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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    So today is the one year anniversary of my mother's passing. So much has changed in my life since a year ago. I've had lapband surgery (I used my inheritance money) and lost 77lbs, I've gotten married, went out of the country on a honeymoon and am actually considering trying for another baby sometime in the future. I think my mom would be proud of the changes that have happened in my life and while it would be so easy to spend this day down in the dumps and depressed, I think I'm going to choose to spend it knowing that my mom is smiling down from heaven rejoicing in all of the wonderful things that have happened in my life.
  2. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Ugh! Why have they changed the forum layout yet AGAIN?! I can't find anything, lol. My scale moved again wooohooo!
  3. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jeannie- First of all 87 lbs is GREAT weightloss! I know that it isn't your personal goal but still it is 8 7 pounds girl! I think we all have lost motivation at one point or another, I struggle from a day to day basis. I will do really good for a few days and then fall back off and eat crap. But remember, this is why we got the band in the first place. Do you think you need a fill? If your restriction is good then work on eating better and moving more and just take it day by day. I know I often get really discouraged if I dont break it down minute to minute. You CAN do this! You've already proven that! Would having a workout partner motivate you? Maybe having someone urge you on would help. You did not go through all of this to give up now. Ask God to give you the strength and the power to take control again. I know that when i tend to separate myself from other bandsters (usually because I've fallen off too) thats when things get really bad. Maybe post every day about what you are feeling or going through. Do you have a journal or anything that you just write things out so that you at least get them out? Stress plays a major part in my falling of the wagon and as ppl who struggle with our weight we tend to turn to food. Maybe finding an outlet for the BS we have to deal with in life would keep us from turning to food. I KNOW you can do this, start tomorrow and try your very best to get as close to your personal goal as possible. You've come such a long way to give up now. Maybe we all need to have a bagnato dinner night and just surround ourselves with people who understand the highs and lows and get all of us back motivated again.
  4. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Since you can eat chicken Maggie, try some tuna salad or chicken salad blended really well. Egg salad would also give a pleasant change to just scrambled eggs. Take a look at the mushy food list on the forum here and that might give you some ideas. Some ppl by the unflavored protein powder and add that to their foods. Ask away, we've all been where you are and that time can be very confusing and overwhelming. Try to get in as much water as possible. When is your first fill date?
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I can eat again! Woohoo! I think all my pampering did the trick and I was able to eat solid food again. I guess the acid reflux really irritated my esophogus and it wasn't allowing much of anything to pass but today I have been able to eat just fine! I am SOOO glad I didn't have to get an unfill!!! Hang in there Nip, I am sure you will get those last few pounds off in no time!
  6. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey guys! I've been having a rough go at it these past few days myself. For some reason I am SUPER tight. I got a fill on 10-15 and did fine up until the night before last. I don't know if I got something stuck and it won't pass or what. I didn't feel stuck after I ate but that night I had horrible acid reflux and since then my esophogus is really irritated and anything much that I eat gets stuck. I'm trying to baby my esophogus and have been sipping some mylanta and taking it easy in hopes that this will pass. I just don't think I've gotten anything stuck. Hopefully soon it will resolve itself. I wasn't too tight before so I hate to get anything removed. In fact I thought I had finally gotten to my sweet spot. In other news, Georgia Girl I met a friend of yours, your old preacher's wife, Erin. Her daughter and mine cheer for the same team at the Rec. She saw me not eating and I was telling her about how tight I'd been that day. Small world, lol. I think its about to be that TOM for me and I wonder if that has anything to do with why I'm so tight. I really think that the night I had some reflux it irritated my esophogus and I need to get that irritation down before I'll be able to get over this. Anyway, wish me luck. If it isn't better by monday I guess I'll be going in to see what Leslie thinks.
  7. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    LOL! I plan on doing that tonight Oneder Woman!!! We are having a cookout with some friends and I'm going to unwind and just enjoy a bonfire and the good company of friends! And feel free to give uncensored advice, sometimes I *NEED* that!
  8. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - hey yall

    Welcome SassyS! Congrats on your decision to get healthy! Look forward to hearing more from you. How are things going so far for ya?
