I was required to provide three years worth of weight history for approval from my insurance. I said to the surgeon when I met with him that my biggest concern is that I will be rejected because I have been such a yo yo dieter and depending on the time I weighed in at the doctors my weight could be over 40 BMI or under 40 BMI. I just received my history from my doctors and three years ago I was at a BMI of 37 and two years ago at 39-- under the required 40 BMI that I am at now. I have no co-morbidities.
Just a question- have any of you had this be your situation and how did it work with insurance? The surgeon said that he may need to fight with the insurance company, but that what he is looking for in a surgery candidate is someone who has been overweight for an extended period of time and not someone who just happened to gain weight after having a baby etc. Unfortunately, I don't know if insurance will care.