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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I get off work at 4:30 and it takes me about 20 min. to get to tifton. Tomorrow is the day folks! I am the first one up for surgery so I must be at palmyra by 6am- I will post as soon as I can to let everyone know how I'm doing! It's all in God's hands now, I know I'll be fine!
  2. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Still good for me so far as I know. What time that afternoon?
  3. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Man, two more days guys...I am already so nervous. But I have everything taken care of. I went and had my will witnessed and notarized today and got all of my other affairs sorted out in case something happens. It's very important to know that my child's bio dad who isn't in her life won't be granted custody. It is weird, I've had moments where I really freak out- but I have this weird sort of peace about it all and I am just leaving it all in God's hands. I know I'll be fine- but I just want to have things in order to make me feel better while I go into surgery. I call tomorrow afternoon to find out my surgery time. I'm sure tommorrow nigh I'll be a nervous wreck. I hope I get to be there pretty early so I can get the surgery out of the way and on my way to knowing I'm alive and recovering!!
  4. mia31771

    Feb 8th is my big day!!

    Congrats Lynne! I go to get banded in two days on 01-17. I CAN'T WAIT!
  5. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I shot Terri at Dr. B's office an email and she told me to turn my worrying down a notch, lol. She said that all this worrying will actually do more harm than not losing any weight. I got a new set of scales and my old ones are off by about 4 lbs. I think I'm just filled with butterflies and what not and maybe I should just chill out for a while.
  6. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Ok quick question: I have been sautee'ing my veggies in olive oil- is this okay to do on sugar busters? I am so upset because it seems my scales are off- one day I'm down a few pounds, the next day it says I've gained ten so now I really don't know WHAT I way- I know its off because I had my fiance weigh and it shows him having gained 7 lbs overnight- so I've sent him off to buy a new WW scale- ugh- I'm so scared I haven't lost enough for DR. B- but I swear I have stuck to this diet- I can't see anywhere that I've really cheated.
  7. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Well we decided on Red Lobster since I was wanting seafood. I was SO proud of myself. I did not TOUCH one chedder biscuit at all. NO ONE! I got the broiled seafood platter with steamed broccoli. I am finding it SO difficult though to not drink when I eat at a restaurant. I think this is really going to be a problem for me post op. AT home I don't even fix a drink but at a restaurant when they sit it right in front of you, it is SO hard to not take a swig. Does anyone just not get a drink or something? How do you resist? Also quick question, when out dining and you guys get a salad, what type of dressings do you get? It seems everything on the fat free or light list still has SO many calories in it.
  8. My surgery is scheduled for thursday 01-17 and I plan on being back at work the following monday. I have a desk job and actually live on the farm where I work so I'm sure if I need to go lay down for a bit it will be fine. At least I'm hoping I feel up to it. My dr. seems to think I should be fine to do this, although I am really seeing alot of ppl who took more time.
  9. mia31771

    Will pills get stuck?

    The only medication I take is a Birth Control pill which is really small. My doctor said I should be fine in taking it, think I'll be okay?
  10. mia31771

