Sorry to be so gross, but I was banded 9 months ago, at 205 lbs, down to 147 now, and all of the sudden, about two weeks ago, I am PBing all night long. Anyone know why or how to stop it? It happens once I am asleep and it wakes me violently, because I either breath the food/stomach juices into my airway and gag, or it comes flying out my nose, which burns so incredibly badly! I have tried not eating anything for the last 4 hours before bed, and then it was pure acid/stomach juices that came up, which also burned. My last adjustment was in October so I don't think that's the problem. It is happening about every 20-45 minutes and making it really difficult to get a good nights sleep. I have also tried sleeping sitting up, which prevents it from coming out my nose, but not from going down my esophygus and gagging me. Help!