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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CurvyCooper

  1. Of course! I have three kids too 7,3 and 3! Just got all my paperwork sent to insurance today and pre surgery appointment is the 21st. From what I heard the pain isn't as bad as it seems your hubby is going to need to help epically with the newborn. Mine has been pretty quiet but I think he is excited just doesn't want to tell me in fear he might offend me! I know that's weird but I am sure mine as well as yours will be supportive when the time comes. I'm most worried about emotions after surgery and hoping I don't regret my choice when it's completed!

  2. I called my insurance company and they helped me find the requirements needed for approval it says nothing about weight loss or gain so I am a little less stressed now. My nut may just want me to push myself but scaring me half to death for no reason seems a little harsh! I haven't gained and I continue to lose! Lol thanks for everyone's support I really appreciate it. I am so vested in this after all the time, energy, and money I have invested not to have it done and so fabulous with it! Can't wait to start to live again!

  3. Please Help!!!

    Total confusion... last month when I went to the NUT she told me I should drop four more pounds to reach a 5% weight loss... HOWEVER... This was per her initial weight. I had my first NUT appointment roughly a month and a half after my initial surgeon appointment and had put on 10 pounds. So long story short it looks like I haven't lost anything from my initial surgeons appointment but I have lost since starting nutrition... which weight is my insurance going to look at?! I'm super nervous because 1/5/2016 is my last NUT appointment and that's when everything is submitted to my insurance... Thanks for the advice.

  4. I am just so uncomfortable I almost didn't fit on a ride at the fair tonight! That was such a wake up to me. I used to just laugh it off and make being a big girl a joke but that was my way to cope with my negative body image I wish I could get this done so much sooner!

  5. I just got off the phone with my surgeons office. The nurse that is involved in getting prior approvals told me to stay around where I am and that a little loss is okay. However, if the insurance company sees that I can lose weight with nutrition classes they could reconsider doing the surgery. She said she could not tell me exactly to not lose weight but did tell me they could reconsider if I lost weight within the six months just with dietary modifications. Soooo.... Guess I better take it easy!

  6. Some of my co-workers not my boss but she actually had something done idk of bypass, sleeve, or band. I am curious but don't want to over step because I know some people aren't as open to discussing. I know after surgery co workers are going to be my biggest support which is why I am so open. My boyfriend and parents know and they are all so supportive. I am a tad bit nervous it could create more jealousy between my boyfriend and I when I start losing. He wasn't too thrilled when I told him the doctor would be happy to see me around 145 but I can't remember ever being that small and he has never seen me that size so maybe he and I both will come around to that idea! What's your goal weight?

  7. You are further then I am! I have my EGD scheduled for 8/19 and the first nutrition class available was 8/20. Had a sleep study done previously hope that'll work and I have a psychiatrist that should write a clearance letter for me on 8/4. It's so crazy everything that has to be done! Kind of scary! Have you told anyone at work about your plans?

  8. I know that should've been one of my first questions but I completely forgot!!! If my insurance does go through the first reading that'd be great! I can't imagine that I wouldn't be allowed to lose weight prior to surgery! That would be insane! Thank you to everyone who has replied! I start nutrition classes soon which is crazy too because I know good nutrition just always eat too much... Do you guys know if nutrition classes cover post weight loss surgery or are they general?!

  9. Hello - Question (don't mind me I am brand new here): I am currently at a BMI of 42.1 and no other serious medical conditions. Currently, my insurance will cover my surgery. I am a tad concerned reading other people's stories that my doctor will want me to lose weight before surgery and it will put me under a BMI of 40 at which case insurance could deny me. Is this a rational concern? I know it's crazy to say I want to keep my weight on but I know that I can lose a certain amount of weight without the Gastric Sleeve tool but I always re-gain plus some. I don't want to hurt my chances of being able to have this procedure done. Any advice?

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