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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Knitchic got a reaction from LoggedOutForGood in Surgery in September   
    Just 26 more days for me. Sept 23nd. I can't believe it's less then a month away.
  2. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from LoggedOutForGood in Surgery in September   
    Just 26 more days for me. Sept 23nd. I can't believe it's less then a month away.
  3. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Elode in What's your "weight loss pet peeve?"   
    @@tcon True, but there is also POWER in being able to say NO!
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    Knitchic got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in What kind of increments are you setting goals for rewards?   
    The ideas are running through my head. Massage, spa day, a new expensive purse, a tropical vacation for meeting goal.
  5. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Nuevodia in Sept date I am all set   
    Sep 22 is my big day
  6. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in What kind of increments are you setting goals for rewards?   
    The ideas are running through my head. Massage, spa day, a new expensive purse, a tropical vacation for meeting goal.
  7. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in What kind of increments are you setting goals for rewards?   
    The ideas are running through my head. Massage, spa day, a new expensive purse, a tropical vacation for meeting goal.
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    Knitchic reacted to goodnuff in Cream of wheat   
    I put sugar free instant chocolate pudding powder in mine.
  9. Like
    Knitchic reacted to glitter eyes in What to pack for the hospital   
    @@Sharon1964 I am not nearly as tough as my post made me sound. I am the nursing administer at the hospital where I had my surgery done so I had tons of visitors. Had to make sure I looked good. LOL. While I was in the hospital I stayed well groomed and acted like I felt great. As soon as I was home I didn't wear makeup for days or pants for that matter (the waistband rubbed one of my incisions). I wore my nightgowns and loose dresses for at least two weeks. I really am a wimp; I just couldn't act like it while I was in the hospital.
    Boy was I ever glad to get home and relax!!! It was a little stressful to have so many visitors, but at least everyone was supportive????
  10. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Cheri_j in Tips and Helpful Tools for after surgery?   
    My NUT suggested the baby spoons. I love them.
    All above are great suggestions.
    One thing I bought was one of those coffee mug warmers. Since I have to make my meal last 30 minutes, these are great for keeping my food warm. I dislike cold food.< /p>
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    Knitchic reacted to kellzeppelin in Tips and Helpful Tools for after surgery?   
    What about tools like baby spoons, 2 tbs. scoops, small bowls and plates? R u guys using anything like that?
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    Knitchic reacted to Cervidae in Tips and Helpful Tools for after surgery?   
    Congrats! I had my RNY last monday. Here's a short list of the things that have been enormously helpful to me in this past week of recovery:
    - Gas-X Thin Strips. They dissolve on the tongue and almost instantly relieve tummy gas that can be downright painful. Heaven sent!
    - A 64 oz. Water jug from Wal-Mart, with measurements on the side. This is a super easy way to monitor how much Water you are getting throughout your day, and 64 oz. is the recommended minimum. Very helpful.
    - Baby or aloe wipes. These are very important! In the first couple of days after surgery in the hospital, you are going to feel pretty gross. Just the simple act of wiping down your face, neck, arms, etc. with a refreshing wipe can make you feel infinitely better. After you come home, showering may still be a bit difficult, so you can hold it off a little longer by keeping yourself clean with these.
    - A body pillow. I'm sure you can guess why this helps a lot. I had a ton of pain on my left side from the gas pumped into me and the fact that most of the work during surgery is done on the left. A body pillow helps sooo much, whether sitting or trying to sleep.
    - I would highly recommend you sleep in a recliner or propped up on a couch with your feet up. Some people are able to lay in their beds a few days after surgery but I certainly can't, and I know a lot of others who couldn't either. It's just very uncomfortable and can be painful if you twist around too much. I sleep on my recliner with a couple pillows propping up my legs to take any pressure off my lower back. Super comfy.
    - A small Blender Bottle or shaker cup that has a top and measurements on the side. I use this multiple times a day for my shakes and to mix cream Soup with low fat milk prior to straining it. Sometimes a spoon just doesn't cut it.
    - A loofa or sponge on a stick! Again, moving around in the shower is gonna be a bit difficult for a while. A nice, easy wash of the back and harder-to-reach places can be heavenly.
    If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to message me! I always like to help.
  13. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Djmohr in Cream of Wheat   
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a lot of weight in one week!
    I had cream of wheat this morning, I am 10 months post op. I also had it beginning in week 2 post op. I make mine with fair life Protein milk so it increases the Protein level.
    I actually crave cream of wheat, I know it sounds strange but I like the texture. It is very good for you.
  14. Like
    Knitchic reacted to armywife79 in What kind of increments are you setting goals for rewards?   
