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    Knitchic reacted to jess9395 in 10 Bariatric Mistakes - Do any apply to you?   
    I'm going to say again, different things work for different people. Check out some of the threads on moderation vs abstinence. Some people can lose weight having some ice cream (sugar free is what the person recommended), a few French fries here and there and, yes, pizza. Some doctors and dietitians preach abstinence some moderation, but more importantly abstinence works for some and moderation works for others. It's not a one size fits all.
    I am in the moderation camp about many things (sweets, fries, yes pizza)--and lost 135 lbs and am maintaining nicely using that plan. Other things which are triggers for me (bread, Pasta, crackers, chips) I abstain from entirely. Others make me sick so I don't eat (rice, carbonation).
    Did I eat ice cream on a regular basis to get Protein in? Heck no! But I warn against using too broad generalizations. 90% of the time I follow all the "rules" and 10% of the time I allow for some flexibility. It works for me and keeps me on plan and healthy!
  2. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from *Lexie* in Botox Treatment   
    I get Botox a couple times a year and love it. It feels like a sweat bee sting. Just kind of a like annoying poke. No pain really. You have red spots for a few hours and that's pretty much it. The total effect take a about a week. Besides its amazing work on wrinkles it will pretty much resolve any Migraine issues too.
  3. Like
    Knitchic reacted to ericsmom in What, if anything, do you collect?   
    My friends would say I collect scrapbooking supplies, as I have WAY more than I need. I "collect" ribbon and paper :confused:
    I used to collect tea pots for a while until I ran out of room to store them. Same for the wicker baskets with apples on them (made by a certain person and bought at the Apple Festival every year). Again, no more room to get more... I used to dabble in stamp collecting when I was a kid, too. Otherwise, nothing really.
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    Knitchic reacted to vhude in Surgery in September   
    I had RNY and that's 16 pounds since surgery on September 8. I did not have a required liquid diet pre op.
  5. Like
    Knitchic reacted to lachellove in Never noticed. Picture included   
    So I'm a little over 5 weeks out and although I'm still learning, I feel great. I still have a issue seeing myself as plus sized but today changed my mind. Here's why
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    Knitchic got a reaction from judy1234 in A bad day today.   
    Hi there. You're right the diet isn't easy for sure. powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein is really good and they make a chicken Soup flavor that is actually pretty good. It makes you feel like you get something salty.
    I was allowed sugar free Jello and sugar free Popsicles. Those really help. I will say days 4 and 5 were awful. I think I was having sugar withdrawal. Once that passed I have been ok. I still get hungry if I wait to long between meals but all in all it really does get easier.
    Ps the chocolate Unjury power is amazing! If you put it in the freezer it's almost like a thin Frosty from Wendy's.
    Good luck.
  7. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Daisee68 in What helped you eat slower?   
    Timer on my phone is the only way I am accomplishing it so far. I set 2 timers - one goes off every 1 1/2 minutes and I won't take a bite until it goes off and then reset it for the next bite. The other time is for 30 minutes and at 30 minutes, I have to stop and get rid of my plate. When I am with others and not able to watch the clock, it is harder, but once it becomes more habit, it will get easier (or so I am told).
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    Knitchic reacted to Sleeve4me2015 in Confession time: Can't stop lying about my surgery!   
    I've been out for surgery for a few things, Gallbladder, Tonsils, and each time I tell the truth it gets all twisted so now when people ask why are you going to be out for awhile (This time for vacation) I just tell them, Well according to the Rumor Mill I'll be having an Alien Baby. They laugh and move on.
    I prefer to embrace the Rumor Mill idea it makes my life seem interesting. Sad I know but fun.
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    Knitchic reacted to Chrystee in Confession time: Can't stop lying about my surgery!   
    LOL. I just said I'll be out for surgery. I had a guy say something like, well I hope its all ok, and I just said, oh it will.. just a minor procedure. Men assume its "women" stuff anyway. LOL
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    Knitchic reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Confession time: Can't stop lying about my surgery!   
    Conscience, schmonscience!
    I think you're doing great. I say the bigger, the better. You could even add these:
    1. They discovered I have a tapeworm, and it's so big they have to operate to get it all out.
    2. Now, they've discovered that the big tapeworm has had baby tapeworms, and they have to do even more complicated surgery to remove the baby tapeworms. It's becoming very dangerous!
