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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by gpmed

  1. Thanks for the advice, guys! I think you're right that lactose is the likely culprit. I'm trying a little almond milk tonight to see how I tolerate it. Maybe I can add Protein tomorrow and see how that goes. @@Djmohr why premier? Are they lactose free? Thanks!
  2. gpmed


    Awesome! Good luck!!
  3. gpmed


    PS If it helps at all, nexplanon can be removed at any time. It requires a small in-office procedure to insert or remove.
  4. gpmed


    Not recommended ever afterward. I didn't feel like I wanted an IUD, so nexplanon turned out to be a good option for me. My doc said I could go on the patch when I got down to 200 pounds, but I may just stick with nexplanon.
  5. gpmed


    That definitely sounds like a nightmare. Perhaps your hormones are still out of whack from surgery or the big reduction in calories post-op. Do you have a good gynecologist? You sound like you're having a rough enough time to loop him/her in. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the type of birth control you're taking is a pill you take continuously for three months? Before surgery, my gyno told me birth control pills aren't recommended after RNY because of absorption issues. Maybe your pills aren't being absorbed? I switched to nexplanon (arm implant that lasts three years) before surgery and have been doing well. Hope you find some relief!
  6. If it happens again I'll try some fiber! Actually having the opposite problem today. Called the clinic nurse and she thinks I had dumping syndrome this morning. One week post-op we are allowed puréed and thicker things like yogurt. Had one-fourth cup nonfat Greek yogurt with Splenda. Ate it over the course of a half hour. She said I still could have overfilled my pouch or the Splenda gave me dumping. It's amazing how delicate our systems become! Back to just liquids for a couple days.
  7. Wow! What a difference! I'm really happy for you! I can only imagine how miserable that felt before.
  8. gpmed

    Waking up from surgery?

    My surgery was 8:15 am and I remember being wheeled down a corridor and people shouting my name cause I was freaking out. Pain was unbelievable and I puked. After my pain and nausea were controlled, I had a pain med drip I could press every eight minutes. I alternated in rapid cycle between dozing and somehow waking up in time to watch for a minute or two before the green light indicating I could press the button turned on. I got to my room around 7 pm and walked a short distance around 9 pm. Starting the next morning, I was miserable for about 24 hours with pain and terrible itchiness all over my body. I also randomly spiked a fever that night. Everyone has a difference experience, but I can say I wouldn't have been up for much of a friendly visit till 48 hrs after surgery.
  9. My doc said it works it's way into the cells somehow and then into the blood stream. Then you breath out carbon dioxide.
  10. gpmed


    I could see that being good!
  11. gpmed

    Period is late? Help!

    Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I misread your post. I'm blaming the post-op pain meds I'm taking. So I wonder if the sudden drop in calories from starting the liquid diet could be sending things out of whack? Have you been on the liquid diet long enough for it to be the culprit?
  12. gpmed

    Not drinking enough

    Oh cool! We had surgery the same day and I got out Thursday late afternoon. I was so glad to get home!
  13. gpmed

