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Everything posted by libby43

  1. libby43

    Weigh food

    I eat 2 oz protein and 1 oz veggie at every meal. I always drink a protein shake for breakfast.
  2. libby43


    Try this protein shake, I love it....
  3. I only told very close family members and two friends. My two friends also had the same surgery and I used the same DR for my surgery. I only told people who would support and help me through this time, so don't tell people that can't support you. Just don't add more stress in your life at this time. I went into surgery and never told my parents even, they are not very supportive people. I couldn't handle the negative comments. I still never told them and I'm almost four months out. I believe they found out through my sister but never said a word to me about it. This is your your life and nobody is living in your body or walking in your shoes every day. It's funny how people with a normal BMI can't understand , how living a obese life affects us, so I don't even try to explain it to them. You make the best choice for you.
  4. Wishing you the best recovery, I had very little pain. I'm so excited for you????
  5. Me too! My chin, neck and shoulders..
  6. libby43

    Weigh food

    Thank you for sharing...
  7. libby43

    Weigh food

    How far out are you?
  8. libby43

    Weigh food

    i need to buy a travel scale.
  9. libby43

    Weigh food

    Thank you????
  10. libby43

    Weight loss

    Here some good news for you. I'm a slow loser but I have never stall. I would rather lose weight every week than to lose a large amount so fast , than lose nothing for weeks at a time. I embrace my slow weight loss. There many more positive thing to be grateful for being a slow loser. ???????????????? good luck
  11. I can only imagine how that went down........two Iron wills colliding.......forgedtits and the doctor (I'm seeing Arnold Swartzenaeger in this role for some reason....) "I want a sammich dambit !!!" "NO...just soup for you". "It's not fair......I should have cupcakes". "No......Protein Powda only......now, get to the choppa". "I want oodles of noodles and bread bowls" "STOP with your whining" I almost feel sorry for the surgeons.......I mean, they have the ability to change lives in a way that patients can only dream of......yet their results are held hostage by those that want to fight them every step of the way. I simply don't understand how people make it to the surgery and have so damn little understanding of basic calories and nutrition. This stuff is taught in elementary schools. Hell, I grew up in the boonies.....where the teachers main challenge was keeping us from breeding our cousins.....yet somehow.....someway....they taught us the basic concepts of how to eat. Sure....many, like me, turn their back on that knowledge and develop weight problems as adults. Thankfully I stayed off my cousin, though. There is normally so much education that goes into a bariatric program that you'd expect good comprehension of the surgery and the demands that follow. Add to the fact that she's lived through this with her husbands wls.....although a different procedure. OP is right. It's not fair. It's not fair to the surgeon. That poor surgeon will never get the time back that she's going to spend arguing with the OP in this visit. OP already knows everything and won't be satisfied until the surgeon yields and admits that cupcakes, Cookies and pizza are in fact, great foods that will yield to a slim, trim and sexy new you. Poor surgeon. She could be spending that time with patients that actually are receptive and willing to listen and follow. Omg! You are to funny....????????????
  12. Thank you! I enjoyed your response... Very helpful !!!!
  13. I agree with the post before me. I'm three in a half months out and still don't eat rice, pasta and bread. I'm a little scared once I put these thing back into my diet my body going to crave them more often. Plus I've read those types of food could cause your tummy to stretch. That might not be true but not going to take any chances. It's very rough at the beginning but I promise it gets easier the longer you are further out. Some of these thing you are wanting going to be a thing of the pass for you. You are changing your life style. Good luck you can do this !!!!
  14. Try taking them at night , after eating through out the day. This really helped me... Good luck!!!
  15. Have your sleeping medication change after you had surgery or the doses changed? I would call my surgeon and get in with him. He might know best on how to handle this for you or who to send you to see. My heart is breaking for you. Call today
  16. you are so right.... I had to learn to love me and care for me first. I can't care for nobody else until I'm cared for first.
  17. I take mine at night that really seems to help me. I was like you would vomit them all up. Well even the smell would make me sick before even chewing them. For some crazy reason my husband told me to try them at night after I had eaten through out the day. Lol he was so right... You know it kills me to say he was right. Lol ????????????????
  18. Now onto your vitamin I have all my medication and water by my night stand. That's the last thing I do every night before turning into bed is take all my medication. Then in the morning take my acid medication. I also keep my calcium in my purse throughout the day to take with me. Don't forget multivitamin and calcium must be taking two hour apart from each other. So start and end your day caring for you. You are so worth it!!!!! I hope this help you!!!
  19. If you like coffee you will love this protein shake. You can order them on Amazon.... Just a little pricey but will help you get the protein in daily that's needed. You can also Google them and they will send you a sample. I mix mine with fair life milk 10 oz and two scoops. ( amazing ) just try it!!!! Two of these shakes and you will get in 60 grams of protein in than count your protein you eat. I know protein is hard to get down but this shake made it very easy for me. I'm a little over three months and still drink two a day.
  20. libby43


    To answer Pimmer question. Taking medication for a medical reason is on thing but wine doesn't treat medical condition that couldn't be handled with proper medication. You are comparing apples to oranges here. But think you for answering my question.
  21. Sorry ! Just saw it. I had the sleeve don't know much about the RNY.
  22. Do you have the sleeve or RNY?
  23. Wow! That's awesome!!! Enjoy every moment of your journey you will get there...
  24. libby43

    Loose skin fear!

    When I was 28 lost a lot of weight and my skin went right back into place, but my breast on the other hand not so great. Over the years gain the weight back and at 43 I'm about the same thing as you... Good luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