    3. Turns out it's not tapeworms, after all. It's Amazonian leeches that have attached themselves to the inside of my intestinal walls. We have NO idea how they got in there. It's possible they crawled into my mouth while I was asleep on a Caribbean beach last fall when hubby and I were on that cruise. But it's bad!
    4. I just had a pre-op endoscopy, and now it seems that I've also swallowed some car keys--three of them, the electronic kind. And none of them are a match to our cars. My husband thinks this could also have happened on that cruise. One night I didn't get back to our cabin until 5:00 am and don't remember a damn thing after the baked Alaska. Hubby won't stop teasing me about it. I'm pretty pissed.
    5. Hubby bought me a beautiful new ring for my birthday and also as an apology for teasing me so much about the car keys in my stomach. Trouble is that he hid it in a piece of birthday cake, and I swallowed the ring! And it hasn't come out the other end yet! The doctors are worried that it's been swallowed by one of the Amazonian leeches. So we're adding that to the list of things they're going to remove during gastrointestinal surgery.
    See ... you could get much more creative about all this.
    Have fun!
  11. Like
    Knitchic reacted to kranky813 in Runners   
    Thank you everyone! This is all some really good advice! I cannot wait to get started, I guess that means that I have to get up and start walking more I have never in my life thought of myself as a runner. I have always been the overweight kid/woman and honestly that thought of running intimidates me a little bit.
    Everyone's words have been so encouraging and I am going to get started ASAP! I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow and I think as a present to myself I am going to buy some really good running shoes.
  12. Like
    Knitchic reacted to livvsmum in Runners   
    I never ran a day in my life until after surgery. In fact I HATED being outside and the thought of RUNNING outside made me cringe. lol. So I joined a gym after surgery and when I walked in , the least intimidating thing looked like the treadmill. At least I knew how to start it. So I downloaded a couch-2-5k app on my phone while on the treadmill and started working through it. It gave me structure so I didn't have to wonder what to do. I followed it the whole way through and was indeed running a 5k by the end. I ran my first 5k last June without stopping and was on top of the world. I kept training from there using the Hal Higdon app and have since run 10Ks, an 8-miler, a 1/2 marathon and am training for my first full marathon at the moment. I know it sounds cheesy, but the day I finished my first 5k and the day I finished my first 1/2 marathon were seriously right up there as 2 of the best days of my life (aside from my kids and my wedding...lol). I was so proud of all of my hard work and the fact that I pushed my body to accomplish something I never thought was possible. Trust me on this....if I can do it, you can do it! I now actually do consider myself a "runner" and my husband has actually referred to me in conversation as "athletic" which is the craziest thing in the world. Having my family there when I completed the 1/2 marathon was just amazing. My teen daughters were so proud of me. Also the time that I have to myself in training is my only "me" time and it is kind of a meditation time in a way when I process through a lot of the stressors that I used to just "eat away".
    So.....I know that was long-winded, but all you have to say is "running" and I'll talk forever. lol. I say go for it!! You may find you love it, or you may find something else you fall in love with on your cross-training days. Either way it is a win! Good luck!
  13. Like
    Knitchic reacted to jess9395 in Runners   
    Look up Couch to 5k plans online or apps if you have a smart phone! The app I used is called Get Running but there are lots of them.
    They are interval training to get you started running. They start with like walk three minutes run 15 seconds (and I thought I would DIE in those 15 secs!!!!). And slowly work you up to running for a full 30 mins at a time.
    Lots of places to go after that point.
    I was NEVER a runner even back in High School I walked when we had to run in PE. I just finished my first Marathon in May and have done a dozen or so half marathons and countless 5k's and 10k's... A few relays and triathlons too. All since my December 2013 surgery and I'm 46 years old. If I can do it anyone can!!!! I just won first overall female in a trail 10k last weekend!
  14. Like
    Knitchic reacted to mishi in I'm so ashamed   
    Thanks everyone. You're right. Live and learn.
    In the past, mistakes like this would completely derail me but I'm trying to change my mind not just my body.
    I think part of the bad decisions is that I've run out of groceries and don't get paid for a couple days so it was easy to pay a few bucks. And then just going through the line and NOT getting anything is a huge adjustment.
    Next time I'll order an ice Water or a yogurt. McDs is a weak spot for me. My niece works there and brings food home. I pick her up and would go through the drive through.
    Maybe if I make a list of ok choices for fast food places and keep it w me, I won't fall back into making bad choices so easily.
    IDK. maybe it's just going to be trial and error. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely try them.
    Time to try to forgive myself and move forward.