  9. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Well I made myself work out during lunch, even though I had to stop twice to answer the phone. Still in a weird kind of depressed feeling mood today. We were planning to go to a corn maze tonight and because of this crappy weather looks like that is not going to happen. I went ahead and exercised cause I knew I wouldn't get any in sat or sunday. Jamie and I actually have a childless weekend this weekend and I'm hoping my mood perks up- I'd hate to be an emotional down in the dumps type person on one of our VERY FEW times we get to ourselves....I just wish I knew how to shake these blues...
  10. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I am having one of *those* days today. I'm feeling a wee bit down in the dumps and I can't find the motivation to do crap bandwise today. Its dreary out and I just don't feel like doing anything today. Work is stressful and I find myself just being in a constant state of 'pissed off' here lately. Breakfast this morning was a starbucks frappacino and a zuchini bread muffin- How I managed to not barf that is beyond me but it surely went down. I know I need to work out today but I really am sick of it. I've worked out the past four days and am feeling burnt out. Any suggestions or motivating statements to get me out of this grump mode today?
  11. Had a great feeling NSV today! I have had two co-workers compliment me on my weightloss today. It has been hard for them to really judge my weightloss because they see me every day and they haven't really commented that I've lost anything until today. It made me feel REALLY good to have them finally notice!! In fact when I told them the amount I've lost BOTH of them said it looked like much more than 70 something pounds!!! Yay for me!
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    QUESTION: How much water (in oz's) Do you drink each day? I'm getting in around 64 oz's.
  13. Girl it does with me too! Today I am wearing a pair of size 28 pants that came from Cato that fit nicely- yet I have some 26's that slide off from walmart so who knows! My scale is angry with me today. I woke up this morning expecting to be down another pound to only see it go UP a pound. I have been working out every day and getting my water in. I *did* have some baked lays the other night but I was well below my calories for that day so I figured it would be okay to indulge. bleah- I am seriously thinking of just going to weighing once a week. I never seem to be able to stick to that, although I think I'd be a lot more motivated if I could beat the scale addiction. Once I see it go up the least little bit I get frustrated and that isn't good for me. I think the only way I am going to be able to do that is to hide the scale in my husband's car or something so I can't get to it when I am usually home to weigh. I weigh in the mornings and he leaves out for work before I do!! LOL, that is so sad but that's the truth!
  14. No doubt wonder woman! I am about 16 pounds lighter than you and am JUST NOW squeezing into 24's- And I can still fit into my 26's pretty good. What the hell is up with that?! I have absolutely no butt so I guess my stomach is where all the junk is on me! LOL!
  15. Leslie and Georgia- The chilli run you guys are doing in Moultrie- can you walk it too? I can't run unless someone is chasing me and even then not very far, lol- but I think I might could walk it- think that is against the rules?? Might take me 2 hours though- lol
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jeannie- We have ALL been there, hell I know I have been there but we didn't go through all of this to give up, so dust yourself off and pick yourself back up and get on the bandwagon. I think everyone goes through those struggles at one point or another. You are not alone but we are here to encourage each other when we can't find the encouragement ourselves. I KNOW you can do it girl!
  17. Wow Leslie, I bet that felt GREAT!! I am no longer the biggest person in our social circle of friends either, even though I do not see it that way still. I have this horrible habit of asking my husband when we see overweight people if I am bigger than they are because I have no real perception of my size. I look in the mirror and see HUGE but I have no real perception of my actual size. Now that I am getting smaller I am no longer the biggest person anymore. I am still very much overweight but at one time I was the *largest* and its a nice NSV in itself to be smaller than someone, lol. Also today I was looking in the mirror and I actually noticed that my shoulders are smaller framed than before- I used to look in the mirror and see a linebacker- now I definately noticed a difference this morning.
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Well I figured there wouldn't be much of anything healthy to choose from out there so I beefed up my protien shake that morning and managed to make it through the festival without getting anything. Of course I completely killed that when we went to the movies afterwards and the mini buttefinger bites screamed at me through the glass to buy them! Why do they have to taste so damn good?!! But oh well, I walked my tail off that day so I'm hoping the 400 calories in bites didn't bite me toooooo bad. I'm doing good today- had a beefed up protein shake for breakfast (52 grams of protein)- a south beach diet dinner for lunch (30 grams protein) (which I couldn't finish) and I'm getting my water in so right on track! I have salmon and veggies planned for dinner tonight so hopefully I will stay on plan. Oh, and I worked out for 30 min at lunch! GO ME!! I'm going to get below 300 or die trying!
