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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandayed

  1. bandayed

    Something that has helped me...

    OK, so I've been thinking about this thread ever since my last post. I think I may have been afraid to set a goal weight! I have never had weight loss success before, and by not setting a goal, I wouldn't have to admit failure when I didn't get there. I think the thing that is helping me realize this is that for the first time I feel like I do actually have a chance to get to a goal weight! OMG -- sorry to do my own personal psychoanalysis in your thread ButterKup but this is like revelational to me. Thank you for posting!:focus:
  2. bandayed

    old navy clothing sizes?

    :faint: Boy, I just received the return thread that Kim quoted me in. I should NEVER visit LBT before caffeine -- Holy typos Batman!
  3. bandayed

    Something that has helped me...

    I set mini goals, mesi goals, and major goals. I look at it in 10 lb incremets like threads above -- those are my mini goals. Then I have the mesi goals which are: getting to my last prepregnancy weight, getting to my second prepreganancy weight, and then getting to my pre-kids weight. These are all stages that I clearly remembered what I weighed. My first major goal is my wedding weght which I JUST TODAY reached my 1/2 way mark to. My goal weight hasn't even been set yet b/c I thought that in the beginning it was way too intimidating to set such a magical #. I couldn't even deal with the reality of choosing one. I have not to this day consulted any Dr or chart in order to calculate one b/c I think using the mini goals is working great! The goal weight on my ticker is my wedding weight (another mesi goal) because I CAN'T set a goal weight. I totally know what you're saying Butterkup!
  4. bandayed

    The best food advice I can give

    I do things like that too -- you definately need to think ahead for weightloss. If you don't you end up going for the destructive foods b/c they are easier, and they are there. When I cook I almost always make extra, or make 2 and put one in the freezer. I don't have a suck & seal like puddin' pie (I'm jealous) but ziplocks do OK. Everynight at dinner time I plan what is for dinner the next night (did I mention my possible obsession with food -- you don't go over 250 lbs without at least a tad of it!) While I'm in the kitchen I take out what is for dinner the next night to defrost. Planning ahead definately enables you to eat better, and once you're cooking, making 2 meatloafs doesn't take any longer than making one so it's a real time saver. All you have to do is make sure you pre buy enough ingredients -- again planning ahead! It sounds like alot of work to be so "organized" ahead of time, but once you start it, it's actually easier than running out to the store all the time etc and SAVES time rather than costing it!
  5. bandayed

    Delarla was right!!!

    OK now that Delara brought it up, what is that whole phenlyketonuric (sp?) thing all about? It's obviously something to do with nutrasweet; but for all the labels I see with it on there, I've never actually met someone with this problem. Has anyone else? WTH is it?
  6. bandayed

    Will we lose our laughter?

    Maybe a sense of humor sometimes goes along with higher weights just as a general love of life thing -- good natured, love to have a good time, love to eat. Maybe they go hand in hand rather than one causing or being direcly linked to the other. I have to say that I also know some pretty miserable heavy people, and some hysterical skinny people. I think that humor largely has to do with your outlook on life. Maybe it's no coincidence that folks here are humorous & happy alot. Remember, we are the ones who have chosen to DO something about our weight -- maybe THIS is the direct link to humour and out outlook on life..........I'm not sure I can be so philosophical before my coffee. I'll check in later after the caffeine has hit my noggin.............
  7. bandayed

    old navy clothing sizes?

    I think that Old Navy clothes even the plus size ones run small. I also think it is complicated by the fact that their pants are all cut really short in the waist -- I think that's what you call it. I mean, they are all pretty low rise. I wear a size 18 right now and I can't even fit in their size 20s. My husband wears a 2X shirt and only fits in their 2x about 1/2 the time. I ahve also found at Old Navy that if one pair doesn't fit, try another b/c theire sizing is inconsistent. It's not just you -- don't worry!
  8. bandayed

    I have it Figured out!!