  15. Like
    Knitchic reacted to mishi in What kind of diet were you on before surgery?   
    liquid diet for two weeks before surgery. Three to four Protein shakes a day made w skim milk or Water, unlimited amount of low sodium chicken, veggie, or beef broth, and sugar free Jello.
    I got sick of broth and Jello within the first few days and just stuck with Protein Shakes for most of the two weeks.
    Now I'm sick of Protein shakes and am eating soft foods.
  16. Like
    Knitchic reacted to TaylorzTrio in Surgery in September   
    My surgery date is the 22nd
  17. Like
    Knitchic reacted to McQuaidgirl in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    So many things..... I am 5 weeks out today.
    1. I didn't realize until the preop diet just how addicted to food I was. By the second day I tore my house apart like a crack head (no offense to crack heads) looking for sugar or bread.< /p>
    2. I am absolutely terrified of eating at at a restaurant and being overwhelmed at all of the choices. I feel that I would either 1. Not eat and 2. Choose the wrong food.< /p>
    3. I feel like a toddler learning their alphabet but for me it's about learning 90 percent more about food and making better food choices
    4. Lots of people take of two weeks after this surgery. I am not working now so I didn't have to take time off. The surgery was super easy for me and I walked one mile about 3 hours after getting into my room (2 in total) I think that is why I only had gas pains less than 24 hours. Back to the two week thing. I was picking up my 24 lb son on the third day. Very slowly obviously! for me the second week was all mental for me. Not sure I could have handled that and the stress of a job.
    5. Do yourself a favor and buy expensive socks for when you walk. The cheap ones (Hanes I believe) will help turn your feet into blisters.
    6. This is my very first post! Good luck on your surgery. To the others thank you!
    My question is it possible to harm your sleeve just swallowing the pills instead of crushing them?
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    Knitchic reacted to dwhite151 in Very soon and looking for friends :)   
    25th for me in San Antonio ????
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    Knitchic reacted to heathmcw74 in Very soon and looking for friends :)   
    Yes , liquid and two small meals a day. Good luck to you also
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    Knitchic reacted to soatlast in Very soon and looking for friends :)   
    I'll be having RNY on 9/24, always good to have friends going through this together Good luck with everything!
    Are you having to do a liquid diet? I'm on day 5, my major cravings have finally subsided.. I see the light!
  21. Like
    Knitchic reacted to heathmcw74 in Very soon and looking for friends :)   
    Good luck larac
  22. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Nylaj in Approved! (Offering Help also.)   
    I am approved.
    I go for my pre-op appointment on August 18th.
    Then one month later, I will have it. Sept 17th cannot get here fast enough!
    And for those wondering, I got approved in North Carolina with the State Hlth Plan at BlueCrossBlueShield.
    Btw: I work with insurance companies all the time with getting these types of cases approved.
    If anyone ever needs any or guidance, let me know!
    I will try to help you all.
    Have a great day!
  23. Like
    Knitchic reacted to soatlast in Pre diet   
    You can do it! The first three-four days are the hardest, then your body is pretty much adjusted.
    I am on day six of my full liquid diet, I must have 5 Meal Replacement shakes each day, plus I can have broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, and crystal light/mio (or any drink that has zero sugar and zero caffeine). The first three days I was HANGRY, it's a real thing! You just have to remind yourself that you are doing this for YOU and to be healthy, so you can live the life that you want.
    I have found that no one understands what we are going through, unless they have done it too. Friends, family, and coworkers can say they understand, that they "get it", but they have NO idea the physical and mental challenges we can face during this journey. But seeing people on the other side, a few months out of their surgery and dropping pounds left and right, it is so going to be worth it.
    If you are having trouble with the way you are feeling and it lasts longer that a couple of days, call your doctor! They may recommend a slight change or may be able to offer some advice about what is normal to expect during the pre-op diet.
    PS The dizziness and shaking that some may experience can be from caffeine and sugar withdrawals, those can be awful but only last a couple of days. If you drake diet sodas before your pre-op diet, aspartame withdrawal is also not fun to go through. Just remind yourself of what's on the other side!!
  24. Like
    Knitchic reacted to PinkieD in Pre diet   
    I think we all have to be careful if the naysayers. Somewhere in a tiny place in our brain is a negative thought and these people can pull the trigger on it. They only mean well, but I am learning to stop listening. (Very hard)
  25. Like
    Knitchic reacted to India928 in Pre diet   
    Btw...things do get easier once your body is through with the sugar and carb withdrawl which is about day 4 to 5.

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