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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by gpmed

  1. Oh wow, I'm so sorry you've had to go through all that! I think it would be very difficult for anyone to navigate that situation emotionally, let alone at your age.

    Are you getting support from friends and family? Were you assigned a social worker in the hospital? If not, it might be good to ask about one if you feel you need someone to point out additional resources for help.

    I'd also highly recommend you see a therapist for emotional support.

    Hang in there. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. I'm a week ahead of you (surgery 9/21) and I would have been devastated to go home to that, especially after a tough time in the hospital.

    Is there a friend or relative you could stay with for a while? If not, maybe spend time away from the family in your room with a book or Netflix?

    Don't for a second doubt yourself. They're being unsupportive a-holes and you've done nothing wrong. You've taken the first very difficult steps to improving your health. Be extra vigilant so they don't derail you. And rest when you're tired and in pain! You just had major surgery, jeez.

    Hang in there! We're rooting for you!

  3. How about some seafood? I wonder if you might tolerate fish better than chicken as it tends to be a bit flakier.

    Or a crustless quiche? There's a recipe on allrecipes.com for a crustless spinach quiche made with cottage cheese. You can substitute low fat cheese.< /p>

    Maybe try some roasted veggies? The possibilities are endless there and they usually come out soft enough not to cause irritation.

    I also recommend the cookbook Well Fed. It's chock full of recipes featuring Protein and veggies. It teaches how to make "hot plates," meals using the same Protein and veggies but with varying delicious spice combos so they taste like very different meals.

    Just a few ideas! Good luck!

  4. Hang in there! I had my surgery the week before you. I'd never had surgery before and was surprised both by how terrible I felt afterwards and how fast I began feeling better. Every day is better than before and I've had several turning points so far.

    And don't worry, I think a lot of us regret it during the first week. I had some kind of reaction in the hospital that made my skin itch and burn all over my body and I couldn't stand it. I remember saying, "I wish I'd just stayed fat!"

    Things have been looking way up from there and I know they will for you too. We've got this!

  5. Glad you enjoyed the cod! I better there are many other types of fish you'll end up enjoying too! People here have given pretty good suggestions for mild types of fish. I'll just add:

    Salmon, imo, is a really good fish and extremely healthy too with so many Omega 3s in it. As someone mentioned above, BE CAREFUL not to overcook it. Overcooked salmon is gross. It should be cooked slightly past raw. When I make it at home, I sprinkle dill on and really enjoy that.

    If you're ever concerned about a fishy taste, I understand you can soak fish in milk to reduce the fishiness.

    Enjoy your fish! :)

  6. I'm nine days post-op and I've not reached the point where I'd say "oh yes, I'd do it all over again for sure!" But that makes complete sense to me. Right after surgery you're the most miserable and have the least amount of reward. Down the road, you feel much better physically and experience much greater reward (weight loss).

    I'd never had any kind of surgery or been in the hospital for any reason. This may sound overly dramatic to some, but I feel like I went through hell and back in the hospital. Lots of pain and I had a reaction to something that made me itch so badly all over my body I wanted to just skin myself. It's been so much better since then, but I've still had some rough moments. I know one day it will be worth it, when I'm fully healed, the weight is off and I'm living life with renewed vigor.

  7. Ended up visiting my doctor yesterday. They are testing me for c. diff just to rule it out. They said if that's all clear, I can try some Imodium.

    He also said I could try lactose free milk and such, but didn't seem convinced that was the culprit. I think maybe some of us just go through this as we are adjusting to our new digestive systems?

    Thank you for the support everyone! I'm hoping I can get this under control so I can meet my Protein goals.

  8. My surgeon advised 4-6 wks, so I'm taking five full weeks and working from home one week.

    I'm eight days post-op and there is no way I could have gone back to work yesterday. My pain was well-controlled and I was off narcotics by day six, but I've had major GI distress that's made me kind of miserable and I've been really tired. Even small walks wear me out.

  9. I'm eight days post-op and my cravings for sweets are gone. I occasionally crave just regular food, like chicken salad, but I only want a bite or two cause I know I'll feel way full then. I think I just miss eating normal food, even the healthy kind. I have felt a little hungry at points in the last day or two but am satisfied after about three sips of Protein. Usually the thoughts of normal food leave my mind then too. It's definitely a big difference for me!

  10. My surgery was 9/21 and I'm so shocked to hear some people's stories who were within days of me. I'm not getting in 64oz. of Water or 60-80 g of Protein. My best day so far was 40 oz. of water and 40g of protein. Also kudos to those of you back to work. Week two is proving tough for me. I'm VERY weak and really tired.

    Sounds like we are in the same boat! I actually met my Fluid and protein goals one day. Then GI upset started and I've gotten about half the fluids and barely any protein the last two days. Had a clinic visit today and hoping things will look up soon. I'm also tired and weak. Hang in there!

  11. I'm 8 days post-op and would be feeling great if I didn't have constant GI upset, including continuous diarrhea since yesterday morning.

    My pain is well-controlled (only need Tylenol) and I can move around pretty well. I'd be golden if not for this!

    Did anyone else have constant GI distress? How long did it take to go away?

  12. Well my boss is very sympathetic to my multi-periods and gave me the name of her gyno, who was a guy, but there is a female in the practice also and I can get in to see her at the end of October. So I have a little bit of a wait, but at least I know I'm not alone in this and it gives me some time to do some research into other forms of birth control.

    Awesome! Good luck!!

  13. That definitely sounds like a nightmare. :( Perhaps your hormones are still out of whack from surgery or the big reduction in calories post-op.

    Do you have a good gynecologist? You sound like you're having a rough enough time to loop him/her in.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the type of birth control you're taking is a pill you take continuously for three months? Before surgery, my gyno told me birth control pills aren't recommended after RNY because of absorption issues. Maybe your pills aren't being absorbed? I switched to nexplanon (arm implant that lasts three years) before surgery and have been doing well.

    Hope you find some relief!

  14. @@gpmed yes, it is weeks before you can add Fiber. Once you can, do. One friend of mine told me he was so constipated that it was like giving birth and it came with a lot of blood. It scared him into buying high fiber, low sugar bars. He suggests two a day.

    If it happens again I'll try some fiber! Actually having the opposite problem today. Called the clinic nurse and she thinks I had dumping syndrome this morning. One week post-op we are allowed puréed and thicker things like yogurt. Had one-fourth cup nonfat Greek yogurt with Splenda. Ate it over the course of a half hour. She said I still could have overfilled my pouch or the Splenda gave me dumping. It's amazing how delicate our systems become! Back to just liquids for a couple days.

  15. My surgery was 8:15 am and I remember being wheeled down a corridor and people shouting my name cause I was freaking out. Pain was unbelievable and I puked.

    After my pain and nausea were controlled, I had a pain med drip I could press every eight minutes. I alternated in rapid cycle between dozing and somehow waking up in time to watch for a minute or two before the green light indicating I could press the button turned on.

    I got to my room around 7 pm and walked a short distance around 9 pm. Starting the next morning, I was miserable for about 24 hours with pain and terrible itchiness all over my body. I also randomly spiked a fever that night.

    Everyone has a difference experience, but I can say I wouldn't have been up for much of a friendly visit till 48 hrs after surgery.

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