    Kimalicious -- I have the exact same pattern and was always testing my band! At each meal I would eat as much as I could until I felt a PB was coming. I finally realized that I was working AGAINST my band -- and why? Just cuz I can, just cuz I want food, just 'cuz I've always eaten as much as I could. I then realized that I got banded b/c I want this to STOP. I started working WITH my band rather than against it (well, for the most part) i know this is easier said than done. I now try NOT to eat unless I need it, or am hungrry, rather than eat it just 'cuz I can. I think it's too bad the band isn't a mental tool but just a physical one. The band is helping me reshape some of my mental attitudes towards food though, and I think that that is the biggest benefit of the band -- not just the physical restriction it offers. Since I've tried to shift my attitude this way, it's easier to try to not to trick my band, and to avoid over doing it on the occasions that I can. I still go beyond what I should at times, but not like pre banding. Don't beat yourself up for it though, just start the next day again, and do the best you can with it.
  9. bandayed

    Yes!!!! I Had My First Pb!!!!!!

    Work that band now girl! Congratulations on your recent upchuck!
  10. I know it's all part of losing weight and I remember reading that other bandsters have experienced it. My question is: How long does the hairloss continue, and weren't there some supplements etc to take to help minimize it? Does anyone know nutritionally if I can bump up on anything to help minimize this? I have thin hair already! Great, get the bod looking better and then go bald.................:phanvan
  11. bandayed

    Hair Loss Help??????

    Thanks everyone! What exactly is Biotin? Is it a pill? Can I get it at a pharmacy, or do I have to go to GNC or something? I think it's weird that lack of protein causes hair loss. I feel like I eat more protein now than ever. I probably don't b/c the portions are small, but I am so focused on protein and always eat it first -- even in a snack-- and I obviously never did that before WLS! anyhow thanks for the input!
  12. bandayed

    2006 January Chat

    You definately can't crush the time released ones. Some meds may have to be adjusted to a dose that is 2 or 3 times a day rather than time release. Talk to your Dr. i think you should think about making the med changes prior to surgery so that it's one less variable in your recovery..............
  13. bandayed

    2006 January Chat

    Sherry- I crushed my pulls for a while and then 1/2'd them for a while, but now I take them straight. I don't take any big ones though. My Dr says to crush or cut them at least....I just gave it a try straight one day and it worked so I've stuck with that........
  14. bandayed

    Tentative diagnosis

    I'm happy you are on the road to a diagnosis. Alot of the #s above look good as far as treatment options, and that is GREAT! You'll be a healthy rabbit before you know it! Lots of support comin' at ya! Be well, and if you need a nap, friggin take it!
  15. bandayed

    Took a little vacation

    Last time I went to a water park I felt like my tummy WAS the inner tube! Thank you so much for sharing your NSV! Getting out there and enjoying life is what it's all about! CONGRATS to you!
  16. bandayed

    I dare U 2 beat my NSV... I rode the bull!!!

    OK Seriously, what were those 2 in the background doing!?!?! Delara, you are NUTS!!!! I'm with NJChick....I know I'm old b/c I got the Deborah Winger reference AND my back fears the bull!!!!!! Good for you you Urban Cowgirl you!
  17. bandayed

    Can I ask a REALLY stupid question?

    I don't measure my food but I use a salad plate and take a small bit of everything (except bread & rice) that is offered. I eat normally at first and when the food is about 1/2 gone I really start trying to pick up cues (I get none) So I just eat one bite at a time until I either can't be bothered, or I feel food pushing through the opening. Right before I get overfilled I swear there is one bite that goes down but with a little bit more difficultly and that is when I stop. I figure if I'm hungry in a little bit I could eat something else, but I rarely do. I was hoping the band would let me know more clearly when to stop, but it's still very vague -- unless of course, you go too far!
  18. There's a couple things about a night like that that will be different pre & post banding. First of all, the food ws spread over seveal hours so you can space out your eating a bit. Also out of all those courses there were probably one or two you could do without. Before I was banded I would have eaten them anyways, now I would "fake it" maybe take a nibble to see how it is and if I don't love it, I would busy myself chatting and occasionally pushing it around my plate. Most people don't even notice you're not actually eating. DH LOVES this part of my banded live as he often gets seconds now. Better watch out or he'll be a band candidate soon! I find that an evening like this now is COMPLIMENTED by food rather than ABOUT the food. Much of it is just a slight mental adjustment. The actual mechanics or logistics of it kind of take care of themselves. You'll be much more self concious about it than anyone around you........good luck on your surgery!
  19. My doc recommeded liquid meds pre and post op and if they were not available I used a pill crusher and mixed it in with applesauc (messy and very bitter). Definately check with your doc & pharmacist but I think that htere are options one way or the other rather than discontinuing any meds...............
  20. bandayed

    Sons says I look like Hippo on Madagascar!

