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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Knitchic reacted to lash44 in You know you lost weight when   
    when your shoe laces are not knotted (tied) on the side
  2. Like
    Knitchic reacted to lash44 in You know you lost weight when   
    when your shoe laces are not knotted (tied) on the side
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    Knitchic reacted to kgremmy in You know you lost weight when   
    When your extended family keeps telling you how great you look....or when you are looking at a size Med dress and you know that it is going to fit you!!!!
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    Knitchic reacted to Lanette in You know you lost weight when   
    When your sister in law that hasn't seen you in months (lives out of state) walks past and didn't reognize you.
    Also, when you actually default to going into the "normal" stall in the public bathroom instead of the handicap stall.
  5. Like
    Knitchic reacted to lealor in I have a gift for many of you...   
    @@pink dahlia Amen!!! omg yes I used 3 letters for a phrase!! Who cares about spelling and punctuation on a site where peoples lives are literally on the line. MAJOR LIFE CHANGES, we are here to support everyone, including people who are not educated. Shame Shame on you all.
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    Knitchic reacted to pink dahlia in I have a gift for many of you...   
    I say cut them some slack. Not everybody is good at everything, some people are good at math, but have poor writing skills. Another may remember historical facts very well, but struggle with spelling, punctuation, etc. On this board, a persons poor writing skills might be pretty obvious, but what you're not seeing are that persons other skills, important things like kindness, a giving heart, good manners, positive attitude and willingness to help others. Just sayin '.
  7. Like
    Knitchic reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Birthday Cake   
    The coconut cake recipe on the site looks great but it seems like a lot of work.
    A low carb cheesecake with almond meal for the crust would be the easiest option with the simplest ingredients. there are tons of recipes, just google until you find one you like.
  8. Like
    Knitchic reacted to JosieAppleHead in Birthday Cake   
    I plan to have either a vegan cake or regular cake. I don't dump from bad sugar. Just for this one day I will not over indulge, 1 small piece, one day will not kill my lifestyle change. I also won't tempt my self by having a cake remain in my house Maybe I won't like it or maybe next year I will substitute it for something else but right now this is my plan. I am working out like nobodies business to reach my Nov weight loss goals.
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    Knitchic reacted to slcmommy5 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    225 to 140
    size 20 to size 6
    reached goal weight at 7 mths

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    Knitchic reacted to Jessicacherry3 in Tiny tummy, the dictator   
    Does anyone ever imagine their tiny tummy as an evil dictator who is trying to take over your body? Maybe I'm the only one?!? Sometime I imagine trying to reason with him... Me:This red, ripe Tomato is tasting so good, don't you agree tiny tummy? Evil tiny tummy: yes it is... Wait, I changed my mind. No it isn't, now let's see how fast you can run to the bathroom. Me: I don't get it, we've eaten tomatoes in things, why don't you like them by themselves? Evil tiny tummy: hahaha (evil laugh) because I decided we didn't today!
    Me: tiny tummy, how come I can eat 5 ounces of Greek yogurt, 3 ounces of chicken, but only 1 tablespoon of tuna? Evil tiny tummy: because, I do what I want! Hahaha (more evil laugh).
    Anyone else have funny tiny tummy struggles to share?
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    Knitchic reacted to KristenVSG2014 in Tiny tummy, the dictator   
    I think of mine as my bossy best friend. Her name is Stevie the Sleevie and she decides when enough is enough even if I want more. She refuses to like lunch meat. She sends it right back up my throat when I test her every three months. When I drink coffee she gets extremely vocal. Like Dory trying to speak whale. If I eat fibrous fruits or veggies she verbally groans and croaks at me.
  12. Like
    Knitchic reacted to VDB in What Foods are Prone to Dumping Syndrome?   
    I had RNY in April. Have had dumping a few times. oatmeal (regular); Mexican food that had cheese on it; beef. Someone put a piece of rhubarb pie in my mouth and made me eat it, didn't cause any problems.... then the same person made me eat some birthday cake...darn that big guy! This is how I learned that sugary does not phase my pouch. But of course (if my NUT is reading this), I would never eat any of that stuff because I have no room after Protein. Not for any ice cream, either.
  13. Like
    Knitchic reacted to teitei636 in Straws   
    I think it depends on the person and the opinion of your medical team. I've heard, been told and read repeatedly, no straws.
