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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. I'll update with mine too- Had to go back today to get leslie to remove nearly all of my newest fill =( Still having a hard time, hoping that a few days of mylanta and soft foods will help some of the inflamation from pb'ing go down. georgia girl (aka Pamela)~ 87 lbs leslie2lose (aka Leslie) - 45 lbs jbrad71629(aka Jeannie)-87 lbs Nip50 (aka Gina) - 136 lbs kristim8132008 (aka Kristi) - 26 lbs mia31771(aka mia) 69lbs
  2. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    NOt sure either Leslie- when I called and asked the lady told me on 13th avenue where the OTC is and to just follow the signs. Not sure if i'll be there tonight either. THis day has been horrible at work and not sure I'll get to go.
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    So who all is planning to attend tonight?
  4. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Ok- Where exactly is the rehab center in relation to the OTC?
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I'm planning on going if at all possible!
  6. Hooray for you Brina!!! Hopefully the next time I fly I can share in your NSV!!! That is awesome!
  7. I went in and got an unfill. By the time I got to Albany from Norman Park my saliva was coming out of my nose! I told leslie that I thought I really was too tight before I got this last fill as I had resorted to eating unhealthy foods just to be able to eat something. So she removed .75 cc and I was actually able to EAT real food. I think Leslie was upset that I wasn't honest with her on Monday but I had started back gaining and I thought I needed a fill. I was able to eat some dinner but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't a big amount of food so I think I just might be at a good restriction level. I knew I was too tight but was scared to get an unfill because I didn't want to gain. I'm glad I went and got unfilled because honestly I have been miserable. I was lucky that this did not count as a fill because I returned within 48 hours. I'm going to really follow the band rules and give this restriction level a try. I was so tight before I could not eat without drinking a little something or heavily drenching whatever I was eating in some type of sauce. Sooooo...don't be foolish like me guys, if you think you are too tight, listen to your gut..you probably are...
  8. Thanks! It seems like it is going sooo slow for me! Guys, I think I may be too tight, I tried to resume to regular food today and it has been a disaster. I tried to eat some soupy soupy dirty rice and that didn't go well at all. In fact, I'm still sitting here with that horrible 'stuck' feeling. Hopefully I will be able to eat some dinner tonight. I'm interested in seeing what foods everyone can eat. Probably the only meats that I can eat without problems are scrambled hamburger meat, steak and maybe some fish if its cooked really tender. I can eat brocolli and most veggies. All of that was before this fill, not really sure what I can eat now. Recently I found myself leaning towards chips and soft things just to avoid the pain of being stuck or pb'ing. I dunno what to do. Advice? I really don't want to live off of soups.
  9. You can eat solid food for breakfast Leslie? I'm jealous! I'm usually so tight I can barely get my slim fast low carb in. I got another .5 cc fill on Monday so I am up to 7.50 in my 10cc band now. I had Leslie draw out my fluid and check it to make sure I was still holding good. I should've had 7.1 and she drew out 7 so I think that is pretty good. I'm hoping this fill will put me at my sweet spot. How is everyone else doing?
  10. mia31771

    question on eating steak

    I was banded in January and I can eat steak fine as long as I take it slow and chew well. chicken on the other hand gives me MAJOR trouble. It is so weird.
  11. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hi Kristi- I think I have a fill scheduled for Sept. 11- I'm not sure on the time, I will have to find the sheet of paper I wrote down my appts on. I make 3 at a time every time I make appts so I usually write all of them down! Congrats on being banded and your weight loss so far! I live in between tifton and moultrie myself. Hopefully I will see you on the 11th!
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I would just like to report that I walked a mile tonight gnats, flies and mosquitos and EVERYTHING!!! Yay me for moving my rear end!!
  13. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Leslie- THink you could be gaining muscle?
  14. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jalapeno cheese cheetos are the DEVIL! My husband bought some and I made the mistake of trying one..OMG I have to keep those things away from me they are SO good! Chips in general are my weakness! Gosh I can tell I'm hungry! I definately think I need a fill, I was able to eat noodles today with no problem. I usually get them stuck. I made spaghetti last night and I usually just eat the sauce but alas, I can eat the noodles now and was able to eat them at lunch with no problem too. I think losing 10 more pounds has loosened my band right on up. I got the key to my treadmill today and I did work out some at lunch. Which made me even hungrier!
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I'm just as much on the fence as you are Leslie, LOL. I was able to eat a pack of whole wheat crackers for breakfast this morning and this is RARE for me. Usually I am so tight in the mornings that I am not hungry at all. But yesterday and today the hunger pains have returned. I'm going to see how it goes today but usually I can't eat anything until lunch time and then sometimes I have trouble eating even then. My band is so weird. Sometimes I can eat a good bit at lunch and then can't eat much of anything at supper. Then sometimes I can't eat much for lunch and then can eat the kitchen sink at supper time. There is rarely a constant restriction level for me. I am scared of being too tight as well because I've been there and done that too! I haven't had a fill since May 27 so I think it may be time for one, even if only .10 of a cc. Depending on how this week plays out will determine whether or not I get a fill. I am not used to the hunger and now it seems to be returning more often than it has been. If only our bands came with an indicator light, fdlol!
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Brina- next time you are in town CALL ME GIRL! I live and work about 10 minutes from either of those places!! I love Allegood's bbq!! I haven't eaten it in ages! But it used to be a once a week thing that I did was go and buy a lb of bbq from there. Dalton's is pretty good too but I tend to have a hard time with chicken these days but I still nibble on the skin, lol. Pamela is also in Moultrie so maybe one time when you're in town we could all get together! I have a fill scheduled for Monday and I'm seriously thinking about going. Both yesterday and today I have been starving!! My band is so weird. One day I can't eat crap, the next day I can eat the kitchen sink. Is anyone else's like that??
  17. I have the email newsletter at work if you would like for me to forward it to you Pamela. I'm able to eat today so yay! I have a fill scheduled for 08-18 too, I believe at 1pm that I am probably going to cancel. I go from one week thinking I need a fill to the next thinking 'no way'. LOL. It is weird how the band can be tight one day and not the next. I have found that drinking something warm in the mornings tends to make for a better day for me. I got a new treadmill so i'm ready to get the exercise party started!
  18. mia31771

