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wheat thin

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    wheat thin reacted to mtraverse in Mayo in your tuna salad or egg salad?   
    Diet soda is a no-no!
    I use light mayo and Greek plain yogurt together! Really great in the tuna! Lower fat and more Protein
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    wheat thin reacted to cadladykim in Why does your taste change after surgery?   
    I'm 5 months pot-op and meat Proteins beef, chicken, pork, fish: they all taste a little different now. My tolerance for them is low.
    I do not enjoy them like I did pre-surgery. Not even a little. (I always had the "savory tooth" never a "sweet tooth")
    Veggies, fruit and carbs don't have the same negative taste as meat. They seem to taste the same.
    Water & Tea taste slightly different but not enough to change my habits or how i consume them.
    To boil it down, I don't know if the food really does taste different. but i can attest that my tolerance for all food has changed.
    I generally don't like the taste of food and still despise having to eat.
    Maybe meat tastes different because I don't want to eat it?
    I know when It's late and I still have Fluid to get in and I know i HAVE to drink - whatever it is I drink I end up having to choke it down.
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    wheat thin reacted to Daisee68 in Why does your taste change after surgery?   
    I don't know the reason, but just thought I would weigh in that I had bypass 11 days ago, and so far my tastebuds are exactly the same. The Protein drinks taste the same, Water tastes the same, beef broth, etc. Not sure why it doesn't happen to all....
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    wheat thin got a reaction from leanora27801 in No longer living on 300lb Blvd.   

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