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linda buono

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by linda buono

  1. linda buono

    Christian bandsters

    Hello Dear Sisters and Brothers, I was so encouraged by your words written in response to my introduction post titled " a sense of peace". I am ashamed to admit that I am technologically challenged, so it's difficult to figure out how to respond to individuals. For now, I guess I'll just lurk and post openly.:ranger: However, individual "chat" might be enlightening as I have so many questions and concerns. Somethings I've been wondering about are: is it possible to have lap band under an epidural anesthia?(sp?) I had a horribe reaction to an intervenious drug while underging my last C-section. I actually had a "mini" out of body experience but was able to cue the anestheologist who immediately shut down the drug and countered it with something else and oxygin. :sick It scared the daylights out of me and I've been terrified of OR drugs ever since. Also, has anyone ever considered having the band removed after losing all the weight and following a strick WW type diet for life. The latter question sounds so stupid. If we could do that why would we need surgery, right? It's just a thought. I've often daydreamed of being able to do any diet if I weren't so big. It's the vicious cycle syndrom that keeps me fat.....or is it? Just thought I'd get 2 of my dumbest questions out of the way early on. Thanks and God bless your day! PS please excuse my horrible typing/spelling. I'm lazy when I'm "off the books". God's girl, Linda<><
  2. linda buono

    Christian bandsters

    I am a newbie. I have seriously struggled with my weight for over ten years now. Although I've had weight issues for as long as I can remember (WW at age 9), I was able to keep it in check with lots of effort. I gained the majority of my weight when I became pregnat w/ my first child. At my baby shower, out of town friends and family passed my bloated form by in search of the mom 2 b. I had gained about 90lbs mostly from refusing to adhere to a diet regimine during maternity. I have lost and regained that same 90lbs and more at least 5 times. I had my moment of truth a few weeks ago after falling off the diet wagon once again. Just before Thanksgiving, I joined weight watchers for probably the 20th time in my life. I've tried every diet known to modern civilazation to no long term avail. A dear friend who has struggled just as hard had the surgery last March. She has lost over 100lbs. Her journey has been an inspiration to me. I struggled with my decision to consider WLS because I felt that it would jeprodize my testimony. I felt that if I lost the weight without surgery I could glorify God by saying,"look what God has done". One day while crying out to the Lord about my weight loss failures, a sense of peace about persuing WLS overcame me. I believe that God impressed upon my mind this thought: If you had a drug addiction, were an alcoholic or suffered from some other form of bondage, wouldn't you do what ever it takes to overcome it? How many______________ addicts (fill in the blank) only wish, hope for and pray for a way out of the torment for their demons? With those thoughts, I began to see WLS in a new light. I Know that God could touch and heal me from my condition right now. Afterall, He took my 25 year smoking habit away cold turkey over 5 years ago. I have prayed fora similar miracle and surrendered my weight so many times. For what ever reason, whether it is my own lack of faith, fear, or some other obstical, the fact is, I am not healed. Prehaps God has chosen to heal me by way of a doctor's hands through the miracle of WLS. Regardless, I must take the pro-active approach here and step out in faith by saying yes to this option. All that being said, I am scared, anxious and impatient. Please pray for me to be led of the Lord and for confirmation by way of open/closed doors as I travel on this journey. I have an apointment w/ my PCP on Jan. 22 in hopes of obtaining a referral to Dr. Onopchenko, the WL doctor on Feb. 1st. I am only 5'1" and last weighed 260lbs. This puts me in the super morbidly obese catagory. I didn't even know that such a catagory existed and was mortified when my BMI registared it. At first, I thought that it was some kind of sick joke.:eek: How embarassing! Typing those numbers is horrific, but necessary. I need to make this real. I have shared such presonal information with only the most select few, thereby allowing myself to continue the denial. I have sleep apnea, pre-diabeties, depression and heart valve insufficency. Taking the time to share all of this has been most therputic. Thanks to those who have read this far. I want to live the life God has intended for me and be a good witness. To God be the Glory for the testimonies to come. Any and all advice, prayers and/or comments are appreciated. Be blessed on your journey. In Christ, Lin

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