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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    There is a gym in Moultrie just down from colquitt emc called snap fitness- I think a membership is less than 50 a month I had thought about joining there since the YMCA is ALWAYS crowded during times when i can work out- I used to be a member of the Y and it was frustrating to have to wait on machines to work out. This snap fitness place is open 24 hours and they give you a pass key to get access. I am going to look into getting a membership there- I think they give you a free work out just to check the place out- Have you heard anything about it? I wonder what people think of it? Let me know if you know someone who has a membership and can give some insight on it!
  2. Ill be glad to post them for you Dana- you can email them to me at eharrod@alltel.net if you'd like! You are doing great!!!
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    bamboo- Have you lost any since your fill? I am anxious to see if the scales have moved- come on UPS-!! This morning I tried to finish off a peice of stuffed chicken breast and I had a tight moment so maybe I do have a little restriction in the morning time-by afternoon I really can eat a lot of food if I let myself- I can't wait to get to good restriction. I do the walk away the pounds videos too- a try to a couple of times a week get out and walk outside a mile.
  4. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I get my new set of scales today and i can't wait to see if I've lost anymore! Going from weighing myself every day several times a day to not weighing in four days has driven me NUTS... honestly when that scale is around I just have to weigh BUT I have not been so hard on myself because I haven't seen the scale go up these past few days...that inaccurate scale of mine really made me beat myself up- I'm going to TRY to weigh only twice a week and see if my attitude is better. Georgia Girl, Hopefully your exercise will jump start your weight loss again- I can tell my restriction is lessoning. I am scheduled for a fill on 03-20 again- guess I will have to see what the scales have been saying..! Good Luck today Girls! Welcome Aboard Holly!
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    That is awesome Jeannie! Can't wait to be where you are!
  6. Hmm, I looked there, maybe they were out- what does it taste like?
  7. mia31771

    Anyone in South Georgia?

    DR. BAGNATO is great! But we get our fills at the obesity treatment center right across from DR. Bagnato's office- Elizabeth does the fills and Malik is the receptionist and they are WONDERFUL.
  8. You Look Great Pamela!! You are doing so well! And BTW, I got those stuffed chicken breasts- Tonight we had the bacon and cheese ones- OMG SOOOO YUMMY- even the family loved them!! I also bought the spinach and artichoke ones, I was tempted to get the ones with cheese and jalapeno but I was scared it would make my mouth hot and I would be tempted to drink so I didn't. Have you tried that kind? Are they spicy? Thanks for the great food idea! I cannot find edamame, who sells that and where is it? What does it taste like? LOL- can you tell healthy eating isnt my forte???!
  9. mia31771

    Anyone in South Georgia?

