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    Knitchic reacted to no onions in How do you motivate and reward yourself?   
    So I started this at my highest weight ever of 337lbs. My ultimate goal is to be in the healthy BMI range and no longer need cpap (if I'm lucky). I think I need to set mini-goals on the way there.
    What kinds of things have you all done?
    My current weight is 289 lbs and I'm thinking the following --
    1. First consecutive 4 weeks of going to the gym: live theater tickets. I love to go but the seats had become uncomfortable.
    2. Hitting 237 lbs - I'm a gadget person and I really want an Apple Watch. Maybe tennis lessons?
    3. Below 200 lbs - I'm thinking some kind of vacation. Maybe tropical and beachy?
    In the past I might have used food as a motivator. That obviously doesn't work for me!
  2. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Cervidae in Leaving for the hospital in 9 hours... I'M FREAKING OUT A LITTLE!   
    So happy for you!!! Keep us all posted.
  3. Like
    Knitchic reacted to RaginCajun in Apple Watch - As Tool for Sleevers   
    Hi All!
    I was one of the lucky ones who was able to get Apple watch in first wave of shipments arriving on 24-April.
    So, I have had it and been using it since then.
    Wanted to start a thread to solicit input and experiences on best way to use it in support of VSG.
    For me, I love the Utility watch face where I can use a timer set to 30 mins to keep up with when I can drink after feeding.
    My two most useful apps are Bariatric Timer and Lose IT. Both available in ITunes App Store. These are not Apple Watch apps per se, they use the Apple Watch extensions to enable the App on the Apple Watch to be useful, without having to touch iPhone or iPad.
    BariatricTimer lets me set reminders for eating and drinking before/after. Altho, to be honest the app isn't that intuitive and the relationship between the timers doesn't make sense. And, hey, don't use icons like 'Donut' and 'Wine Glass' when the purpose of your app is to support Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery folk.
    Lose IT allows me to keep up with my caloric intake, and track daily intake of Protein, fat, and carbs. So great to set it up in Glances on the Apple Watch and have it available in seconds at a glance, without having to pick up my iPhone.
    If you have an Apple Watch, please share how you are using it in your journey!
  4. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from portuguesegal10 in Need to vent!   
    I agree.... Hold your head high. This process is far from easy.
  5. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Djmohr in Does anyone end up in a bikini? Please be honest!   
    Or better yet, I am looking forward to buying my undies and bras at Vicortorias secret! That is one of my goals!
  6. Like
    Knitchic reacted to NMJG in root beer extract   
    Just bought some root beer extract and I put it in my vanilla shakes and almond milk. Tastes like root beer float
    Just thought I would share with folks bored of their regular Protein flavors.
  7. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from choosehope in Looking for preop friends :)   
    That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week
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    Knitchic got a reaction from mlmanney in Looking for preop friends :)   
    Yes a test! It's was 320 questions at that!
  9. Like
    Knitchic reacted to ShutterGirl1829 in Looking for preop friends :)   
    @@Knitchic I hope your appointment went well! My psych eval was pretty easy although I didn't have the hundreds of questions that so many people mention, but my session was split into 2 1 hour sessions, so maybe she just asked me them all that way? Either way, I ended up flying through mine and she told me on the spot that she was all set to clear me for surgery. So apparently I was able to keep a lid on my crazy well enough to get through that process! Just kidding, she laughed at a lot of my answers a lot but at the end we decided I had a normal amount of crazy.. I hope your's goes just as smoothly!
  10. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Alex Brecher in How Much Do/Did You Know About Nutrition?   
    I feel like a knew a good bit about nutrition in general but this process has really made me look at things more closely, not just calories.
  11. Like
    Knitchic reacted to BaileyBariatrics in Eating out, your way.   
    Americans spend a lot of money on eating out. It’s part of the how we live in our busy lives. Having bariatric surgery doesn’t mean you have to give up going out to eat. Having bariatric surgery means you have to be smart about eating out.

    Americans spend a lot of money on eating out. It’s part of the how we live in our busy lives. Having bariatric surgery doesn’t mean you have to give up going out to eat. Having bariatric surgery means you have to be smart about eating out.
