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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771


    *hug* Been there, It was even worse when i went through bandester hell before my first few fills till I got restriction because then I had a tool in me that just wasn't usable yet every damn body kept asking how much weight had I lost 2 wks after surgery. I was like WTF- and took it out on my fiance like mad..hang in there!
  2. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    They don't blow you up with Co2 with a revision but there still could be gas just from being opened up I suppose. Try walking around when you feel like it and see if that helps. I know with surgeries sometimes my back will be sore just from the way I was laying on the table. With that procedure being as short as it is, it's probably just gas though. I'm so glad you are home and doing well! Take it easy!!
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I know this is gonna sound horrible, but I am trying NOT to lose any more weight until after the wedding. My dress is already altered a huge heap and the alterations lady said that I really don't need to lose anymore or the dress might look funny from taking it up again...Oh the IRONY! I just got over my TOM so the weight just flew off after all the water retention got over with.
  4. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Good Luck Tiger and Leslie! Leslie, it was so good to chat with you yesterday!! Please keep my number and lets do it again! Lots of times I call Bamboobabe and chat it up with her too!
  5. July 1st looks good for me! I'll be back from my honeymoon the day before!
  6. I am! Our wedding is june 21st!! I am so ready for the big day to get here! I feel like I have everything ready and am just sitting here waiting on time to pass by so our day will arrive! Its been a big hurry up and wait game, lol... I know though the few days before are going to be so chaotic for me! Definately check out JinWrights, it's well worth it. We always get the seafood platter for two and it is wonderfull! From where spanky's is you just continue going lke you'd go to st. simons and its on the left hand side of the road. It's not the fancy atmosphere like mullet bay but the food is WONDERFUL!
  7. Rosie Jo- if you go to brunswick eat at a place called JinWright's its just down the road from spanky's and has EXCELLENT seafood, much better than spanky's and much more affordable!! We usually go to st. simon's and jekyll each year and I love it! I also like mullet bay but its a little more expensive than JinWright's and IMHO Jinwrights is a ton better! GOOD LUCK!
  8. Good to see you today!! You are going to do great just keep motivated!!

  9. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    My wedding is June 21 ! I cannot waiiiiiiiiiiit! As it draws near, I'm finding it hard to chain Bridezilla up! I've done so good about not freaking out but it's getting harder and harder to remain calm especially when things don't go perfect! It's funny though, I ask all my married friends certain things about their wedding to get ideas and 90 percent can't remember the detail!! So I keep asking myself why I'm stressing over something that really obviously is not big in the grand scale of things... I guess the important thing is you get married...so as long as we do that, I shouldn't stress, right?! MUCH easier said than done!
  10. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Leslie - *hug* hang in there! I know it sucks for you to have to wait! I haven't updated my WL ticker because my darn barely 4 month old scales are torn up. I initially thought it was the battery but low and behold we can't figure out what is wrong. I know I'm losing because today I fit into a pair of capris that I have been trying to get on every week since my surgery! It was sort of my 'first goal' britches!! And today, I have them on at work!!! So Go me! And as soon as our vacation bible school is over and I have a free moment I am running to walmart and buying me some new darn scales! I know I haven't been posting much. I check in every day or so, but I am *SO* busy right now with this wedding and vacation bible school every night this week has NOT helped!! I tried on my wedding dress for the very last fitting before she does alterations and I could immediately tell a difference in it! I can't wait till this is all over and my big day is here! It will be such a releif to be off to Jamaica for a week of RELAXATION and boy will I need it! Keep up the good work guys!
  11. mia31771

    No More Meat!!

