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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nickkibear24

  1. How long after surgery did you start to actually lose weight? I'm 10 days out and I don't feel as if I'm losing any at all. Please don't comment about how I didn't gain it overnight so I wont lose it overnight I know that. I am not really worried about losing I have this maybe slihtly unrealistic fear that its not working and I've gone though this for nothing.
  2. So the day of my surgery they almost didn't do it because my sugar was 73. I did exactly what they told me to the two weeks prior to my surgery. She came over to me and said your chart is incorrect it says you have type 2 diabetes not type 1. I simply stared at her and waited because I was sure she had a point. Then she just walked away. Anyways after my surgery my sugar was ridiculously high. It was 199 WTF!

    1. SkinnyDown


      Blood sugars usually always spike after a surgery. I wouldn't worry too much, soon enough they will normalize. My diabetes is in remission, it has been from a week after surgery.

    2. IcanMakeit


      I'm surprised that the nurse made that assumption based on one blood sugar reading. Since you have to fast before surgery, it's pretty normal for levels to be off. Don't worry about the blood sugar spike after surgery. I had the same experience and my diabetes has been in remission ever since.

  3. So the in 24 hours I will be having surgery...kinda terified since I have a terrible time with anesthesia but both excited and nervous

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lealor
    3. Liz5012


      Beat wishes!

    4. Djmohr


      Best wishes for a safe surgery and speedy recovery! All will go well, think positive thoughts!

  4. So today my "family" tells me that they have been talking about me and discussing my surgery. My "mother" (who is a f****** stick figure) says "Monique i really don't think this surgery is a good idea for you. this surgery is for bigger people." Exactly how much bigger would you like me to get? My dad who like me is prior military says why don't you just go for a 4-5 mile run every morning. Um maybe because the feeling of my knee popping out of place is freaking painful. I told him I walk every day 2-4 miles and that doesn't include the stairs im constantly doing. Everyone in my "family is telling me im taking the easy way out. I've told them already that this is happening whether they like it or not so they can hop on board or get the heck out of my way. But my whole family is skinny so they dont understand what its like being this big and uncomfortable in your own skin. My sister says she does because she's had 2 kids but I simply called her an idiot and walked away. Right after each pregnancy she went right back down to a size 0 and she eats significantly more than I do. Ugh how do you keep relationships and get healthy any advice.
  5. Nickkibear24

    What to stock fridge up with?!?!

    i need to know to mine is thursday
  6. Nickkibear24


    oh if you are checking your bags make sure you put your toothpaste in those bags if its normal sized.
  7. My co worker is 3 years out and she is still at a weight she is comfortable you just have to be very diligent in your weight loss and your excercise like you are now. You see the people who are in shape? they eat however they want but then take their happy butts to the gym, If your not a avid gym rat then maybe consider a different activity like a zumba, spin, yoga or dance class. Hell start hiking places you will keep the weight off.
  8. Nickkibear24

    Surgery Monday/starving

    EEEPpppp I'm next week to.... I'm thursday though and i have ben travelling between super excited, nervous, and terrified. I dont do so well with anesthesia. So far the last 2 times ive been put under for surgery i almost died. so that doesnt sound fun but im hoping this time wont be so bad.
  9. Nickkibear24


    Don't base your journey off of anyone else. My surgeon said my BMI was within range to do wither surgery but to have the sleeve i had to keep my BMI under 50. so it all depends on who you talk to. we all felt like failure at one point or another thats how we ended up here. Just do what you feel is best. Im being sleeved next thursday and I'm just excited to get started. Ive been on my preop diet for 4 weeks and although I'm super tired my knee pain has eased up and I just feel better.
  10. Nickkibear24


    Oh good question I'm gonna start with yoga to tone and then work my way up to MMA but crossfit sounds so fun. I assume you can as long as you keep up with your Protein.
  11. Nickkibear24

    NJ Medicaid Maze

    I know at Kaiser they want you to at least get down to 500 or 450. Sense his weight is high it shouldn't be completely difficult get it down that much he should cut out things with sugar and switch to sugar free. If you had a pre op diet before your surgery maybe introduce him to it. My Surgeon recommended 2 Protein shakes a day and a 400 calorie or less dinner, and he can have all the sugar free popcicles, pudding, and Jello he wants. If thats to hard of a diet to switch to have him introduce a cheat day but eat portions within reason.
  12. Noooooooooo!!!! dont say that!!!! my back cant handle me being a freaking G. I was a DDD already before I got fat.
  13. I would give my right boob to lose a cup size im a freaking G
  14. Ok well the three different surgeons I've started my process with did and the point is if someone wants to be stupid and smoke something that makes them hungry, let them. If you want to get back to the same weight go for it. Your choice to smoke pot doesn't do anything to me other than make me glad that in my job field I'm 100% positive I won't have to work with you.
  15. Please re read my original post. Like I said I'm prior military. I have a hard time being polite to people who are being jackasses. So if you have nothing nice to say feel free to go be rude by yourself
  16. Was he really strict on the pre surgery weight loss because ive only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks following the pre-op diet Hi Nickkibear, the surgery is for you! Many of us got to out of control weights because we were not putting ourselves first. By the way, it looks like we have the same surgeon!! Dr. Mun rocked it out for me. So today my "family" tells me that they have been talking about me and discussing my surgery. My "mother" (who is a f****** stick figure) says "Monique i really don't think this surgery is a good idea for you. this surgery is for bigger people." Exactly how much bigger would you like me to get? My dad who like me is prior military says why don't you just go for a 4-5 mile run every morning. Um maybe because the feeling of my knee popping out of place is freaking painful. I told him I walk every day 2-4 miles and that doesn't include the stairs im constantly doing. Everyone in my "family is telling me im taking the easy way out. I've told them already that this is happening whether they like it or not so they can hop on board or get the heck out of my way. But my whole family is skinny so they dont understand what its like being this big and uncomfortable in your own skin. My sister says she does because she's had 2 kids but I simply called her an idiot and walked away. Right after each pregnancy she went right back down to a size 0 and she eats significantly more than I do. Ugh how do you keep relationships and get healthy any advice.
  17. Its Aug 6th. Dont be ashamed its very obviously not the easy way out. Nothin about this process is easy. plus alot of us on here are emotional eaters so dont let those feeling drive you back into eating.
  18. This is why I watch movies on netflix or hulu or the internet. No commercials
  19. my surgery is August 6th and my 25th birthday is 4 days later x( anyways yes the protien drinks suck i swear they should make a chicken flavored one or something but anyways for my preop I'm drinking the strawberries and cream premier protien from sams club. It is not horrible then I drink a couple of sips of my chicken broth to wash the sweet taste out but it always comes back.
  20. But it will be worth it in the long run right? (please please say yes im pre op and on my 2 week liquid only diet and dying for a sandwich I need the motivation)
  21. Nickkibear24

    Cheated on liquid diet

    what the heck Ive been on the pre op diet for 2 weeks already and have lost only 3 pounds. I haven't cheated I'm 100% sure he is going to reschedule my surgery
  22. Nickkibear24


    dont do it!!!! the carbonation gives horrid pain or so im told
  23. I would hardly call once a week an addiction? So someone who has a glass of wine or a beer once a week is addicted? Your ignorance and prejudice about Marijuana is showing.... Deal with it babe. most surgeons force you to do a drug test so good luck. although im not sure why you would want to smoke something that will make you hungry it completely undoes the surgery if you gain weight but to each their own

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