    In the fist 40 or so, I made pacts with myself actually, more than rewards. Like, I had not been in a bathing suit in 18 years so, after the first 20, I got a suit. Then pounds later I went tubing for the first time, then I wore a sleeveless dress to a big event , last month I got my ears pierced after 20 years of them being closed up I wore shorts and a sleeveless shirt to Disney for the first time ever and went to a Water park. It's been more about pushing myself to experience things than getting stuff. I have been really surprised at how much I have done in just five months that I have put off for so many years. It's been a real experience!
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    Knitchic reacted to Madtownsunshine17 in What kind of increments are you setting goals for rewards?   
    @@armywife79 What types of things did you have as rewards?
  16. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Alex Brecher in Share your profession   
    Wow, we have quite a few healthcare and other helping professionals here! I never was…I’m coming from the tech and business end of things. I like to think I’m currently in a “helping” profession now as I manage BariatricPal.
  17. Like
    Knitchic reacted to theother_onefoot in Pre-Op Questions   
    I would say ask about a catheter. Some doctors use them and some don't, some people like them and some don't.
    My doctor said he wasn't going to use one for me, which I didn't mind, but then the night after surgery I got really frustrated. They keep you so pumped full of fluids with the IV (and I was actually able to start sipping Water pretty early because my surgeon does the leak test while I was still under), that by the time I was trying to go to sleep I was literally getting up every hour and a half to pee until 4-something in the morning. And not just a "I kind of have to go..." but a serious, "I am going to wet myself in 10 seconds!" EVERY time until I finally fell asleep for two or so hours and they had a rounds change and came to wake me up for my vitals.. Ugh, haha. But each time I had to go, a nurse had to come unhook everything, let me go, then hook it all back up... It was exhausting in itself! -- even though I got so insistent some of the times I unhooked everything I was able to as quickly as possible so the nurse only had to do the IV and I could shuffle out of the bed pronto.
    Also, be sure your IV isn't in your dominant hand... It would have really been a hassle if mine was.
  18. Like
    Knitchic reacted to armywife79 in Pre-Op Questions   
    Yeah, I only learned that after a few surgeries but, once your iv is in and the doctor comes to see you before surgery, they can give you a sweet hit of delaudid as soon as anesthesia is done talking to you in holding. It really makes you totally fine with whatever comes next! Also, always ask for a hit of pain meds the minute you wake up! You won't feel pain right away sometimes after waking up but, this is a big surgery so, best to keep any pain at bay. You should have a morphine pump pretty soon after. Don't be afraid to use it! Keep yourself pain free. Also, ask your nurse for the lemon mouth swabs pretty regularly after surgery to help with the dry mouth until you get cleared for liquids the day after with the swallow test. Don't be scared to drink, it doesn't hurt and it really helps you get better if you hydrate. I wish you lots of luck, this is the hard part but, five months out, it feels like second nature!
  19. Like
    Knitchic reacted to armywife79 in Pre-Op Questions   
    Hi guys! When I went for this, I asked what he felt I could be at risk for post surgery, how this would effect both my medications and the way pain meds work. I asked that they note in my surgical plan that I have high anxiety and wanted a sedative pre surgery, I asked about recovery time and going back to work. I also checked to be sure I had a good number for the nutritionist and his nurse and also the after hours on call number. Hope that helps!
  20. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Dub in Once getting home from the hospital.....   
    @@Dub you always ask such great question that I hadn't even thought about yet.
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    Knitchic got a reaction from mykdzmom in Sept date I am all set   
    September 22 is the start of the new me!
  22. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Remix in Reflection   
    You all sound like I did a few months ago. I want to cry remembering how awful I felt, how draining the self torture was. I was constantly thinking about the weight and hating myself for letting myself get so big. 24/7 I was thinking about how others saw me and how unattractive I was.
    I had surgery July 11 and have done amazing. I wish I could hug that me from before surgery and all of you. It will get better, I promise. Do the work and you will be free from the shackles you are feeling. You'll be proud of yourself for doing it and you will feel happy & free.
    Until then, try to be kind to yourself. You are already beautiful and amazing.
  23. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Chylyn7 in Reflection   
    I really disappoint myself on how much I let myself go! I can't stand to look at my reflection in the mirror not take pictures. Surgery can't come quick enough.
  24. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from Dream4tc in Esophageal Manometry   
    I had that test as well and it's HORRIBLE. So sorry you had to go through that. It seems like there should be a better way. I know I hope I NEVER have to do that test again.
  25. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Miss Mac in What do you say?   
    Here is a marching cadence for you while you are out taking a walk:
    I don't care what people say.
    Gonna get my surgery anyway.
    They're gonna get a big surprise,
    When they see me go down in size.
    Pounds off 1 - 2
    Pounds off 3 - 4
    Pounds off 1-2-3- 4
    1 -2 - 3 -4!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
