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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crackedpepper

  1. crackedpepper

    Addiction Transfer - It might be real!

    Well, it's not really about agreeing or disagreeing... if you have the chemical imbalance that is OCD, you should get help. Yes, there are some people who aren't always in therapy, but to get diagnosed you had to have one point seen a doctor... a lot of people with OCD need medication. Besides, my point was calling an obsession OCD... obsessions that people have sometimes and OCD are very different things.
  2. crackedpepper

    Deathly afraid of death!

    shortgal, just like you, i didn't come here to argue, just came for support/information. i understand you not taking that from his comment, but it is well known that there are people who believe if you don't believe in jesus you're going to hell, and he said he is going to heaven because he does believe... anyway - i see you were banded recently - how is it going so far? my surgery is soon, as you saw from the other thread we spoke on... i'm excited/nervous/want it to be a year from now so i'm thinner already!
  3. crackedpepper

    Deathly afraid of death!

    Shortgal - I have no problem with Wayne talking about his faith, that's fine... I have a problem with him saying that he is going to heaven because of whose he is... which DOES infer, as I explained, that others would not be going to heaven...
  4. crackedpepper

    who supports right to choose

    You can't be pro-choice only in cases of danger -- the whole point is you need to protect a woman's RIGHT to do what she needs to with her body, because once you start placing limits on it, that's when the unjust restrictions start. I have written many a thesis on this subject and don't view it as opinion -- it is basic human right, and though it has no place in the political spectrum, unfortunately we need the Constitution on our side so that our rights can be protected. Everyone may be entitled to their own opinion, but no one is entitled to control over another's body and health and life.
  5. crackedpepper

    Addiction Transfer - It might be real!

    I have to point out that you are using OCD and obsessive/compulsive very loosely here... if you actually have OCD, you definitely need to see a psychiatrist/psychologist. I know people in general use it out of context, but you really should put a finger on what's wrong..
  6. crackedpepper

    Can stop crying, I don't known what Im doing!

    above you said you were eating creams... what do you mean by that? you shouldn't eat high fat things. make sure you also follow up with a US surgeon to make sure your surgery went ok... it sounds like you didn't havemuch communication with the doctor.... I would get a full check up and make sure all went welll
  7. Thanks Dave! I'm not big on pureeing vegetables, but the cauliflower idea sounds great!
  8. crackedpepper

    post op cramping!!!

    go look at this person's post... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/hospitalized-2-wks-post-op-dr-said-future-erosion-likely-48045/#post667545 as i said in my comment to them, there is another thread -- and there are many about post op pain/complications... just look at the main site. feel better!!!!!!!
  9. crackedpepper

    Did your Doc require a pre-op diet?

    2 weeks liquid here..
  10. Drinking soda/eating too much/drinking with meals can stretch the pouch????
  11. crackedpepper

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    Hi Alex - I'm new to the site, thanks for creating it! There is another forum (completely different subjects) that like you guys, used to use email to alert you when new posts came in, but now they have this really great link at the side of your screen that says "Participated Discussions" and when you click, you're taken to a page of the threads you've posted in, and the ones with new posts rise to the top... so you just come to the site and click there, no need for emails (unless you want them) -- it's really great.
  12. Hey - wow, I am so sorry for all you went through! ALWAYS, get a second opinion, especially if a doc walks in and tells you stuff like that. A family member was once having emergency surgery and the doc was rude, scary, and we wouldn't let him touch her. We got a second opinion and another doc. Also, i can't remember where it was, but a bunch of people on this board were talking about pain, if you can find it, or I will try to as well, refer them to this post. Also get another opinion from another lap-band surgeon, and ask whether you should take out and replace the band before the erosion... there is something where the band, or the stomach, or something folds inside, and you can't get other surgery.... so you should discuss that with a DIFFERENT (or a few different) doctor(s). Glad you are feeling better!!!
  13. crackedpepper

    Deathly afraid of death!

    Wayne, I have no say in what you believe - but when you write on this board and say that you know you're going to heaven because you are Jesus' person, that's really insulting to anyone of any different faith, and quite preposterous. Believe what you want to believe and have whatever faith you'd like, that is fine and wonderful especially if it gives you comfort but do NOT push it on other people or say that others that haven't "accepted Jesus" will go to hell, which is what is inferred by saying because you have, you'll go to heaven. Candy, I disagree with you. There are many circumstances where people go when they didn't have to. I don't like the term 'before their time' because it's insanely sad when someone dies at 90 or 100... but there are many factors when someone lives or dies. One of these is who is your doctor... two people could be exactly the same and go on the table at exactly the same time, and one has a bad doctor and one has a good... so it is the one's time to go that has a bad doctor? No, it's the doctor's fault. Or like, people who died in the holocaust, it was their time to go? Maybe I'm getting too much involved for a board that is supposed to just be helpful, but Candy's & Wayne's comments really upset me. I am glad both Candy and Wayne are healthy and doing well.
  14. crackedpepper


