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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Yes! In fact that is when I began to notice the redness, is when I went to wearing my bra again.
  2. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Terri says that it may be a reaction to the glue. But i'm thinking not so much because it is not red around my incision- its red around my whole practical boob aside from the incision.
  3. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    ok, i sent them, see what you think. It looks alot like broken blood vessels, but the more I look at them, the more worried I get. What the heck could this mean? I sent terri an email asking could she move my appt up to this afternoon and I would just go- My health is more important than work.
  4. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    No, its not swolen, just red and warm to the touch. I can send you pics via email if you want. I am totally freaking out and they insist that I do not need to come in, that it will be fine to wait till tomorrow and to just start on the antibiotics. That if it is indeed infected, he would be Rx'ing me the same antiobiotic he called in. Think I should insist he see me?
  5. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Ok I'm freaking out! The area around my port is red and hot. I took pictures and sent them to Terri at Dr. B's office. They are calling me in some antibiotics to CVS just to cover me until I go in for my post-op tommorrow. What can this be guys? Think I have an infection? Gosh I hope they don't have to take my port out.
  6. mia31771

    Lapband Slippage

    How did you know your band slipped? Did you feel pain or any difference? I'm newly banded and just want to be aware of what the signs of slippage are. Thanks!
  7. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Sounds good to me.
  8. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I think most of the reason is that they will be losing a fellow 'fat person' and since I am the biggest in all of my friend group that leaves some of them worrying that they will not longer have the reason of 'well I'm not as big as Mia' to rest on anymore when I lose the weight. I understand their thinking, I've used it for years. But I would think that good friends would support me to get healthier. It has suprised me that some of them havent. They still wallow in the whole misery loves company shpill.
  9. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Alli- My apt is at 3:30 on thursday, what time is yours?
  10. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Thanks, I'm just being whiney and pouty. I just have to put my head down and dig my heels in and DO THIS! But you know, for all those ppl who call surgery the 'easy way out' they can kiss it! I can't believe the number of my overweight friends who have been really ugly to me about having this done. I guess that, plus the not having chewable food yet, was really weighing on me. It will get better, I have to keep believing it will.
  11. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Im working full days- Yesterday I was pretty tired by the end of the day- today I am struggling more with the head hunger and longing for pizza and all the bad foods. I'm calling myself pouty today. I so want to CHEW something. Physically, I feel fine other than a little sensative around the port area. I go back to Dr. B on Thursday for my post op check up. I am having one of those "what in the world have I done to myself" days. Hopefully it will pass.
  12. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Hi Alli- Welcome! I was banded by DR. Bagnato the day before you were. Glad to see your surgery went well. I dont have any problem with my mouth feeling chalky. I'm having the head issues to deal with that are my biggest problem. Anyway, Welcome aboard, Good to have you!
  13. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I miss food. =( I feel like an addict going through withdrawals. I sat in bed last night thinking about how I couldnt wait for week 5 to get here so I could have a slice of pizza, or a big fat cheeseburger. I've even asked my family to eat out because I can't bear to smell food cooking that I can't have. It floors me how I associate EVERYTHING with food. Good times, food. Bad times, Food. Anytime, FOOD. I guess I am feeling kind of deprived right now at this stage. I guess I just need to tell myself that this will pass. I'm happy with my weight lost so far, but I am really struggling with the longing for comfort food. I actually have been to the verge of tears these past few days because I keep thinking 'what have I done'? I know me, and me giving up food is impossible.- I guess I feel like I never got to say goodbye to my food because the day I went for a consultation, she set my surgery date and I had to start the sugar busters. Who am I kidding, even if I had the chance to say 'goodbye' to pizza, I'd need a million goodbye's! I just think I need some encouragement or something. Anyone else miss food terribly? Especially at my stage?
  14. mia31771

    Is this normal?

