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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crackedpepper

  1. crackedpepper

    Did your Doc require a pre-op diet?

    I know I am going to get railed for this, but if you're going to a doc who doesn't require the pre-op diet, you should investigate and get a new doctor who knows what they're doing. my doc is one of the top docs and the guy who fought for insurance to cover this procedure. i'm glad you're getting through it... talk to your doctor about the fact that you ate "everything under the sun" - i broke my diet and wound up talking to my doc.
  2. crackedpepper

    stretching my pouch?

    want2beme - i don't know what your post op diet was, but you are supposed to have 2 weeks of liquids, then 2 weeks of mushies, before you can eat proper food -- that is what janetmbama is talking about. if your doc didn't tell you to do this, i don't know how good a doc they are, and i would get a 2nd doc to check you out. janet - i am having the same problem. i had my surgery last tuesday, so it has been just over a week, and it's not like i've eaten really anything bad, but i had an apple, i had a little salad... i did get very full and have some pain, and have the same concerns as you... am i going to hurt my body because the stomach isn't fully healed? if i am technically ok, am i going to stretch the pouch or cause slippage? do you have any pain around your stomach area?
  3. crackedpepper

    Did your Doc require a pre-op diet?

    luv10nis, it isn't simply for compliance purposes, like, to test you - it is to shrink the liver, 'cause they have to lift it up during surgery. heavier it is, more difficult/dangerous the surgery.
  4. Ugh, questions about liquid diet --- I was supposed to start Tuesday, 12/15, and I didn't start until Friday, 12/28. On Thursday I had a lot of garbanzo beans and peanuts and raisins (chick peas in vinegar & lemon w/ some olive oil is like, my favorite thing), and even last night, after starting, I had some blue cheese (basically thinking "oh, it's melting in my mouth"), and nutella! The nutella was bad... because it is insanely high in fat and I had a lot of it... and I think the liquid diet is less about liquid and more about low fat/sugar. But I can't get the straight dope on it from my doc, and I was scheduled for surgery in October but I got an upper respiratory infection and couldn't, and I was doing fine on my liquid diet, so I know I can do this just fine, but my surgery is scheduled for JANUARY 8 and it's now the 29th and I had freakin' blue cheese and nutella in the middle of the night! If I am strict for the next 11 days, am I cool? It seems so many doctors give out so many different diets, and honestly I would be OK if it were solid but just low fat/sugar, I'm a vegetarian anyway, so what I crave is broccoli and carrots and peppers and beans and fruits (which can be high sugar). Usually I would admit what has gone on to my doctor, but they were very upset when I postponed before, and I am sure about the surgery, and I don't want them to be like, that's it, we're not doing it.... what do you guys think?? Thank you so much in advance, I'm glad I found this forum!
  5. mary - you are very right, which is why i responded to kellie too... shoegirl -- i did wind up talking to their office. however, when you say "to the T" i do agree, but we wouldn't be having this surgery in the first place if we could control what we eat all the time, so people slip up. i did more than the usual, and it is messed up... i am going to talk to a doctor in my family and make sure everything is ok before i go in, i do not want to risk my life.
  6. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    lol thanks tulip, i wasn't trying to be rude or anything..
  7. crackedpepper

    I have some questions...

    I posted this in the newbie section, but I guess since they are all in the same boat, they don't know how to answer my questions - here's the original post, and thanks in advance!! Ok, so I thought instead of starting 20 threads, I'd ask many questions in one I'm around 330, 5'6 or so, and 25 years old. Is anyone like me, if so, what is your experience with the band? Is there anything physical you shouldn't do, that could like, cause slippage? How can I maximize my weight loss, I'd like to lose at least 200, and frankly I don't want to wait 5 years. Anyone who has had optimal success, what did you do during to make it go so fast (I saw someone here say they lost 200 in 18 mos or something)? If I'm all hot and sweaty, sometimes I'll just down a big glass of Water -- will I still be able to do that? If something gets stuck, how do I get it to release? Any other newbie tips would be much appreciated!! Thanks!!
  8. crackedpepper

    I have some questions...

    Well, I would read this board with caution too, I have seen a lot of things on here that are not medically sound, and posters state them as fact like "this is what you should do". But for tips and experiences, yeah, it's great. I'm hoping stuff getting stuck won't be an issue, but I will buy pineapple juice just in case. I love to exercise, but right now my knee is so bad that I can not. I am hoping that once I start getting weight off, I will be able to return to the gym.
  9. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    uh, pickedafoe - where'd you get that list? 1972?
  10. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    good luck to you too!!!
  11. crackedpepper

    I have some questions...

