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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mrsminor

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/03/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    Married 11 yrs + 3 great kids
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    blackjack dealer
  • State
  1. Happy 41st Birthday mrsminor!

  2. mrsminor

    Waaaaay before...

    How appropriate that I have a huge cookie in my hands, too!
  3. Did you get unfilled or just let it go?? -Sara
  4. Again, I've had a hernia so I know what that's like, and I don't think that's it. I think I am overfilled, but still waiting for my records to transfer so I can see the doc! -Sara
  5. That's exactly it! I am STILL waiting for the insurance company to approve my transfer to a new dr, and making my 4-5 bolts to the bathroom per night. Hopefully I can get "unfilled" soon. -Sara
  6. I had a hernia years ago, so I know what it feels like, and I don't think it is that, I am pretty convinced it is some nasty acid reflux. -Sara
  7. That's something I wondered, but I guess my search skills weren't so good, because I couldn't find anything. Do you think that's what it is??? I wondered why it would suddenly start happening, unless something had changed! -Sara
  8. I'm so relieved someone else has had this happen. I couldn't find any posts about it happening to people when they're asleep, and I started to wonder if I was having some really weird side affect. I still can't figure out why it suddenly started happening after 8 months, but it is driving me crazy... I have an appt to see the dr next week (we just moved 120 miles and it was holly h&*# getting my surgeon reassigned). Thanks-Sara
  9. Sorry to be so gross, but I was banded 9 months ago, at 205 lbs, down to 147 now, and all of the sudden, about two weeks ago, I am PBing all night long. Anyone know why or how to stop it? It happens once I am asleep and it wakes me violently, because I either breath the food/stomach juices into my airway and gag, or it comes flying out my nose, which burns so incredibly badly! I have tried not eating anything for the last 4 hours before bed, and then it was pure acid/stomach juices that came up, which also burned. My last adjustment was in October so I don't think that's the problem. It is happening about every 20-45 minutes and making it really difficult to get a good nights sleep. I have also tried sleeping sitting up, which prevents it from coming out my nose, but not from going down my esophygus and gagging me. Help!

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