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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    LOL, i looked back at my post and I called my fiance 'hubby' fdlol. Guess I am already practicing saying that!
  2. mia31771

    Noises after a fill, to tight?

    I went through the same thing, you just need to get more in your band if you can eat more than you think you should be able to. Just before this last fill (I was at 5.5 cc in my 10cc band- I now have 7.5 in my band) anyway, just before this last fill I could eat a 10oz steak (no joke). NOW, I am lucky to finish 1oz of a Protein. Hang in there, some of us just need more in our band to feel real restriction.
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    It was a pretty yucky day to go to atlanta but we drove up on friday night and stayed in stockbridge so it wasn't that bad of a drive on saturday morning. In fact I spent the best part of friday night in the hot tub while the kidlet swam in the swimming pool!!! We were lucky though and it seems I stayed just ahead or behind the bad rain the entire trip. It was never raining so bad that I had to slow down or couldn't see! My DF says that it was terrible in Norman Park all of Friday night AND saturday. I am staying SOOOO thirsty since this fill. Today I am going to get me some of that Gatorade G2 and see if I can rehydrate myself. I know my liquid intake has not been what it should be since this last fill. But I did the victory dance last night when my fiance ordered from Sonny's BBQ takeout and I was only able to eat a grilled BBQ chicken LEG. A LEG, did you guys hear that??!!! IN that past that would've only been enough to piss me off had I only eaten that, fdlol! I've already lost 2 lbs since thursday! yay! Yay! Let's hope this keeps up!
  4. Sounds like she needs some fluid taken out of her band. While I have trouble eating bread now at my fill level (which did not happen until recently) there are MANY people who can tolerate bread just fine, I think it all depends on the person. Some foods may be harder to get down than others. I am quite restricted and I can get down most anything if I chew it enough except fluffy bread- I can get down tortillas and wantons just fine if I chew well. So don't hinge everything on one person's experience. I think you could poll every bandster on this forum and find that we all are able to eat many different things and you will be able to as well. My Dr says that he wants his patients to be restricted but to still be able to eat solid protein and a veggie if still hungry. Doesn't sound like your friend can do that. My dr. definately is against living off liquids to get the weight off. Keep researching!
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jonathan- How many cc's do you currently have?
  6. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Back from Atlanta! I got a bustier and a crinoline for my dress! Everyone there was very nice and I tried on all kinds of veils and headpeices with my dress! I was worried that I was too tight from my last feel but I can get down protein fine (a mushied one) but as long as I take it slow and chew chew chew it goes down! I guess I was so worried because I have NEVER felt restriction up until now. It feels so weird to only eat a few bites of something and feel full. I'm finding it hard to get in the water but am going to keep at it until I can get in the recommended amounts! I was getting so discouraged and I guess I just needed a decent fill to get me some restriction! Yay!
  7. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Oneder Woman- That is where I'm going is to The silver lining in buckhead!!! The lady I spoke to on the phone was very nice and I can't wait to see what they have. I got my dress in but I need something to lift the girls up properly and suck my gut in for me and I'm hoping they have what I need! I already have some spanx and tummy control panties but I'd feel better with some type of bustier/body suit. Do a search on yahoo for 'sugar busters diet' and it will provide you with a list of foods- if I'm not mistaken Dr. Bagnato's office gave me a list of foods to eat on the sugar buster's diet- I still have it on my fridge as a matter of fact. There are food lists all over the internet for sugar busters, let me know if you can't find anything and when I get time I will send you a link.
  8. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Oneder Woman- I printed out a list of acceptable foods on the sugar busters diet and ate only that. If I did eat bread I made sure it was 100% whole grain, but I did try to limit that amt. I ate baked sweet potatoes alot, I ate grilled chicken and steamed broccoli. I think if you will eat the foods on that list, you won't have to worry about the number of carbs you consume in a day if you do the foods with carbs in moderation. Just by me cutting out all sodas and all those refined sugars and carbs I lost 15lbs in two weeks- you can do it so keep your chin up, hope I've helped you.
  9. mia31771

    When will it work??

    I just got my fourth fill today, I now have 7.5 cc's in my 10cc band- I have not felt a drop of restriction until TODAY. AFter all of my other fills, I felt exactly the same as when I went in. Today- I am having to really sip sip sip my liquids to get them down. I can DEFINATELY tell a difference, so just hang in there. I was exactly like you and actually sent my Dr. a desperate email explaining that I could eat a 10oz steak and baked sweet potato NO PROBLEM and that I was gaining weight and was always hungry. Our fill center seemed very light on giving significant fills as well. I just felt like i needed something more to take me to that level I've been waiting for. I cross my fingers and hope that this lasts! Hang in there and be your own advocate- let them know that you feel like you need MORE! gOOD lUCK!
  10. mia31771

    Bestest Nsv Ever!!!!

    Congrats, Can't wait to be where you are!
  11. Depends on which diet your Dr. has you on- My dr. puts his patients on the sugar busters diet, which is where you cut out anything white like potatoes, flour, rice etc and you eat lean protein, veggies and 100 % whole grain foods. I lost 15 lbs on the pre-op diet. You mention yours will be liquid- you will probably lose more than I did! Good Luck!
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    slowly but surely coming along- I am going up to atlanta this weekend to go shopping for bustiers and girdles and whatnot- Got another fill today and saw Jeannie and bamboo babe while there!! I got 2 more cc's so now I have 7.5 (wow yeah i know) cc's in my 10 cc band! So far getting liquids down fine- lots of gurgling noises though so hopefully all is well. Hope everyone is doing well!
  13. mia31771

    hey ya'll from Georgia!!

    Awesome! We have a group on here for ppl banded by DR. BAgnato- Do a search for Bagnato BAndits and you'll find alot of ppl who have been banded by him =)
  14. mia31771

    hey ya'll from Georgia!!