    I haven't had it yet, so this may be of no help, but technically you ARE on a strict diet... first off, you don't have to explain anything to anyone, but you can say anything from "I have just changed my lifestyle" to "I have drastically reduced my portions" - and that would explain your little portions... etc. It's not necessarily anyone's business... but you could just say you changed how you eat - which is true.
  15. Oh wow, I missed the first set of people! I don't always reply to every person in such a specific way, but you've all had such individual things to say. SueMagoo - thanks for your help... you're right, it's not long in the grand scheme of things... I don't know what I was thinking for the first few days of not doing it, and then I kept thinking oh one last this.. one last that... Tarheel- Why werre the carbs such a big deal? Maybe that's what I was thinking of when I told the person above that I was going to peel the peppers... LA - Wow, a week and a half early - haha you're brave! Shortgal - yeah I guess that's what I had, the LFT, and it said I had a fatty liver. Also - do any of you know what are the foods that they want you to stay away from the most? I know sugar and fat, but what about the carbs like tarheel was saying, or anything else?
  16. Cali - Yeah, I know about the liver, that's why I'm scared... my doctor showed me a tape of the surgery, with them holding up the liver. I CAN'T talk to the doc/nutritionist, because they will just cancel everything. Chrisann - Olives are really high in fat - did you tell your doc about them? What did s/he say? I can't get rid of anything in the house, because I'm with others... but now that I am being strict, I'm tempted, but I'm in control (so far). Your surgery is today, right? Good luck! Type as soon as you can. Dave - see, I'd be FINE if I were allowed to eat veggies... I'm a vegetarian I do have fattening and bad eating habits, but veggies are usually what I crave.. I'm not getting satisfaction from all the liquids, but I have to do it, so whatever. Tracey - I saw your thread, and I wrote on one of your others... what I'm worried about is that it's not like I cheated once, it's that I didn't stop solids until the 30th when I was supposed to begin on the 25th. Thanks for your encouragement! Kellie - Really? Wow. Did you tell your doc? If I did that I would feel like I was putting myself in danger - but it is good to hear someone else didn't go strict for so many days.. What did you normally eat, and what was your weight? I'm around 325 right now... plus they told me I have a fatty liver. Felecia -- exactly, I need flavor, but even if I'm going to be bland, I just do not like a lot of canned stuff. Usually the cans I buy are garbanzo Beans, but obviously can't have those right now. Tomorrow I am going to make 2 Soups for myself -- one like I described to you, with onions, celery, carrot, tomato, mushrooms, parsley, and dill. I'm also going to make a pepper soup, I'll sautee shallots and maybe some garlic with peppers I have peeled (to get the skins off, because I think they want you to cut down on Fiber or something, right? I don't remember), and then I'll cut up and stick in a jar of pre-roasted peppers... I'll put that all in some Water with some boullion cubes, and then puree it, I think... I'll let you know how they come out. HSBeach - That's great news for you! I have been told that I'm just above the borderline now and so technically, I have type II too, but this is recent, and I haven't had to take any insulin. Here's hoping your diabetes dissipates even further! Anyalee - you're very right, and usually I would say the same thing, but I'm not worried about them postponing the surgery, I'm worried about them canceling it, since it was postponed once before. I am being strict now, but that means that my fast will have begun the 30th instead of 25th.. I really hate slim fast and canned soup and stuff that isn't real food, plus I don't think just to lose weight one should have to eat chemicals... so I've been making a lot of smoothies with non-fat yogurt, soymilk, bananas and frozen peaches... those are really good. I have frozen treats that are low in fat and sugar, i have nonfat yogurt that i top with a little honey, and actually i'm doing the opposite, i bought all of my favorite sodas... i will miss them.. my friends call me a diet cola addict... but it's better not to have them, because they have chemicals. What happens when you want to have soda now? The main thing I'm worried about is what I wrote above to Tracey - I'm really worried about those 5 days, even if I'm perfectly strict until the surgery... especially since they told me I have a fatty liver.
  17. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    haha none of the updated lists have my name... oh well.... jan 8, i'm sure i'll post..
  18. crackedpepper

    360 body lift

    oh, i didn't realize you were asking all at once -- but yeah, they do that stuff in the US i'm relatively sure -- they've had stuff on the news about "mommy makeovers" lately, which is the same concept... all over PS
  19. crackedpepper

    Deathly afraid of death!

    when i expressed my fears of death to the doc, he said that the death doesn't happen on the table, it would happen from complications afterwards... i think we were talking about bypass then, but i think the same probably goes for lap, but at a lesser risk... and he then reassured me he's never had a death. make sure you've got a great doc, and that they'll be there for your aftercare.
  20. crackedpepper

    360 body lift

    Of course..
  21. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    I have a small Cuisinart food processor, do you think that might do the same job as a blender?
  22. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    Somebody needs to combine the last few lists... I don't see me, citygirl4616, or Dianegoe on this last one... and the one before was even more sparse...
  23. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    Eek, I just saw that! I wonder what kind of plastics are used in these things... you should only use things that are food grade plastic, like polycarbonate... GG, I'm sorry if I've led you astray!
  24. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    Georgiagirl - maybe I will get that too, if you say the bullet is so good... decisions decisions!
  25. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    In my experience, the stuff they tote on TV is usually crappy, or a crappier form of something good (like they have that new ped-egg commerical out, but I have the real foot thing, from Microplane -- though I have not used the ped-egg). I am still researching some blenders online, deciding whether to go to Macy*s or Bed & Bath... This is the one I really want, but the cheapest I can find it is like $85: Waring Pro Blender - Professional Blender (Retro Green) PBB212

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