    What do you mean by you felt like you were being punched in the chest? Were you in any danger? How long did the pain last? Is it painful when stuff gets stuck? What about sticky or bready stuff... can this be dangerous? Thank you all for your help!!
  12. crackedpepper

    January Surgery Dates

    ahhhh i'm 2 days away!
  13. crackedpepper

    graphic pictures

    thanks nina!
  14. crackedpepper

    graphic pictures

    Hey - I'm just starting off on this whole journey - I am wondering if there are any pictures --without clothes-- of bodies post weight loss and then post cosmetic surgery? I'm not asking anyone to post, but I saw one set of pics, maybe there are more that I'm missing.... thanks all.
  15. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    Did anyone have to buy a new blender for the liquid stage? If so, can you recommend something that'll pulverize the crap outta the fruit & ice I make into smoothies? Thanks! PS - I can't spend like, $100 on a blender....
  16. crackedpepper

    My blender SUCKS

    My sh!tty one is dying, so I'm going to have to buy something soon... I think I still want that Waring Pro - I'm going to have to find a store that sells it, and its coupons...
  17. yeah, it's always been the face for me too. but the people i wind up dating usually are not fat.
  18. ugh, i'm really nervous. i'm going to ask my cousin, who is a doctor. thank you all for your input, let me know ifd you have more. kellie, i'm worried that you say you go in with a full stomach - in emergency surgery it cannot be helped, but if you are planning for a surgery, they tell you not to eat so you don't aspirate and choke on your own vomit... i know i'm one to talk, since it's totally contradictory to what i'm saying here, but you really should follow dr's instructions more, and ask them why, so you know ... you know?
  19. Kellie - the reason you're supposed to have an empty stomach in surgery isn't so people don't have to clean up your vomit, it's so you don't aspirate. make33 - first off, banding is not necessarily forever, 'cause it can be removed, but i do realize what a commitment it is, i have been eating fine and haven't been going back to any "ways" (i do overeat, but for the most part, i eat very healthfully anyway, i've never liked fast food, and i cook mainly Beans and vegetables -- i'm not a vegan, i'm a vegetarian) -- i've been eating like a normal person, no large portions, but the trouble is that's not a liquid diet.
  20. crackedpepper

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I did see that -- what I'm talking about is similar, but a bit different... also, the ones with new posts rise to the top --- but thanks miztrniceguy!
  21. I'd go to be looked over by another doc... good luck and stay healthy!
  22. crackedpepper

    Deathly afraid of death!

    Wayne & Candy - both your responses to me are that I'm somehow shaky in my religion if I was offended by your posts? That's stupid. Would you say to someone in the 1950s that when they were told they had to pray in school, it was their problem if they didn't want to, because they were shaky in their religion? I will repeat, AGAIN -- I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH ANYONE'S RELIGION... I have seen other people's religious posts on this board... no problem at all... this is America, we have freedom of religion here! What I am saying (and how Wayne can not see this, since they were his own words, is beyond me), is that when you say I'm going to heaven because of whose I am, and it is well known that a lot of Christians think other faiths are going to hell because they haven't "accepted Jesus" -- I find that offensive. I was going to give Wayne the benefit of the doubt, but then both Candy & Wayne came on spouting crap about how I must be shaky if I find it offensive. And for what it's worth, Candy, I wasn't offended by your post so much as I was saying don't think like that, we have many controls over our lives... don't just accept something, get the best doctors and such.... Again, I'm just here for help..
  23. crackedpepper

    who supports right to choose

    Gadgetlady -- the fetus is a fetus... it's the woman's body and her choice. To reply to what sweethot said (what alyson just replied to) - that's ignorance right there, it isn't true.
  24. crackedpepper

    Addiction Transfer - It might be real!

    I too, understand very much what I'm talking about. Having not only studied it, but actually having a severe form of it. Addiction is not a form of OCD -- it can be there with it, and the addiction can be linked to it... But just saying "oh I'm so OCD about this doesn't actually mean it is OCD... people use it today very loosely -- the above posters seemed like they were, and that they did not actually have the disorder -- but that may be incorrect.
  25. crackedpepper

    Addiction Transfer - It might be real!

    And of course there are degrees... I have severe OCD, there are people with mild OCD, who may not need a doctor all the time, but they've usually needed to see one at some point, and probably will again...

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