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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Yay for restriction!!!! I'm so glad you have some! I had some the first week or so after my fill but its long gone now. I don't know if I will have lost too much for another fill on 03-20 but I'm going in just to find out. I think I will wear some really heavy clothes to help myself out some, hehehe!
  2. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    But who knew I could be so scared from a hotdog? Been there ally! But once I started trying out foods I literally found out that I could eat anything without many ill effects- This is where I got really depressed because I /could/ eat anything and I /did/. The scales did not move and it terrified me. Go back and read my whiney, self defeating posts, lol. Do not get discouraged. Most do not experience much swelling or restriction up until they get a fill or two. Just wanted to forewarn you of the possibility of that happening. I really wasn't prepared for that in my head and it TOTALLY got me all down in the dumps until I got a few fills and saw the scales move some. Good Luck- maybe your willpower is stronger than mine- I really suck at willpower.
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Ally, Thanks for all the song recommendations! There are a few of them that I don't know and am going to give a listen to today! I really like because you loved me by jodee messina and we have already decided on the Everything I do bryan adams song. Thank you SO much for your help! Our wedding is June 21, 2008. So I still have a little time left, Just trying to get all the majors done and finalized. My staying on plan has been shot to utter hell. The positive is that I am slowly feeling better and i hope that next week I can jump back on it in full force. My daughter had a fundraiser for school selling cookie dough and i have a freezer full of chocolatey goodness - but thankfully even when I'm bad my band let me not be as bad as I used to be. I haven't even gotten on the scales since i've been sick. I think I''m going to hold off on that until next week and then weigh the damage done and deal with it then. My birthday is on Sunday so I know there will be some celebrating going on. I turn the big 3 0 ! My how time flies- Hopefully by my 31st birthday I will be a MUCH slimmer me!! As far as your question on carbonation- I also heard it was a no no and while I have cheated just about on every aspect of the no no's of lapband THAT is one that I have not. I have heard horror stories of the pure agony people have went through. I have also seen some others on the board say they have it on a regular basis. I truly do not miss it very much. And I was a 10 canned mountain dew drinker a day- I think fear is my motivator- now just wish I was scared of Cookies and carbs!
  4. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    What songs is she having during the ceremony if you don't mind me asking? I am having a horrible time picking the 'perfect one'. I already have one, but am searching for another. I would have loved to have a beach wedding and we thought of just doing a destination wedding in Jamaica but we have decided to appease the families and have it to where everyone can come. The only major thing I'm waiting on is my dress and bridesmaid dresses to come in- The bridesmaid dresses have shipped and my dress should in a few weeks. On another note bandsters facing flu- TAMIFLU has made me VERY VERY nauseous and is listed as one of the side effects (Even taking it with food did not help). If you guys have to take it might want to get your dr to go ahead and call in phenegran. I was on the verge of vomiting several times and it scared me to absolute death. I'm feeling more human today, lets hope it lasts!
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Yay! Thank goodness for bias AND my mom! The case was a domestic violence case and since my mom was executive director of a domestic violence shelter before she died, I'm BIASED- YAY! So I don't have to do jury duty anymore! WHOOHOOOO and congrats Georgia girl!
  6. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Thanks guys! I have jury duty this morning- I was so sure I would call and then they would tell me they didn't need me but sure enough- don't I have all the luck- and feeling like death warmed over- Maybe when I get in there coughing and they can see I can barely talk they will let me go.I shouldve went to the DR. yesterday and got an excuse.
  7. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Glad you are feeling better about everything pamela! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner- I think I have the flu- And as usual when I am sick and bored i eat everything in sight- I've eaten icecream AND chips and dip this weekend. I can't even taste them very well but I was shovelling them in just the same- I usually relied on my mom to baby me anytime I got sick (even at 29 years old) and this is the first time I've been sick since she died in November. It's been a tough time and I'm on the verge of tears just missing her so I'm emotional eating- I know I'll get back on plan when I'm well and you know what- I'm not stressing it. I'm not beating myself up (just yet) I thank God that I got this band and even when I do it totally horrible for me foods- I dont eat AS MUCH as I used to. I might gain a few pounds- but I will never go back to 376- ever- When I fall off- the important thing is to get back on and put my head down and give it all I've got- Keep your chin up- You look great! I can't wait to be where you are girl, so keep your head up high!