    That is really funny pamela! I work for International Poultry Breeders and actually live here on the farm where I work. So I have seen it all. But I LOVE chicken! LOL Good luck on going vegetarian, my sister is one and has done it for around 9 years!
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Leslie- I added you to my YIM, so message me when you get on it. I am usually online everyday from work. I probably won't be on much tonight because I'm packing and getting ready to go out of town for Memorial Day weekend. I will be online today until around 4:30 when I get off from work. Everything is going to be fine so don't you worry. Try and keep a positive attitude. I know it's hard. My cell is 229-798-2776 if you would like to call and chat sometime. And that goes for anyone in our forum. So try and be patient until your surgery. You will get your port positioned correctly, get your fill and be on your merry way! It took me about a week and a half to have the tenderness from the revision to go away. Just take your drugs and wait it out, before you know it, you'll be back to your old self again!
  13. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Leslie- First of all *BIG HUGS* I had to have port revision surgery as well. My port had not flipped but Dr. Bagnato placed it into my breast tissue instead of high on the chest like normal. He felt that it would be near impossible to fill so thus the port revision. I scheduled mine for a friday surgery and was back at work on Monday so only one day out from work. I will tell you that the area was MUCH more sore than my initial surgery, probably because of the unstitching, moving and restitching but it was totally tolerable. Don't let that scare you, I just try to prepare people for reality other than to sugar coat it. The surgery won't last nearly as long, in fact mine was around 15 minutes and I was discharged as soon as I was able to down a cup of water and get it down fine. He did give me 3cc's when he did the port revision so do not be discouraged. However, please let him know you would like the fill at the time of surgery otherwise, it is not standard to do so. I was self pay and DR. Bagnato took the entire cost of the surgery out of his own pocket. With you having insurance, it should be covered no problem but please be sure it is documented well so that insurance pays. I was completely devestated when this happened to me so I know you are prettty bummed about it. All in all, its very necessary as the band does little good without being able to be filled properly. If you want to chat or have any questions I can give you my phone number and I'd be glad to clear anything up or just give you a shoulder to whine to.. Trust me, I cried the entire way home, cried on the phone to Terri at Dr. Bagnato's office and to anyone who would listen. After the initual shock, I got my head into that it was necessary and just a minor set back. It will be totally worth it in the end! Hang in there and if you need to talk, I'll be more than happy to!
  14. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Congrats on your surgery date tiger!! It will be here before you know it!
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I was given both the pill and the zappy wrist thing...maybe they dont give the zappy wrist thing anymore! Praise the Lord almighty if that is the case! I was banded 01-17-08 and I still have a very visable scar from that damn wrist thing.
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    The zappy wrist thing is an anti nausea device that they place around your wrist after surgery. It sends electrical zaps to keep nausea at bay. You have a conductive gel that you place on the skin surface that is supposed to keep it from being very bothersome, that being said I HATED THAT THING! I was alergic to it, come to find out, as it left blisters and burn marks on my skin and I kept it moist with that gel. Most ppl don't react that way so don't be scared about it. I just tell you my experience as I think it still shocks me. I'm not allergic to most anything but that darn thing was a nightmare. It was literally the worst part of the surgery process for me. Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  17. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jonathan got me thinking about exercise and I wanted to see what everyone else did each week and how often they worked out and for how long... So what is your exercise routine? How often do you work out each week and for how long? Do you find that after a few weeks of doing the same thing you have to change it up to see the scales keep moving?
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Does anyone on here take Metformin? I go back to my dr. today and I am sure he is going to want to RX it to me again. I stopped taking it because it made my stomach EXTREMELY unhappy but it does aid in weightloss for insulin resistant ppl. I hear that if you stick with it long enough the stomach ickies do go away, especially if you have a low carb diet. If I remember correctly the pills are GIGANTIC- If anyone on here takes met, how does that work, do you cut the pills?
  19. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Welp, Gina- your appointment was snatched up a minute after you cancelled it... =( Oh well, thanks for the heads up anyway!
  20. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I just called to try and grab it Gina! Thanks-
  21. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Yay! I got an appt for May 27th! I'm going out of town for Memorial Day weekend so that will be good for me. I made one for July 1 as well and man I hope I don't need it!
  22. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Thanks Pamela! Let me know if you do decide to cancel it. It was great to run into you yesterday! You loOK great even though you weren't feeling well!! HALF of you is gone girl! I went shopping during my lunchbreak and got some healthier foods so I can make better choices. My daughter has a pageant this saturday so I won't be able to meet up with anyone either. Between wedding stresses and work stresses I'm wanting to eat everything in sight and actually being able to right now are disastrous combinations. I hope I can get in for a fill soon.
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I just called to try to get back in to get my cc back and Malik says she has nothing until Mid June- well I have an appt for june 8th but I need a fill now- Leslie told me I could come back in two weeks and get my cc back if I needed it and now they won't even squeeze me in. I thought this was going to get better???? Anyway- if anyone is planning on cancelling their May appt PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me have a shot at it. Thanks, Mia
  24. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    They were real conservative when I called too and in fact were quite surprised when I told them he had moved me on to the next stage at a week post op. But I'm sure they are trained in the usual stage process. I think Dr. B listens to his patients and moves them up as he sees fit. Not alot of surgeons will do that. I would give your tummy a few days to rest and then slowly add things. It will only take once for you to know if soft fish is too much for you. Just go slow and chew well and give yourself a minute or so between bites. If you get it stuck, then go back to a softer diet for a while. Its a learning process. I think thats true for every person on here. You could always blend up the fish if you wanted to. The concept gives a nasty picture in my head but I remember it tasted damn good at the time when I ate it!
  25. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I have been making bad choices all last week and the weekend. I think I am letting the cc taken out of my band go to my head and am eating things that I wasn't able to before. I haven't gained but I haven't lost either. I am thinking of calling Malik and trying to get in and get my cc back. The hunger is nonstop and instead of putting healthy things in my system I've been putting junk. I have no excuses. I know I have been doing bad and just need to get back at eating like I'm supposed to.

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