    Plan ahead for what you will choose in the restaurant. Keep in mind what eating phase you are in and order what foods you can have. At times, a menu can overwhelm you if there are too many choices. If there is a menu online, review that before going the restaurant and see what choices are available. Write down a few choices on an index card and carry with you to the restaurant. Order from your card, not the menu. If you can’t find an appropriate and safe choice, ask the server for what you need. If the restaurant can’t make something you can have, then you need to avoid that restaurant.
    Consider splitting a meal.This will help reduce the portions and the cost of the meal.You may be charged a plate fee, but the overall cost of the meal will be less.You can also ask for a to-go box when the server puts your food in front of you. Pack up the food immediately, which can prevent you from overeating. This food can be used for another meal.
    Focus on the people around the table, not the food. You will eventually be able to find pleasure in eating out after surgery. Take the time to plan what you can eat. It’s the smart thing to do!
  12. Like
    Knitchic reacted to wantingabetterlife in So tired of people saying you dont need surgery!   
    Thank you so much! And just so you know, the same people that said I shouldn't have surgery, are the ones that keep telling me that I need to stop losing weight! I just say uh-huh and keep on doing what I want!
  13. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Shellbell619 in So tired of people saying you dont need surgery!   
    I have had so many people that say you dont need surgery. Or even people that say you're taking the easy way out. UMMM by reading what I have read so far about this surgery...it is not the easy way out! I wish people realized what all I will have to go thru. And I absolutely need this surgery, if not for my health, for my sanity. I cannot stand the person I have become. Cant find anything to wear, my closet full of cute clothes dont fit, I have gained 50 lbs in 10 months, cant bend down to shave my legs for crying out loud, dont want to have sex with hubby of 20 years, I cut my hair off because I am too lazy to fix it, out of breath, dont want to go to parties or summer events involving bathing suit.....the NEED for surgery is crutial to my mental well being. I feel so excited about my surgery and I want to shout it to the roof tops. Then when I do I get this reaction. What a bummer! People are so mean some times.
  14. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from choosehope in Looking for preop friends :)   
    Hi there. I go for my psych evaluation and dietician appointments tomorrow. I spoke to the surgeons office today and they said I may have RNY bypass yet in August or if not September. I can't wait to have this amazing tool.
  15. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from choosehope in Looking for preop friends :)   
    Hi there. I go for my psych evaluation and dietician appointments tomorrow. I spoke to the surgeons office today and they said I may have RNY bypass yet in August or if not September. I can't wait to have this amazing tool.
  16. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Alex Brecher in Using Syntrax Nectar question   
    I use Prime a few times per week and have totally gotten spoiled by them! We're planning to offer similar prices and services. We'll most likely offer free 2-3 day shipping.
  17. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Alex Brecher in Using Syntrax Nectar question   
    Where does everyone purchase their Syntrax products from? We're going to be offering their entire line of products (as well as 300-500 other Bariatric products) in a few weeks when we launch the BariatricPal Store.< /p>
  18. Like
    Knitchic reacted to lealor in Nervous   
    I'm at work crying. Crying for gratitude for all of you, your posts in my fears and your one ness with me on why I am fearful. Shelley, MzAlice, lady fran. May we all be happy healthy and free at last of low self worth. We deserve it all dammit. We deserve it all.
    Thank you.
  19. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Daisee68 in Struggling - Vitamins and Protein   
    I really struggled at lot between week 3 and 4. (Honestly I am now 9 weeks out and just now feeling better). I felt very hopeless during this time too but I promise you it gets better. You just have to hang in there and find stuff you can tolerate. I ate a lot of refried Beans with cheese melted on top (I put some spices in too like garlic salt, cumin and cilantro). I like and tolerated hummus quite well. sugar free fat free chocolate pudding with some Protein powder mixed in. Greek yogurt (I like the Dannon Light & Fit Greek strawberry Cheesecake). Ricotta Bake from theworldaccordingtoeggface.com website was REALLY good and even though I could only eat a small amount, it made me feel more human.
