal by their one year post op. I still can not eat much and I am way more active than ever before, I know I will need to pick up my work outs more but I am wondering if this has happen to anyone else? I did learn early on with weight issues and dieting that everyone is different and their bodies are different so I am not going to worry to much about it and keep doing what I am doing just feeling a little discouraged by numbers. Damn you scale you did it again. Thanks guys!
  4. ButterflyRainbow

    When did you guys start drinking regular coffee again?

    Thanks I think I'm going to try a little this weekend and see how I feel.
  5. Hello guys, I am 9 months post op and I drink decaf coffee everyday now and I am itching to have regular I was thinking I should at least do half cafe first, I was told no caffeine until 12 months but I also know that everyone is different and all the programs are different so I am asking for shared experience with coffee I am also looking forward to making coffee Protein drinks. Please any knowledge and experience helps me to figure out if I should try it or wait and of course listen to my gut which is saying yes its fine you have just a few more months to go! Thank you team.
  6. ButterflyRainbow

    Hair Loss and it growing back! HELP

    Thank you guys I feel better about cutting it shorter to help it look healthier, I know I notice it more than others and prepared for it but the girls in my family do also because I had the most hair and now I have the least. I am taking Biotin and I think it is helping but I hate to wash it and see how much comes out I never want to wash it again..but I know that's gross. Anyways it is great to know that the length will grow back as well as the hair.
  7. I knew I would have some hair loss but I was not prepared for how much I have very long hair and it used to be very thick now just long, I was wondering if I cut it will it grow back as long as it is now, my Dr. says the thickness will come back but maybe not as much as before but I am wondering about the length I have always had long hair......I cut it short once but did not like it and it took what seemed forever to grow back so now I am afraid that it won't grow back at all,any advice will help thank you all very much I have learned so much in the few weeks that I have joined this support group.
  8. ButterflyRainbow

    NSV (Non Scale Victory) smaller clothes at last!

    That is awesome and made my day to hear of great things happening for you!!! Keep up the good work!!
  9. ButterflyRainbow

    Some days I can't eat what I did already

    Dibaby44 thanks for the heads up I will keep my eyes open to this and see if it's something I am developing. I sure hope not things have been good so far but nothings perfect.
  10. ButterflyRainbow

    Some days I can't eat what I did already

    Yes I had surgery in March and have lost lots of weight, thank you for your help it's great to hear advice from others and their experiences.
  11. ButterflyRainbow

    Scale drama...

    That is great!! I would scream of JOY as well!! Keep up the great work.
  12. I have a question.....Sometimes I can not eat what I have already eaten I don't know why but earlier today I was hungry and warmed up some soup and then could only eat a few bites and ended up throwing it up, yesterday I was able to have the whole bowl, I know I didn't eat it too fast and not much chewing was involved because it was mostly broth. Some days I just can't eat what I did the week before IS THIS JUST ME.....
  13. ButterflyRainbow

    Jeans and Sizes

    What an awesome feeling!! I too love shopping now and can't wait to buy jeans again. Funny story my old jeans that fit now are bell bottoms and can no longer be worn outside LOL.
  14. ButterflyRainbow

    Doing Great!

    Agree God is Good and you look amazing!!
  15. ButterflyRainbow


    Hello there, My first week post op I lost 20lbs due to medication and I couldn't eat anything, after that first week I did not lose weight for weeks and then a month later I dropped 10lbs some weeks I won't lose and others I lose lots, I hate the scale and always have I weigh myself every other week now and sometimes I skip it if I don't feel I lost weight but I just keep taking my Vitamins and making my Protein shakes to keep healthy. Hang in there all our bodies are different and we just need to find out what works for us.

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