  19. Way to Go Brina!! You are looking GREAT!!!
  20. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Oneder woman I was at the peanut festival on Saturday too! I watched the parade, (well most of it-It got kinda LONG at the end) But I had sort of a NSV that day as well! We parked waaay far south of the parade and then had to walk all the way to hwy 82 and across for the booths- It was a TERRIBLY long way to walk- and I managed to walk all that way and around all the boothes and all the way back to the car without dying!! I even resisted all the yummy smelling food that was out at the festival too! Which was a huge victory for me. I even sat and watched my daughter scarf down a peice of pizza right beside me and didn't even want it! I am the type of person who can watch food network and salivate- so this was pretty huge for me. Before the band pizza was one of my favorite and most eaten foods- now I cannot really stand it. Isn't it funny how that is. I didn't make all good choices this weekend- I had some chocolate at the movies and such but I did get my tail moving so that's at least better than before! I'm planning on getting all my water in and working out during my lunch break so wish me luck guys! Hopefully everyone will have a good day On- Plan!
  21. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey everyone- Just wanted to update a little bit since I haven't posted in a while. I went in for a fill today. I got .10 cc which brings me back up to 6.9 cc's. I am really going to get back into the swing of things. I got totally off track with planning my wedding and the combination of being TOOO tight for a few months. I was worried about getting this fill because let me tell you being TOO tight is miserable and I don't ever want to be back there again. But it really is a fine line between just right and too tight, its really hard to tell sometimes. I am still on liquids and have promised myself to follow the 2-3 day plan. I never usually do- usually by the second day I am testing the waters and proceed from there, but in an effort to get back to the basics I am following the rules! Yay! I have also been exercising the past few days which I had totally gotten away from. I guess I got discouraged because I started to get that gnawing feeling of being on one constant diet and as most of you can relate, that never lasts for long so I had drifted away from the bandster rules. Luckily my band kept me from doing any real damage but it did throw me off by a month or two but the important thing is I'm picking myself back up and starting out the right way again. Anyway, just wanted to post and update you guys, nobody really posts very much anymore so I wanted to bump this up. Who all is going to the support group meeting? I doubt I can make it as that is usually on a day when I have to work late. How is everyone else doing? I keep in regular contact with bamboobabe but haven't really talked to much of anyone else. How are things going ya'lls way? Just to mention for motivation sake, I saw a guy I went to school with who had lapband done about 2 years or so ago and he is down 170 lbs! He looks fantastic!!! I was talking to him and he said that he had months were the scales didnt budge and then all of a sudden he would lose pretty fast. He also struggled with being too tight and then too loose. He really encouraged me to just hang in there and reminded me that this wasn't a race and that if I would just stick to it that it would eventually come off. It was good to hear that because I have always had a set schedule of how *I* wanted to lose the weight and by which date and such and such. He really put it into perspective that I just need to be consistent with my habits and the rest would fall into place. Oh well, let me run I think I've babbled on enough!
  22. ABC- it really sounds like you might be too tight- I had the same symptoms you are experiencing and was too tight. My scale seems to be mad at me too =(
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    That is so funny that you mention that RosieJo- The other night when I was still having so much trouble with eating I told my husband I was heading off to bed because I was hungry and I wasn't able to eat anything and if I could just get to sleep I wouldn't feel so deprived, lol. So I went my tail to sleep and woke up the next morning in a much better frame of mind!
  24. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Ally- Do not let the scales defeat you girl! I know that is sooo much easier said than done! Lots of times we go through months where we dont lose any weight but we DO lose inches. Are you noticing any of that? It seems like to me that you are doing really good! I've been through those plateus and they definately suck. Just keep on doing what you know is right and eventually that old ball and chain of a scale will move again. We've all been there girl so just hang in there. *hugs*
  25. The first picture was taken a few weeks before being banded 01-17-08 The second was taken today 09-14-08

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