    I will be 6 weeks post-op on Tuesday. I started using straws at week 3 bc I was having trouble sipping slowly. So, I grabbed a straw, first sipping slowly to test the waters. Success. I have not had any problems with a straw--no gas, it doesn't make me drink too fast, or any of the other problems stated, etc.
    I'm sure everyone has had a different experience, especially since the NUT and surgeon's opinions vary from person to person. Good luck on the journey!
  14. Like
    Knitchic reacted to MichiganChic in How Good are You about Not Drinking While Eating?   
    I really didn't like this particular rule, and before surgery, I wasn't sure how I would do with it. At nearly three years post op, I can say I follow it more than 95% of the time. I may take a super small sip if I have something spicy, or if I feel too dry, but it's rare. I still miss it sometimes, but mostly, it has become a way of life. I still often set a timer for 30 minutes after I eat, because I still haven't developed a natural rhythm of waiting.
  15. Like
    Knitchic reacted to LoraLei2 in Bypass for reflux and hernia   
    I have a hiatal hernia and godawful reflux. They told me I would benefit also. I am so looking forward to lying down and not feeling like I am drowning. I am going from a band to bypass.
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    Knitchic reacted to WendyA in Bypass for reflux and hernia   
    I just now was approved by insurance, that has to be done first before any further, so 8/31/15 is my first scheduled appt of many I'm sure. However, 3 yrs ago I did have a Nissan Fundoplication done, due to hiatal hernia and severe GERD, ended up with Barrett's esophagus. I still have the Nissan, and realize they may have to take it down to do the bypass which is fine with me, due to at my last EGD with my GI specialist it showed I still get reflux, so that didn't even stop it, but the extra weight is pulling on it and makes it uncomfortable, I so cannot wait for this weight to be gone, I will do everything necessary, no doubts there. So it seems the bypass is preferred over the sleeve if you have reflux, saw that on a youtube video....how many of you were advised for the same reason?
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    Knitchic reacted to toasty in Bypass for reflux and hernia   
    I have seen a bunch of people on these boards mentioning about problems with reflux with the sleeve. Many of them end up having a revision to RNY because of it. If you already have reflux, my understanding is that the sleeve is not recommended, since it is likely to make it worse.

    By the way, congratulations on your approval and beginning the process.
  18. Like
    Knitchic reacted to jamiemarie_11 in Bypass for reflux and hernia   
    Same here. Hernia, acid reflux. Looking forward to not having it anymore
  19. Like
    Knitchic reacted to chasingchloee in How to prepare for the hospital   
    Hi! I start my liquid diet September 9th, it's two weeks and my surgery is September 23. Also, I have to drink soothing to cleanse my bowels the day before surgery, how does it taste? And last, what should I know about pain, hospital stay, and what to bring! I'm 18 and really excited but nervous.
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    Knitchic reacted to AngelaWilliamsMD in Has anyone used Vitamin Patches?   
    I haven't felt much change in terms of my energy levels, but my skin is RADIANT. Nothing else has changed so it has to be the Patches. Very easy to apply, too.
  21. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Sunshine3073 in Oh CRAP   
    So I just had my surgery Wednesday. I am shocked at my poo. It smells like it came from a nursing home resident who crapped their pants several days ago. OMG I might hurl just thinking about it!
  22. Like
    Knitchic reacted to gpmed in Surgery in September   
    @@CHLOE12 I am definitely getting nervous. I have about three weeks left, so I've been channeling that into preparing — getting my leave paperwork in order at work, ordering Protein, getting my apartment super clean, etc. I'm planning pretty soon to clean out my fridge and food cabinets of things that aren't on my plan. And putting my Proteins, blender, supplements, etc all in order and easily accessible. I might make some kind of chart so I can check off all my meds and Vitamins since they have to be taken at different times. I find this all calming because I'm doing what I can to make things easier for myself instead of focusing on all the worries I can't control!
  23. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from GBLady41 in Surgery in September   
    Just 26 more days for me. Sept 23nd. I can't believe it's less then a month away.
  24. Like
    Knitchic reacted to chelleshocked in What's your vitamin of choice   
    I got my Patches in today and I put one on since I had not taken my Multivitamins yet. They even sent me the Anti Age ones for a free trial. Hope it works great!!
  25. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from GBLady41 in Looking for preop friends :)   
    That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