    For Protein powders, I have been using Precision Engineering Whey Protein Isolate - both chocolate and vanilla - and I like both of them a lot. I sometimes mix in PB2 and/or some of the Torani sugar free flavored syrups (I especially like Salted Caramel mixed with vanilla.) For unflavored, I use Doc Hale Nutrition Whey-licious (available online). You are able to mix it with as little as 3 oz of Fluid, so I mix it with Propel Fitness berry Water and just get it done.
    On the Vitamins, you might try calling your dr or NUT and see which ones they suggest. I use BariActiv (not the same as Bariatric Advantage) and tolerate them quite well. It is EXTREMELY important that you get Vitamins in, so you have to find something you can tolerate. I have heard 2 Centrum Silver chewables or 2 flinstone vitamins even. Do a search for vitamins on here and see if one comes up that you could try.
    PROMISE it gets better!!
  20. Like
    Knitchic reacted to LipstickLady in How Good are You about Not Drinking While Eating?   
    I was worried about this, too. Twenty some years of WWs trained me to drink drink drink before, during and after meals to get full faster.
    Now, I can drink right up to a meal, and I can MAYBE take a small sip during (think thimble - full), but I can't actually drink a full mouthful for about 30-60 minutes after a meal or I will puke.
    Even if I eat really slow, chew really well, and eat only 2-3 ounces total, drinking is not an option. It sometimes sucks when I'm eating something super spicy but other than that, it's not a big deal. I use sauces to add moisture, but I no longer NEED the drinks.
    I'd much rather be thin and healthy.
  21. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Kissifur in How Good are You about Not Drinking While Eating?   
    This is a big fear of mine as well. Actually, this is the one thing my husband says he thinks I will struggle with the most. I gave up diet coke about a week ago (so very hard as I LOVED my diet cokes). Maybe it's all in my head but I don't feels the same kind of thirsty now that I am drinking tea or Water.
    I plan to switch to Water only after the aspartame/diet coke withdrawal is over. I was afraid to give up caffeine at the same time. I didn't want to set myself up for failure.
    Did anyone try to practice not drinking with meals prior to surgery? I wondered if that would help.
    How soon prior to eating have you been told you will need to stop drinking? It seems like it is one of those things that vary by doctor.
  22. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Reason to Believe in Coke Zero pre op diet   
    Congrats on kicking the diet pop habit. I am close to a week with no diet coke. Still having some headaches but I am confident I will never go back. I'm not a huge fan of flavored bottled Water so I am still looking for water add ins. Do you have any you recommend that would also be good post op?
  23. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Reason to Believe in Coke Zero pre op diet   
    Congrats on kicking the diet pop habit. I am close to a week with no diet coke. Still having some headaches but I am confident I will never go back. I'm not a huge fan of flavored bottled Water so I am still looking for water add ins. Do you have any you recommend that would also be good post op?
  24. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Kissifur in How Good are You about Not Drinking While Eating?   
    This is a big fear of mine as well. Actually, this is the one thing my husband says he thinks I will struggle with the most. I gave up diet coke about a week ago (so very hard as I LOVED my diet cokes). Maybe it's all in my head but I don't feels the same kind of thirsty now that I am drinking tea or Water.
    I plan to switch to Water only after the aspartame/diet coke withdrawal is over. I was afraid to give up caffeine at the same time. I didn't want to set myself up for failure.
    Did anyone try to practice not drinking with meals prior to surgery? I wondered if that would help.
    How soon prior to eating have you been told you will need to stop drinking? It seems like it is one of those things that vary by doctor.
  25. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Kissifur in How Good are You about Not Drinking While Eating?   
    This is a big fear of mine as well. Actually, this is the one thing my husband says he thinks I will struggle with the most. I gave up diet coke about a week ago (so very hard as I LOVED my diet cokes). Maybe it's all in my head but I don't feels the same kind of thirsty now that I am drinking tea or Water.
    I plan to switch to Water only after the aspartame/diet coke withdrawal is over. I was afraid to give up caffeine at the same time. I didn't want to set myself up for failure.
    Did anyone try to practice not drinking with meals prior to surgery? I wondered if that would help.
    How soon prior to eating have you been told you will need to stop drinking? It seems like it is one of those things that vary by doctor.

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