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About katybelle7

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  1. I'm thoroughly upset this is all available to the public online

    1. jane13


      that is why a lot of us have changed screen names and removed a lot of info :/

  2. katybelle7

    Ever Have a Negative NSV? I just did! :-(

    Oh, darn! Gotta shop elsewhere!
  3. Hmmm, maybe your doc and I said the same thing? He wasn't being flip. Those of us with "metabolic syndrome" just can't get that set point to drop permanently...well, I think the stats say something like 2% can, the rest of us need help I had to go thru the supervised diet by my doc...I lost 5 #. She gave encouraging words, but I was determined to have surgery and to keep the weight on. But I also had to keep the insurance people happy. They turned me down (as they like to do), she wrote a letter listing my co morbidities, elevated bp, cholesterol, depression, and a sleep study said I needed a cpap. My bmi was 35. Investigate what the co morbids are, and see if you qualify. And recheck your height! I doubt you grew an inch...3 different people can measure you 3 different ways! The supervised diet with my doctor wasn't so bad. I learned her husband had mental issues, her daughter was going off to college leaving an empty nest at home, and her mother needed placement in a nursing home. 6 months of chats of eat less/exercise more got boring for both of us, so we really became acquainted! Be patient, do your homework, and good luck!
  4. katybelle7

    Shot down

    For my chewing pleasure, I'm chewing ice. I need the crunch. SF popcicles do about the same thing. I can have fruit juice (diluted with some water), just not citrus. For extra protein I prepare SF pudding with 2 c of FF milk, adding in 1/2 c dry milk. (It's all allowable in my plan.). The pudding really helps my protein needs. Also can have SF yogurt. I mentioned earlier I make my own broths with simple spices; I crave that savory flavor, get tired of sweets. I just can't/won't drink the protein shakes sold by the docs and GNC anymore. It just tastes like chemicals to me. I hope you can find something to satisfy your cravings. You've lost more than I have, I'm only at 12#, 7 days after surgery. No wonder you're hungry for protein! But we can do this! I know we can. We've paid a heavy price for what we're going thru, so hang in there. I can a light at the end of the tunnel!
  5. Woo hoo. Happy dance!!
  6. katybelle7

    Years later

    I went thru those symptoms about two years after gallbladder removed. Had ERCP. Symptoms disappeared. Stone going thru duct caused the problem, gone before it showed on CT. 2 -3 years later same problem, stone going thru duct blocked duct, causing "sludge" to back up (their medical term, not mine), causing pancreatitis. Had another ERCP to widen main duct even more to let sludge pass thru and any more strange stones left behind. Don't know if I'm still forming stones, but no more problems after second ERCP. Very few of us continue to form stones, but a few of us evidently do. Hope you find answers soon. I remember the pain.. Initially thought it was a heart attack it was so intense! Best of luck. Be sure to share your findings!
  7. katybelle7


    It did hurt, I didn't know what to expect. When it was out, I asked the doc how the heck long was that sucker? He said up to my tonsils. Felt like it during the pull. Hurt for about 15 seconds. Then meh.
  8. History of the sleeve: http://bariatrictimes.com/the-history-of-sleeve-gastrectomy/
  9. I had my lap band for 7 years. I too felt restriction but no less hunger (except for the first few months). It took me 3 years to lose 60 pounds, which I kept off for about 3 mo. I think most of the loss occurred from vomiting, because I was still over eating with a too tight fill. As someone else once wrote, I became an involuntary bulimic. I think most unsuccessful lap banders are. After finally losing my excess weight I came down with an unknown allergy and was put on prednisone. I gained 20 pounds in a month, after only losing weight. It was such a shock and a disappointment. Within a year I had finally gotten my allergy under control with steroids, and gained back everything I'd lost. That was three years ago..and put me into three years of mentally chastising myself. Last year I was finally finished with the steroids, and decided to address my weight issue again. That's when I decided on the sleeve. My doctor has been doing sleeves for over 10 years. Some folks believe the sleeve is new in the last 4-5 years, but it's been around much longer...maybe 20 years? It was first (and still is) used on some exceptionally obese folks as a first surgery, preparing them for RNY. For some it worked so well, they skipped the RNY and just used the sleeve! I didn't want to try something "in vogue" I wanted something that would work for a lifetime, and I'm hoping (after only one week out from surgery) this is it. Your hunger hormone is mostly removed with that portion of your stomach, but will probably return within 6-18 months. So, within that first year of weight loss your metabolic set point will have been reset, you will have learned new, healthier eating habits, and you'll be exercising..Right? Like everyone says, it's a tool, but it's a second chance to do it right. Good luck in your choice.
  10. Had sleeve 1week ago today. Glad to hear you're walking. I couldn't get up for 24 hrs, and I think that set me back. Any gas pain in shoulders?
  11. katybelle7

    Getting sleeved 9/2/15. Need buddy

    @vanessa. 55 pounds since June is fantastic. You really stuck with your program. Congrats! Now the fun begins...I hope!
  12. katybelle7


    Hang in there kiddo! Remember how you used to look forward to Christmas or a birthday party and time seemed to stand still? Well, now you're grown up, but going thru those pains again. The preop diet is crappy, the post surgery diet is crappy, but this too shall pass! Think of your shiny new bicycle waiting for you as your prize! (Or in this case, your shiny new body) It's worth the wait and the craziness the experts put us thru! No one here will tell you not to follow your doctor's orders, but I think a phone call to the doctors office might be in order if that's what it takes to keep you on track. Maybe your NUT can give you some suggestions. I switched from New Direction drinks they suggested to me, to Unjury which wasn't nearly as awful. So there are always alternatives if your body can't tolerate something. And instead of protein drinks/shakes afterwards, I've been making my own homemade broth and straining it. It tastes like Real food, not a pouch full of chemicals. That plus sf popcicles keep me going. Because of your special medical needs you should check with the pros though. And keep pushing those liquids! Pee out those free radicals, no more free rides for them! Just try to keep positive thoughts running thru your head. Once Old Man Doubt finds his way in, it's hard to kick him out. And post often. Folks here can offer other helpful ideas how to cope. After all, you're worth it!!
  13. katybelle7

    Sept date I am all set

    @@pindoctor They gave you puréed food while you were still in hospital?? So many of us are on liquids only for 2 weeks after surgery, some start puréed a week after, but this is this first time I heard anyone having puréed while still in hospital. My doctor said he wasn't worried about protein these two weeks after, but wanted me to keep my liquids up to avoid dehydration. I'm curious what types of puréed foods you're allowed. I thought I was breaking the mold when I stopped all the processed protein shakes, soups, by making my own homemade broths and straining them. Between sf popcicles, broth and water I'm running to the bathroom every 15 minutes!
  14. katybelle7

    Getting sleeved 9/2/15. Need buddy

    @Skuper. I am amazed how flawlessly things went for you. I'm truly not a high pain whiner, but things took twice as long for me! I'm so glad you had a good surgical experience. I think mine was so poor because I couldn't get up for over 24 hrs before my first walk. Why, I'll never know. I kept telling them I thought I should be getting up. Then coming off the pain meds at home made me weepy. However, today I finally lost my first pound (plus the 10# the IV put back into me), so down a total of 11. That's making me feel great! @ Vanessa. How did you lose 55# already if your surgery was last week? I'm excited and happy for you, but want to know your secret!

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