    Hi there! I was wondering if you are Jody Barfield from Moultrie? I'm from norman park and was just banded on 01-17 by dr. bagnato in albany! Welcome aboard and congrats on starting the journey to a healthier you! Who are you thinking of to do your band?
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    As far as your medical assessment done at palmyra the most painful part was HOW LONG it took them to get everything done. LOL. My poor fiance and daughter literally fell asleep and were sleeping in the lobby when I finally got done 5 hours later. From what I remember, I registered for my surgery (since it was only two weeks away-again I'm self pay so we moved very quickly) then they took me up to the lab to get bloodwork- nice lady who used a butterfly needle and got it on the very first try and I have rolling veins. Then I went down the hall for the EKG, painless. After that I went upstairs (which was the part that took FOREVER) to have a chest xray- again- quick and painless procedure aside from waiting to be called. Don't worry- you will do fine. The most horrible part is the waiting.
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    So I have 5.5 cc's in my 10cc band and ZERO restriction. I mean zilch, none, nada. My next fill wasn't until 04-22 so I called Malik today and luckily someone had cancelled on 04-03 so she is squeezing me in but did tell me I'd have to wait- but I don't care. I am not losing and I am hungry all the time. I just surely would've thought that with half of my band filled I would have more restriction than I do. It is frustrating to see ppl with less in their band than me- steadily losing. /End Rant- Sorry to be a downer guys, just needed to get that off my chest- I had so hoped to be down to 300 by my honeymoon and now I don't think I will make it. I hope this next fill will kickstart my losing. It is so frustrating to work out for 30 minutes a day- and eat healthy and NOTHING happen- As bad as I had not wanted to cut out carbs completely, I think that is the only way I'm going to get past this plateau. I just keep wishing that I could eat like normal, only LESS and lose. To ppl further out than me- is that even possible? I still want to be able to eat the occasional 'no no' food and eat less and still be okay. Am I kidding myself?
  17. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I am making my appt. for an assessment tomorrow. Timing may be an issue for me regarding recovery. How long after your surgery were you guys back up and going? I have a thing coming up w/ work which will require a couple of days of public speaking in a row, preceded by some pretty intense prep, and wonder if I need to schedule the surgery after that. Opinions? I had surgery on a thursday and went back to work the following monday. The first day back at work I was still pretty tired, so I really wish I /had/ taken another day off from work but my job is not one where I can be out much. There is noone else to cover for me so if I'm not there it pretty much does not get done. Try to set your surgery up so that you have the weekend included in your recovery and you should be fine. Everyone is different though so keep that in mind. If you can't safely do a week if need be, I'd say wait till you could. I didn't have the week option no matter what I tried to swing so I just pushed through it but it was hard the first day back.
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I had a great time yesterday with you guys!! The time just FLEW by and before I knew it I was like holy crap, I have to get back to work all the way in Norman Park. We will have to do this again gals! It was so nice meeting you Jeannie and Holly!!
  19. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    For those of us meeting at zaxby's tomorrow- I will be there after my fill - My cell is 229-798-2776 so call me if something comes up!! Look forward to seeing you all!!
  20. mia31771

    I need some advice

    Esophogial (esophogus) spasms happen sometimes when you drink liquids that are really cold or maybe have too much swelling from the band placement. Tell your Dr. you are experiencing them and he may need to take some of the Fluid (if there was any put in at time of surgery) out. Several patients who saw My Dr. thought they didnt have any fluid in their bands at the time of placement but actually did- and that in combination with the swelling from placement caused those spasms..Good lUck and I hope it gets sorted out for you. No one should have to be in that kind of pain.
  21. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Well guys, I've gained- 6 darn pounds! I knew it would happen though so I'm not going to beat myself up about it- I was sick and we ate out almost every single day and if we did cook it was prepackaged and EASy for the DF to fix which unfortunately most of the time was high calorie/ hich carb- But on the good front- it means I will get my fill come thursday and have more restriction in my band hopefully!! I have already done my two miles at bright and early 6am this morning- so I'm back on track..Yesterday was my birthday so I had some cake of course- Time to get back on the bandwagon and put my head down and go! HOlly and Jeannie- We still meeting up on Thursday? Where are we meeting at? I'll be on liquids so I will probably just bring my slim fast along- or maybe meet somewhere that has soups etc. PM me and I will give each of you my cell so we can keep in touch on that day! Look forward to seeing you both and whoever else can come!
  22. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I've got a couple of questions. The answers may just depend on each person's physical condition, but I'll ask anyway * For the first fill, how many cc's do they put in? (And is it painful? I HATE needles!) * Has anyone asked for, and gotten, earlier appointments for their first fill? * How often are fills scheduled? Every month, 6 weeks? 1. My first fill with Elizabeth she put in 2 cc's. She could not locate my port and had to stick me several times but she does numb you- though it still was painful to me, to be honest; It took her about 45 minutes to locate my port- HOWEVER, this next fill she has Rx'd me a numbing creme to put on before the fill and Malik says I shouldn't feel ANYTHING... so don't be scared... It will be worth it. I got a fill prior to six weeks put in by DR. BAgnato because he had to do port revision surgery on me, but I think that is rare and only under special circumstances. I got my fill with elizabeth on 02-28 and go back for another on 03-20- so she scheduled mine for three weeks apart- some go sooner- some longer- all depends on your appetite and how you are losing. Hope this answers some of your questions. 2.
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey bamboo- Hows it been going lately? I have been doing lousy staying on plan- Next week I am on like donkey kong though!
  24. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Welcome aboard Leslie! Congrats on taking the steps towards a new you!
  25. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Congrats Pamela! WAY TO GO GIRL!!! You are dwindling down those pounds to Onederland girl!

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