    Hey, I thought I'd replied to you- but I don't see it posted- I'm from Norman Park, which is just below tifton, I was banded in albany by Dr. Bagnato!!
  10. Ask your Dr- I take orthocyclen and took mine with no problem. I asked my surgeon about it and he said since it was small that it was okay to take.
  11. I was SO hoping you were going to say that! I always feel rushed come supper time to try and get everyone fed and homework done and something that I would just have to pop in the oven is my kind of thing!!!
  12. The first picture was taken in Dec. 2007 at 376 pounds. The second was taken today, a little over a month post op and 30 pounds down!
  13. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    at the bottom of the reply screen click on go advanced- and then go to attachments and add them as an attachment and it will show up in the post. You Look Great!
  14. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    These are my progress pictures.. The first one was taken December 2007 and the second one I snapped today - Just a little over a month post op. 30 lbs down!
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Sheryl, I think we all went through that to some degree after our surgeries. After the drugs wore off and I faced the reality of being on liquids and my hunger returning and have no restriction I literally was a weepy, whiney MESS. I cried about having spent 17 grand, I cried about pizza, I cried about gas, I CRIED AND I CRIED about everything. I don't know what had me so emotional and unstable- maybe the anesthesia leaving my body? I really have no clue. But please realize you are not alone and you are not going crazy. For the first few weeks I thought- what in the hell did I do to myself? I still have days where I am unsure of myself. But I know that if I continued doing what I've always done I would get what I've always gotten- A fatter, unhealthier me- and I just don't want to live like that. I try to look at the big picture- I have lost 30 lbs- You have lost 20 lbs- FOREVER....I am looking forward to being able to do so many things once I lose the weight. I want to know that I am not shortening my life by being overweight. I want to not have to worry about diabetes or heart problems. I want to eliminate my sleep apnea. I want to fly on a plane without wondering if the airline will insist I buy two seats- I want to ride roller coasters again- I want to be able to buy clothes in any store- not just plus size stores. I want to be able to play with my daughter any sport she wants to play- I want to be able to enjoy any sexual position. I want to feel sexy and attractive. So many many things I look forward to. You can do this Sheryl, I really believe you can. Try to think of the positive things that this surgery is going to enable you to be/have. The first few weeks are very tough. I wasn't prepared for how tough either. But in the big picture they are short lived and before you know it you will be giving a newbie advice yourself and encouraging them on. Read back the threads (do a search for bagnato and it will pull up this one and our old one) and look at the posts I made post op- You will find they are very similar to yours. Hang in there girl. Keep your chin up !
  16. How do you make your stuffed chicken breasts? I see that you eat several types of stuffed chicken breasts and just wondered how you actually stuff them-
  17. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Brina you are SO HILLARIOUS, its 6AM and I had to control myself from waking everyone up with my laughing! Hopefully DR. B will move you to mushies soon!! Everyone is different but at my first week post op visit, I told him I was hungry and not having any trouble getting full liquids down (see I couldnt do broth for more than a day or two-blech) so he moved me on to mushies!! It was HEAVEN. My stomach STILL gurgles and loudly churns. My fiance likes to lay his head on my stomach and listen, lol. He says its better than the song of the humpback whale!!!! I am back eating solids after my fill and I seem to have a little more restriction than before. I know it isn't my sweet spot but elizabeth said it would probably take another fill or two. I have slacked off on the exercising and I have got to motivate myself to do it. When does everyone else get their exercise in? I usually do it after supper before going to bed. My days are pretty hectic but I have got to get motivated again. I've been doing the walk away the pounds exercise videos. What does everyone else do?
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey Sheryl, I responded on the other thread to you and I meant everything I said- I hope he comes around and maybe once you can eat solids he will- He will see that you will still be able to go out to eat- The first few weeks are just hard is all. I hope in time you will not feel the same as you do now. We are all here to support you! I'm sure when you are down a few pounds and looking even hotter than you do now, old hubby will not think it was such a bad idea. Good Luck!
  19. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Everyone deserves the support of their families. I don't know what I would've done with the support of my fiance. Especially through the bandster hell weeks. Quite possibly you are going to face some really hard weeks in the upcoming month. I hope your husband comes around and sees that this is such an important tool for you to get healthy and have a longer life with him. My main reason for doing this was for my health. I lost my mother to a heart attack at age 57- I will be 30 in a few weeks. I want to live a long life with the people I love and I can't do that at an ever growing 370 + pounds. Maybe bring him with you to our support meeting when we have it and let him see that even though we had WLS we are still wonderful ppl who only want to be healthy and that you are just like us. I went through some bouts of 'what the hell have I done' shortly after surgery. Heck two weeks post op, I was facing port revision surgery. I was NOT a happy camper. I just can't imagine not having some type of support system. I will pray that your husband comes around and gives you the support you need. If there is anything that I can personally do, just let me know. I'm not far from thomasville at all and maybe we can get together and talk sometime. Find the support you need from wherever you can get it. Don't sit there and regret this surgery. I really feel deep down that we have made the right decision in having it done. Good Luck!
  20. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Mia31771 Starting Weight - 354.6 Current Weight- 346 Green Day Weight: 342.6 DOWN So Far: 8 lbs LBS TO GO: 4 lbs _________________ I have always washed in cold water- hot Water makes fat girl cotton shrink!! I have been eating heavier broccoli, lima Beans, peas and turnips. (well pre-fill that was) I even bought a new shirt that was GREEN! hahaha ha! I have been conserving fuel by limiting our trips to town to twice a week. I also opened up all of the blinds in the house to let the natural light in. Everyone seems to be doing great!
  21. mia31771

    Anyone in South Georgia?

    Hi! I live in Norman Park, Ga just south of Tifton. I work for a poultry breeding company and one of our farms is in Enigma!! We have a local support group that is talking about getting together bandster meetings. MOst of us were banded by DR. Bagnato in Albany, but we are all just a bunch of people who support each other on this journey! We are talking about getting together for dinner sometime soon- do a search for Bagnato Bandits! We'd love to have you join us! So nice to find ppl close by!
  22. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I found tanita scales (same brand as the kind at OTC, but different models) online at scalesgalore.com. I got one with a 400 lb capacity for 59 bucks. With shipping it came to 70. Shop around because they are much higher at alot of the sites I went to. They have cheaper version with 330 capacity. SHould have it in 3 days!! Thanks guys for the motivation, couldn't live without the support of this group!
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I weighed in at 346 this morning at my fill!!! When I weighed this morning on my scales at home they said 354- My scales are off! This whole darn time my scales have been OFF!! I'm throwing them away and buying one like they have at the OTC, Malik showed me where to get some! I WAS losing weight- and have been beating myself black and blue about the scale not moving. I got 2 more cc's at my fill- It took her about 45 minutes to find my port and I was numbed about 8 different times but finally she found it! All in all I am just so glad she was able to find it, she had me really worried there for a second! The staff there were so nice, I just loved Malik to death! Yay! What motivation to actually see I am /NOT/ a failure! So 30 lbs down, that is awesome!
  24. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I'm excited about my fill this morning! REgardless or not of restriction, I am going to put my head down and go these next few weeks- No more excuses about why I don't have time to exercise- no more nothing. This getting below the 350 mark is going to happen- I'm going to say good bye 350's and HELLO the 340's! I am going to use this liquid for two days as a detox to get all these carbs out of my system! have a great day all!~

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