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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by gpmed

  1. @@McButterpants I'm still early in the weight loss phase so no experience with this, but want to offer some words of support. Please don't be embarrassed to talk about these things! What you're going through seems pretty common, based on my time here.

    My understanding is that WLS allows us to "easily" lose 100 or more pounds because getting that much excess weight off is damn near impossible for us without it. But it's not a permanent fix. The hunger comes back and work is required not to gain large amounts of weight back.

    The weight you've gained is much smaller than the 100 or more extra pounds you were carrying before surgery. You're very smart to catch this early and seek support before it gets out of control. I wish you the best as you hit the reset button.

    I'm first glad you posted for your own well-being. But your post also helps us who are still in the weight loss phase know what's coming down the pike and prepare, so thank you for sharing!

  2. @@Leanmachine

    "MOM is a pleasure to take. My Surgeon prescribed liquid Colace, which is branded as Diocto Liquid, and it is, without a doubt or hesitation the absolute worst tasting thing I have ever imbibed. It actually has a pleasant taste in the mouth, but when you swallow it, it hits your esophagus and burns, the gets into the stoma, and is equally unpleasant, I gagged the three or four times I took it. It's as close to vomiting as I have come post op. The only way I found to begin to mitigate it's nastiness, is to have a cup of coffee in hand, and gargle with it, to get it off your esophagus, and then flush it out of the stomach. They make Colace in a gel cap as well. I tried two of those, but the gel cap was so thick, I almost could not crush it in my mouth, and they contain the same flavor as the liquid. I am willing to bet that they make the gel cap so thick so that it does not dissolve in your stomach but at some point in your intestines. With my shorter digestive tract due to BP I don't think they would dissolve at all. Ergo why I did not mention it in the post, I guess sleeve people might be able to take it, but BP folks are out of luck."

    It's the opposite with me. I only take MOM as a last resort because it always upsets my stomach and sometimes overshoots the target. Colace is my personal standby. The small gel tablets don't bother me a bit, it doesn't upset my stomach and it works without working TOO well. So, I say, try different solutions and see what works for you!

  3. @ I'm going to guess you live somewhere without huge temperature fluctuations throughout the year? San Diego maybe? While there is a little overlap between my winter and summer clothes (might wear a sweater over a short-sleeve top in winter or jeans in the summer if it's under 85 degree), 20 degree weather definitely calls for drastically different clothes than 100 degree weather.

  4. This winter I've been enjoying bringing things out from last year and wondering will this fit? It's been a great change to find the answer is "no" for quite a few items not because they're too small, but because they're too big! Periodically I've been going "shopping" through some old, smaller clothes. Last night I found a beautiful jacket that I haven't been able to wear in years. I've gotten so many compliments on it today!

  5. I definitely understand the pull of the scale! I weighed myself several times a day for about two months after surgery. It actually gave me good information on how my weight fluctuates throughout each day so I can tell the difference between meaningless fluctuation and real loss/gain. Now I'm weighing about twice a week and watching the number go down. It's fantastic!

    On a side note, the one scale I WILL be using every day now is my new food scale. Last night I weighed a portion of chicken that I was sure had to be 4 oz. It was only 2.5. :( I think this is going to help me set goals for myself to meet my Protein needs.

  6. Stalls definitely make me reevaluate how well I'm following the plan and how I can do even better. I'm thankful for that. I'm determined to focus on the plan instead of taking on other unhealthy measures to make the scale move.

    Being thankful for stalls still might require what one might call "graduate level gratitude." haha

    I had no idea that people lose more inches during a stall, btw!

  7. I think the concept of more individualized eating plans is interesting. For so long we've seen blanket statements about what's good or bad for everyone.

    I'm just glad the research is being done. It's an epidemic that no one has figured out quite how to solve. I was happy for the opportunity to participate in a study when I have my surgery. They took samples of blood and a little bit of fat while during the procedure. Just hope it helps!

  8. I'm thankful for employer who supported me in taking time off, for insurance and short-term disability, and the incredible care I received in the hospital. I'm also thankful I had no complications and am experiencing steady weight loss.

    I'm thankful for my family who showed me they will always be there for me when I really need someone, even if others flake out.

    I'm thankful for my dogs who bring so much joy into my life and make me laugh.

    I'm also thankful that I have a good job and can support myself.

  9. I grew up about four hours from Orlando, so for years my dad and I would drive down, go to the Magic Kingdom in Disney World one day and then go to Universal's roller coaster park Islands of Adventure the next day. I've since moved several states away and my dad is about a 7 to 8-hour drive away now. I've mentioned to him that we should go when I meet goal weight and he seems like he could get into it. We'll see as the time gets closer. We're probably talking about a year from now because we always go during the off season.

  10. Ditto what @@Inner Surfer Girl said. From talking to others who have had the surgery both in my regular life and online, it seems the vast majority are very happy they did it. So many say they only regret not doing it sooner. Just make sure you do as much research as possible on the procedure and lifestyle changes required. It definitely helps to have realistic expectations going in and know it's going to require quite a bit of effort on your part to be successful. Good luck!

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