    I was just banded on 01-17. I was crazy nervous, even had my will prepared and all my wishes written down and notarized, lol. I cried the entire way to the operating room and then before I knew it I was awake in recovery and banded. i went into surgery at 8am and was discharged by 11am- It's rough on the liquids, I won't lie. But we just gotta hang in there. You will do just fine!
  15. mia31771

    3 post-op problems

    I'm right there with ya big as life- I was banded on 01-17 and am going through the same emotions as you. I don't have a fever though. I thought I did because my face was flushed but it turned out to be a reaction from the hydrocodone pain medicine. I called my dr's office and they said anything over 100 to call them immediately. Good Luck, Keep in touch, we can get through this!
  16. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Well I'm going to attempt to go into work today. I must admit I feel a good bit better this morning than I felt yesterday. For some reason that 2nd and third day were killer on me. I was really tired. I feel pretty good this morning. just going to take my time and get ready slow and then see how much I can do while at work. I have one question, I know where my port incision is, but is the port right under that incision or is that just where he entered to put the port in? I dont feel tender at all around that incision but just about a 1/2 inch to the left is VERY tender.
  17. I was just banded on 01-17. For some reason, even before being banded I sneeze first thing in the morning. Can this cause the band to slip? I have never seen it mentioned but it certainly doesn't feel nice when I sneeze, lol. Any thoughts?
  18. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I dont absolutely have to go monday- I've already told them I may just come in and get what I have to get done, done and then head home. I am lucky and actually live on the farm where I work so it won't be too bad going in. I'm going to try and hold out as long as I can. Mainly just resting and taking it easy. One question, when you're only on liquids does the whole stop drinking when you eat thing still apply? Or is that when you progress to the other stages?
  19. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I should probably add some more gel to it. I'm trying to get some water in while I'm awake. I have just been REALLY tired and am trying to rest all I can before i go back to work on Monday.
  20. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    well i had bought boost prior to surgery= but I never would touch it because of all the calories and sugar in it- so thankfully my daughter drank it. I did try to down a little slim fast yesterday and I couldnt get much of it down. I just feel so full after having a tiny bit of water. I managed to drink about 1oz of chicken broth and I've had a popsicle. I've mainly just been sleeping alot and try to drink while I'm awake. Did you guys get the little anti-nausea wrist band? The one that sends little zaps to your wrist? THAT THING IS DRIVING ME NUTS! I took it off last night and started to get nauseous so I put it back on but gosh- it is totally aggravating!! But I guess its better than being sick.
  21. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    How much water did you guys try to get in the first few days post op? I know i'm not getting enough-my stomach just always feels full right now. I am trying popsicles and sipping water but I just feel SO bloated and full. I'm trying to ease off of the hydrocodone and just take the tylenol for my soreness because the hydrocodone makes my face flush and be hot and beat red. At first I thought I had a fever but my temp was 97 so we called elizabeth and she said it was probably a reaction to the hydrocodone. I've taken it before in pills and never had that happen but she says the liquid gets into your system quicker. Pain is not TOO bad, just a little sore. I'm tired alot, but I've been resting. I just want to make sure Im getting enough water in. Can I have a protien shake or slim fast this week? Or do I need to wait on that for next week? I was thinking maybe an ensure might help me stay hydrated and with some added minerals. I'm taking my vitamin everyday. I just want to be sure to get in enough water.
  22. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Will do! I am so glad that its over and done with! Yay me!
  23. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I took a gas x and some pain meds in the car ride home and am repeating that every four hours or so- I'm walking around a good bit when I'm not resting. I'm going to try to have some broth in a few minutes and then get back to resting. I am doing great so far! I am so glad it's done and I'm on my way to recovering! Look forward to meeting everyone on the 7th!
  24. mia31771

    January Surgery Dates

    I'm home! Little to no pain at all. I had surgery at 8am and was discharged at 11AM! So far so good, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!
  25. mia31771

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    I'm HOME GUYS!!! Only pain I have is from the gas! Everything went great- got into the OR at 8 and its 12:25 and Im home safe and sound in Norman Park. About to try and get a nap in but wanted to let everyone know I made it just fine- Thanks so much for the prayers and thoughts!!

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