    I always tell my son how cute his butt cheeks are, and that they are my favorite cheeks in all the land. His reply one day was not so cute. He told me he loved my butt cheeks too because they are the most enormous and squishiest in all the land! Thanks little buddy! I guess as ego deflating as this was, he was trying to give me a compliment -- and truth is, they are pretty squishy!:baby: NJ Chick is right, out of the mouthes of babes..........
  21. bandayed

    2006 January Chat

    Hey fellow MA bandsters -- I haven't been down to this end of LBT in a while b/c there's usually no posts! Boy was I surprised to see all I've been missing! Welcome to the site all you newbies! I, too was banded at BIDMC. My doc was Schneider. I live in Medway -- (close to you Sherry!) which is just inside of 495 a little SW of Boston. I love my band and hope you all do too. If there's any questions I can answer, feel free to PM me or post here...........As far as protein shakes go, I like the Designer protein b/c it has 28 g of protein and I want to get the maximum bang per ounce since post surgery it's like every little drop counts...........It was interesting in the end, I ended up with strawberry and vanilla flavors and never found a chocolate one I liked -- totally not like me! Off to meet the school bus -- I too have twins (and two singletons). I guess my weight gain could pretty much be summed up (sort of) right there -- 4 kids in 5 years...........20lbs, 20lbs, 20lbs...........great checkin in with you guys!
  22. I just read your post and I'm sure you're disappointed about your appt. but I think that sometimes it's just plain hard being a bandster. I think we are all so used to thinking of ourselves as and seeing ourselves as fat/overweight /heavy that our own perceptions of how we look are often lagging the reality of how we look. Even if your #s aren't as great as you'd like them to be, they're better than they were, and people consider you an "after" that's a huge NSV! I also noticed in your thread that you use alot of break up terminology about your relationship with your surgeon.:think Please don't take his refusal to give a fill as any kind of personal rejection. It is also NOT the end of the road....The band is a lifelong tool and as your body continues to change (even if it is slowly) your situation regarding fills will change and perhaps in 6mos (or whatever) your band will be looser and therefore your surgeon will see you for a fill. For now, try to think positively -- think of all the compliments you got yesterday and how great it felt to be gussied up -- you've come a long way and even if it's not as far as you'd like, the road don't end 'til YOU say it ends!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there and stick with your band....after all this time banded you know how things can change day to day!!!!
  23. bandayed

    Surgery in the Morning!

    Welcome to the gang.....hope all went well. Give yourself the time you need to heal and recover then start kickin the scale's butt! Good luck!
  24. bandayed

    coughing and port pain

    Even though coughing may not be able to loosen or disturb the port, I can totally see where it could irritate it. I had a bronchial cough right after surgery and it was misery. The area that it hurt me to cough the most at that time was my port too.......Hope you feel better. The ads fro that mucinex gross me out on TV.....hope it works for you though!
  25. I was still in serious recovery at your stage, taking pain medication and napping every afternoon. I think it sounds like you're doing great! I didn't exercise for at least a month. You are feeling exactly what you should -- you're OK!!!!! Until you get a fill you may be able to eat quite a bit once you are healed from the surgery. Try to focus on making good choices -- lots of water and always protein first. Your body is still reeling from what it's been through. I drive myself crazy with scale fluctuations and now weigh myself less often and only really take the number to heart if I see it come up on two or three different occasions :eek: Hang in there and give yourself some time. Once you have a fill you'll be less hungry but until then go for shakes whenever possible...........

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