  8. Johnathan- I saw you in Dr. Bagnato's office once when I was there about my port revision surgery!! I think you came with your wife but I remember seeing you!
  9. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Sure Jeannie, We'd love to have you!
  10. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Yep Holly, if you can swing it that would be great!!! Anyone else going to be in Albany on the 20th around lunch time and want to meet up?? I don't know if I'll be able to get a fill because of my weight loss but I'm still going to go and get weighed there anyway-
  11. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I need ideas for ceremony music at my wedding- Anyone have a song they can recommend to us? Seems I cannot find that perfect one.
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Bamboo- I went through the exact same feelings before I got my second fill. Heck I have such a roller coaster range of feelings from one day to the next regarding my weight loss- I too grow tired of the 'how much have you lost' questions- almost to the point of wishing I hadn't told a darn soul I was having it done. I am hoping a good fill will give you better restriction and maybe in a few more days you will have one! Heck I keep wondering how I was banded a day earlier than you and you get fills sooner than I do- LOL. I don't go back again until March 20- The weekend is upon me and that is usually when I fall off the bandwagon so to speak- Hang in there and Keep your chin up- your weight loss is nothing to shun- but i do sympathize with wanting to lose more. *hug*
  13. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    It seems I do really well staying on plan Monday- wednesday's - but you let thursday afternoon get here and I am ready to eat out- I had 'planned' to have a healthy meal for supper last night, instead when I got off from work I told my DF I didn't feel like cooking- let's go get some pizza. I had 3 slices (wow can't you tell the restriction is fading, lol) Granted- that is MUCH less than what I would've eaten pre-band, so yay- BUT I KNOW it isn't healthy for me. It seems when it comes time for the weekend I get into lazy mode and want to eat out all the time. I'm really stressed with planning this wedding. I almost felt ashamed to see the scale show a loss this morning. I half heartedly expected it to show a gain from eating that pizza last night. Maybe I am putting too much pressure on myself and need to slack off- I just really do not want this to fail like everything else always has and to be honest- I STILL have that little nagging voice in the back of my head who fills me with doubt. I used to choke that voice with food- I have had a rough time of it finding a wedding dress and I hope now that I've finally gotten one and have it ordered I will chill a bit- It's still VERY depressing to be told "I'm sorry, we just don't carry that large of a dress in stock' over and over again. Even at having almost lost 40 lbs I am STILL facing the ever constant reminder of how big I am. You would think the frustration of all of this would spurn me on to lose lose lose- but nope, it makes me want to emotional eat every dang thing in sight- and give in and say that I'll be fat forever. I didn't have to have any counseling before banding because I was self pay- perhaps I need to look into if my insurance would cover that. I think it might help just to get all the crap in my head out- Sorry for the vent folks- Stay dry out there today, supposed to be a nasty one!
  14. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    YAY! Surpassed my goal this morning and down to 338- I guess my exercise finally kicked in!! As hellish as it is, I'm proud I have stuck to it!!
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey Johnathan! Welcome aboard! Good to have some testosterone join the group!!
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I can relate paragirl! I quit smoking when I started on my pre-op diet and every now and then I have to run out and by a pack to avoid overeating on really stressful days- But as soon as that day is over- I give the pack away to someone at work who smokes so I wont be tempted to start back up again- I know its trading one addiction for the other- but right now until I get further into the process its what I have to do to keep from eating cheetos and milkshakes that my band won't protect me from!