    Not drinking enough

    I'm sorry to hear and hope you get out soon! I had to spend some extra time in the hospital too cause I randomly got a fever one night. Thinking of you? Good luck!
  14. Omg I love your post! Hating salads made me laugh! I feel that way already about stuff. Also, nail on the head about withdrawal for sure! I forgot to mention in my post that my blood sugar had been getting low sometimes now after surgery. That can make you emotional too!
  15. My doc says surgery can put the hormones associated with your menstrual cycle out of whack. If it feels like that, it definitely could be. I know after surgeries our metabolisms are resetting or whatever, and that can cause hormonal changes. It's also just a lot to deal with! I'm four days post-op and I freaked out crying in the hospital a couple times cause I was overwhelmed and scared (never had surgery before) and cause my skin was itching and burning all over so much I felt I couldn't bear it. So my whole point is, there are a lot of things to make us emotional that are totally normal. Don't get upset with yourself. Be gentle and patient. Things will get better even if they are really hard right now. Hang in there!
  16. It is definitely hard! I have a lot of vitamins I have to take a couple hours a part. For that I'm taking the first set, setting my phone timer for 2 hrs, taking the second set, etc. Protein and water I'm still working on myself. Good luck!
  17. My docs say the same thing and that the body just has to absorb it. Makes sense cause if it's in the abdominal cavity and not in the bowels, it has no orifice to come out of! For me it mostly caused upper back soreness. I'm four days post op and walking always makes me feel better. I've had some GI distress and gas in my bowels (not the gas pumped in for surgery) and walking helped me move things along in the digestive tract. My doc puts everyone on a stool softener too. I'm glad to have it cause of feeling like I need to poop but can't.
  18. Awwww, I'm so sorry! I've had skin problems before and had terrible itching all over while in the hospital (I'm four days post-op). Everyone is giving good suggestions. Drinking Water and getting Protein, Biotin, benedryl. If it's not improving and you can't stand it, stay on your doc! Mabes ask for referral to an allergist? Also, at home I use the most natural products I can for everything from lotion to all purpose cleaner. Read product labels and buy nothing with added fragrance. Sometimes it is listed as "parfum" in the ingredient list. Let me know if you want any product recommendations! Good luck! I know how truly miserable itching can be. Hang in there!
  19. I'm four days out and feel the same. I kind don't care if I have anything; I just do it cause I know I need protein. I did find when I drank several ounces of protein at once, I had bad GI distress. Today my strategy has been to take a few sips of protein, some sips of water and then more sips of protein. My GI distress has been better and I'm actually on track for my fluid and protein goals today -yay! Good luck and hang in there!
  20. gpmed

    Period is late? Help!

    One of my doctors said hormones controlling your cycle can get out of whack because of surgery. I'm five days out and suddenly started spotting a couple days ago, even though I don't get periods anymore cause I have nexplanon (arm implant that lasts 3 yrs).
  21. gpmed

    Surgery in September

    @@Adi12982 congrats on your hydration!! It's the little things that feel like big victories now.
  22. gpmed

    Surgery in September

    Patience is key. I'm two weeks out. Last week I was lamenting not being able to have water (it wasn't settling well so I was mostly hydrating with broth, G2 and sf Popsicles. Then I was able to have room temp water, a victory. And starting last night I was able to have cold water! I was silly to get hung up on it and think I'd never be able to have it again! Long story short - everyday gets better! Be patient and kind to yourself. You'll get better and better each day that passes. Also, walk, walk, walk as soon as possible after surgery as much as possible. Ditto this! I had surgery Monday. Stay flexible and patient. Be kind to yourself. Every day HAS gotten better. Today is my first full day home from the hospital and I'm finally on track to get all my fluids and protein, a victory for me! I'd never had surgery and was surprised both by how miserable I was and how quickly I could improve. Make sure you have help at home. My dad is taking care of me and was scheduled to leave today, but he's staying cause I need him longer. He helps take care of my dogs, picks things up from the floor, brings me things when all I can bear to do is lay down, all little but frequent needs. Also, it has helped me to sip little bits of my protein at a time and alternate with water. Before I tried to have too much protein at once and had greater GI distress. And it's true, walking in the hospital always made me feel better.
  23. gpmed

    I have a gift for many of you...

    Are you referring to my post? The possessive form of "forum" was correct. I was writing about this particular forum's thousands of posts (i.e., the thousands of posts on bariatricpal.com). I was also pointing out how ridiculous it would be to censor a rant. Was that not obvious? As for the dangling participle, I suppose I give more f***s than others when posting here, but certainly not an unlimited number.
  24. gpmed

    I have a gift for many of you...

    So we should start deciding which of this forum's thousands of posts are "a total waste of people's time and energy" so we can delete them all? That should be a fun game.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