    Tea goes down fine-cold water doesn't

    I have found that warm beverages tend to open up my band a little bit so that i am able to eat a bit more. I am super tight in the mornings and usually if I drink a cup of cofee, I can eat pretty good at lunch. I still find that I have to sip any cold beverage, especially in the morning time. This has happened to me since being banded throughout all of my fills. As you lose more weight the band will become lose again and the restriction won't be as tight as it is now. I havent had a fill since May and am still pretty tight so I am hoping that I have reached my sweet spot! Give it a few weeks and you will be able to tell. Good Luck!
  19. Everyone is looking great! We just got back from a little weekend trek to the beach. Let me give you girls some warning- the ocean was a bit wavy and rough this weekend and getting slammed in the nose and mouth with salt water = much discomfort for the band. I finally learned to close my mouth and then it would get me in the nose!! Needless to say lots of water running into your band at one time equalled disaster for me. I usually have no problems with liquids but I take my time and never gulp. I definately had problems with all of the salt water I kept gulping. I had never even given it any thought but it makes sense. If I gulp water at home I will pb or slime in a heartbeat. I didnt have any problems in Jamaica but the water wasn't as turbulent as Jekyll Island was this weekend. Anyway, I am babying my band with some soft stuff today and taking it easy. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  20. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Bumping this- What has everyone been up to? I've started back on plan and working out 3o min a day. So far so good. It's my TIM so I expect a little water gain for a week or so. How is everyone else doing?
  21. Great Progress leslie! I have my own NSV to post, just haven't taken the time to post it! It has been many years since I've been able to wear any type of pants/jeans from walmart. I have always been too big for anything that wasn't stretchy material. Well just a few weeks ago I managed to fit comfortably into a sz 26 pair of pants that weren't stretchy at wally world!! I was THRILLED!! Before lapand I wore a size 36 stretch pants that could only be found at the ever expensive CAtherines store. And while, sze 26 is where lots of you started off at, being able to buy something in a regular store, hell even cato's for that fact is a great accomplishment for me! We want to try for a baby sometime in the futre and I would like to get down about another 50 pounds or so before we start trying. While I know I'll still be obese, I will have come a long way from the almost 400 lb person I once was!
  22. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I am the same exact way alley with the dropping a few pounds and then fighting to keep them off. I can tell im losing inches too which is at least encouraging if the scale isnt moving. I am not doing too terribly bad food wise. I just have not been exercising and I know if I would start some routine it would help. It's just so dang HOT! Nothing about being sweaty and hot is appealing to me, but neither is being fat so I really need to start moving my rear end!!!
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey Everyone! I have been horrible about checking in here. Life is just so busy for me right now! My brother and sister n law just lost their baby yesterday and she was 6 months along in her pregnancy so we are all just trying to be there for them and get through the services to come. I cancelled my fill for Monday. My weight is still constant but I am restricted pretty good. I just havent had my head totally in the game much since the wedding. Thank goodness I'm not gaining! I plan on getting back on track soon and grinding down to get my weight off. I check in even if I do not update, so I always read what you guys are posting. Hopefully soon we can all get together!
  24. Hey Everyone! Back from the Honeymoon!! Jamaica was absolutely beautiful. We had a blast. I managed to only gain 2 pounds despite the constant booze and food consumption so I think I did pretty darn well. I think flying would temporarily cause my band to get really tight on me. I noticed being extremely tight just after a flight. But we are back safe and sound and I am absolutely swamped. I have two weeks worth of work waiting on me and this is a short week with the holiday. I will try to update when I can. To see pics of the wedding, if anyone would like to, go here: Main Gallery Glad the support meeting went great!
  25. mia31771

    Increase in Depression with weight loss

    I've noticed that my moods swing much more now that I am losing weight than before. hang in there, maybe they can get you on the right meds!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