    HI new here

    Awesome Linda! I go to get banded on January 17, I can't wait!
  11. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Well I did the two mile on my 'walk away the pounds' video so hopefully I worked off some of that chicken skin, lol. I have a treadmill but I get so bored on that thing that I prefer the video's. My fiance and my neighbor all do them with me each night. I don't know if I mentioned but I quit smoking when I began the pre-op diet so I think I am fighting two battles at once and doing pretty darn good at it!! I can't believe that in one week by this time, I will be banded! Dr B's office told me that I will be his third band on that day so hopefully he will be good and limbered up by the time he gets to me, lol!! Hopefully I will be in and out before lunch, keeping my fingers crossed. I was looking at restaurant menu's today and I think Ruby Tuesday has the best selection for bandsters. They even have mashed cauliflour as an alternate to mashed potatoes. We are going out to dinner this weekend since I might not feel up to it for a little while after being banded and I think we may go there. I will try them out and see if it's tasty.
  12. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    It's so hard to overcome it all, I guess the most important thing is to start back at it, even when we do slip up. Like tonight I had a bbq chicken dinner from bbq pitt tonight and I ate the skin off the chicken and some bbq sauce. I resisted the potato but I had cole slaw and salad and I know I wasn't supposed to. But I'm walking two miles tonight to try and offset my moment of weakness! So back at it I go!
  13. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Pamela: I'm so glad this fill is giving your restriction!!! Thanks for easing some of my worries. I guess I am SO worried because I have spent so much money and I would hate for this to fail, I'm determined for it NOT to fail and I'm just fretting over every detail. I was on a few boards yesterday and read about some woman who was a year out who had GAINED 10lbs and she was saying it was all because she was a binge/overeater type person and that if you were she advised not getting the band. Well I KNOW I am, so that got me worried. I guess until I get some weightloss in I need to avoid forums like that. I have to get into the mind frame that the band will only do part of the work and the rest is up to me. I must admit, I won't lie and say when I first began this journey that I thought all I'd have to do would be to have this surgery and I'd be skinny for life after about a year, but I'm realizing that I still have to make good choices, STILL HAVE TO EXERCISE (which I'd rather be beat than do), and I still have to fix the issues in my head that make me eat when I'm not hungry. But you know what, I can do it, I'm doing it already without the band so I can make it until I get the band and get restriction! I'm already exercising and making good food choices. I'm on my way and I shouldn't let scare posts like that intimidate me or make me doubt myself. I just gotta keep on, keepin on as cheesy as that sounds!
  14. mia31771

    That seems like the impossible dream!

    Hi Everyone, I'm just starting. I get banded on January 17! My weight before the preop diet was 376, now I'm down 11 lbs since I started the pre-op sugar busters diet. I would like to lose down to 170 or so.. A long road ahead but I'm READY! It is wonderful to know that I am not alone.
  15. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    On a positive note, I'm down 11 lbs! Go Me!
  16. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Nip, I was told with self pay we get 6 a year- This is scary seeing how many other ppl have gotten. Especially since they don't use flouro. It just seems that flouro would show them a more accurate picture of the amount of restriction, I wonder why they don't use it. It only seems like a guessing game if you dont actually have the person drink the barium and show the amount flowing threw the stoma on a screen. Dont you think? How much are the fills after you get to your 6th one? anyone know? I may be worrying myself over nothing but I've just shelled out 17 grand and I would hate to just play around with fills. I want each one to count.
  17. mia31771

    Newbie from Georgia

    LOL I was wondering why my post never showed up on the albany thread, looks like I clicked on the wrong email to respond to. Feb 7 will be good for me, I'll be limited in what I can have but surely every place will have soup.
  18. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I have a question about fills with Elizabeth- does she feel for the port or use the flouroscope?
  19. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Feb 7th is good for me! Thanks for all the encouragement everyone!! Only 8 more days! You guys will have to help me find something I can eat only two weeks out. Maybe I can order some soup and eat the broth of it.
  20. mia31771

    January Surgery Dates

    To everyone being banded tomorrow, GOOD LUCK AND you are in my prayers!
  21. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    To tell you the truth I don't miss at nearly as bad as I did the first few days. I think I just realized that I want to do this the right way. For so long I have always cheated, always been a quitter and I refuse to this time. It's a mind thing. Please keep me in your prayers, as the days get closer I get more anxious about something going wrong during surgery which is normal, but I'm trusting in God to get me through this one and I sure hope its in his plan. I can't wait to be banded and start on my journey!
  22. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Thanks Jeannie! I am SO ready to have it over and done with! And GO ME, for the past two days I haven't had ANY bread!!
  23. mia31771

    Newbie from Georgia

    My band date is 01-17 so I wont be able to meet on that day but its fine with me if you guys go ahead!
  24. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Tifton has ruby tuesdays, locos, moes southwest grill, los compadres, hmmmm....anyone think of any others?
  25. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Well the first few days I didnt have any bread. Then it was like I missed bread so much and said well I can have whole grain bread and the fat girl in me wants it with every meal, lol. So today I will trim the whole bread equation. I am doing the whole not drinking while eating thing as well. Its hard on some things, but most meals I do not drink during the meal. Thanks for the help girls!

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