  17. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    DR. Bagnato is very approachable and has a wonderful bedside manner. He even is pretty funny sometimes! His office staff are the best I have ever encountered and even are wonderful about answering questions months and months down the road post op! I was self pay but have witnessed them helping get many patients approved through insurance companines. They want you to have this surgery as much as you do- and they know all the tricks of the trade so to speak! I know nothing about the other DR- I did a little research on him and decided on DR. Bagnato because of the number of these procedures he's performed. We all are addicted to food and overeating. I won't lie to you and say that I miss having food to rely on when things go crappily- I still do- but my band keeps me from eating as much as I used to. I have a lot of head issues that I still have to sort out- but I can honestly say, I am so glad I had this procedure done. I think you will really like Dr. Bagnato and his staff- Good Luck on your journey and keep us informed- Let me know if you have any other questions you'd like answered and between all of us on here, maybe we can get them for you!:thumbup:
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    As bad as I HATE it, I think the exercise is helping me- I'm down another pound today!!! I don't have very much restriction either but I'm sticking to this- I go back for another assessment on 03-20 but hopefully I will have lost too much for a fill then. Its almost wicked- lose too much without restriction no fill- No fill means another few weeks of doing it on my own- scary..But I've got to get moving if I want to make my honeymoon goal - I want to try to be close to 300 lbs- its a stretch but hopefully if i work hard I can do it- I'm really having trouble finding a dress in my size to be here by June 21 (my wedding day) I was trying to wait to see how far I'd be down by then but unfortunately I have just realized that was not a smart thing to do and now I'm 15 weeks away from my wedding with no dress- Luckily I found someone who can do it in 25 days for me and am going to order today- (whew) hey, did I mention weddings are SO DARN EXPENSIVE- I have several different heart attacks each day when I find out all the money we are shelling out- and we arent going all out either! Oh well, motivation, motivation, motivation! We are going to Negril, Jamacia to sandals resort on our honeymoon and I can't wait- I'll still be considerably large but I find solace in the fact that perhaps my next visit there I won't be!
  19. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Sheryl, Are you sure you are not gulping air when you drink? The first week after surgery I would get like that and I started to notice that I was gulping in air through my mouth as I drank. I started making sure the fluid was at my lips before i would open them and take a sip. It really helped! If that doesn't help you I would suggest calling Dr. B's office. It went from taking me an hour to drink a slim fast to 30 min- maybe this is what is happening to you. I hope it resolves itself soon!
  20. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    How can I become one of those people who LOVE working out?! I absolutely hate it. EVerything about it. I don't like to sweat or be out of breath, lol. I have been walking two miles everyday since Sunday- and it is kicking my butt! Don't get me wrong, I love that it is kick starting my weight loss- but I only WISH I could get excited about it enough to not have to force myself to do it!! I have seen some people on this forum so in love with working out, how the heck does that happen???? I have a friend who gets up at 4am to work out- where do they find this motivation and how do I get me some??!!! I am hoping it becomes easier the smaller I get. Am I a slacker for hating to work out? Wouldn't it be nice to lose weight really fast and not do anything but rely on the band.....:thumbdown:
  21. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Diane- Welcome!!! How exciting to be moving! You will really like the area I think. I'm near moultrie so not all too terribly far from Bainbridge. I was banded 01-17 and am down 33 lbs so far! I still don't have tight restriction just yet but I'm hoping to get there soon! Glad to have you come aboard.
  22. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Yay, I'm ALMOST there!!! Mia31771 Starting Weight - 354.6 Current Weight- 343 Green Day Weight: 342.6 DOWN So Far: 11 lbs LBS TO GO: 1 lbs
  23. mia31771

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    I think lots of people go through that What the hell have I done to myself stage- I did. You will be amazed at how much your perspective changes once you get to eat food again- Talk to your Dr- perhaps he is flexible like mine was and will let you go up a step if you are getting down the liquids fine- You will never know until you try- Please get the help you need- you did this to be healthier, not to risk possibly hurting yourself, let us know how it goes! I will keep you in my prayers.
  24. Nip- You look GREAT!!! WAY TO GO!!! I love this thread too!

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