I just wanted to thank everyone for all of your posts. I really appreciate all of the advice. I took all of your suggestions to heart and promptly called my dr's. office first thing that morning. Of course it took them til' the middle of the afternoon to get back to me. Anyway, after pleading my case with the nurse practitioner, first I was told no I needed to wait until I'm seen for my first week post op appt. I can't begin to tell you how quickly Niagra started falling, but after a little more talking the nurse cleared me to move cream soups and thicker protein drinks (joy oh joy)! I am so happy to report that I had some of the best blended cream of mushroom soup. It was like a warm and fuzzy blanket. My husband said he was all to happy to get it for me because he really didn't know who the crazy, hungry, out of her mind woman he saw me turned into. Again, I know this journey is going to be hard but one I'm willing to take and take with all of you wonderful people. You all ROCK!