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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mia31771

  1. mia31771

    Slipped band

    Good Luck! Sending good vibes your way!
  2. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Welcome Brina! I was just banded on 01-17! Congrats on making the decision to be banded! WE haven't decided on the next support group date but Georgia_girl will let everyone know and it will be so great to meet everyone!! If you have a myspace or LJ and would like to add me, feel free to PM me, I always like having new friends and I journal alot about the things I'm going through or struggling with bandwise- It's okay to be nervous- I cried all the way into the operating room. Compared to my back surgery, this surgery was literally NOTHING. I had to have a port revision and it was actually worse than the original entire lapband placement, lol- you will do fine! If you have any questions or anything, ask them. Everyone on this thread has been so supportive and helpful to me- It has been a God send- I'm 29 and Live about 45 min from albany- SO glad to have you aboard!
  3. mia31771

    ever had regret

    I wont lie and say its been all roses- I've had lots of What the hell have I done to myself moments- Its NOT easy- but nothing worth having ever is- its a big commitment and a life change- I think maybe I went into this knowing that, but thinking somehow despite all of what I'd heard or read, it really wasn't going to be all that bad...don't kid yourself- It was and still is a LEARNING PROCESS for me- but it is very doable- you didn't get fat in a month or two and you won't be getting skinny in a short time either- its a long and steady journey but in the end I KNOW it is going to be worth it!
  4. mia31771

    Restaurant Traps

    Yup, it is UNREAL the amount of calories in restaurant food- On days when I have to run errands during my lunch break I just wound up purchasing a lean cuisine while out and heating it up back at the office- There is nearly NOTHING under 300-400 calories that I've found that is band friendly.. On days when I do eat out I try to save the calories for that special occasion. Its insane the caloric count in eating out. And pre- band I usually ate out once a day- sometimes more- no darn wonder I'm fat.
  5. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Anyone know if you can cut/crush mucinex pills? I am coming down with a cold and am finding them very hard to go down and i cant find anything on the box that says yay or nay for cutting or crushing them...I looked online but didn't find squat either. Aside from the cold, I'm doing good- down 3 more pounds! Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays and I don't yo yo gain/lose the same few pounds anymore!!
  6. mia31771

    Got home from the hospital today!!

    Awesome!! Glad you are home and doing well! Keep a watchful eye on oozing incisions- Take it easy and walk walk walk to keep the gas at bay! You are on your way to a better life!
  7. My company has a total WLS exclusion too- I didn't even think of writing them a letter but I think that is a great idea!! It can't hurt to ask and you might even get them to allow it! I was self pay but could only afford that after my mother passed away with my inheritance money. I say go for it!
  8. mia31771


    It stands for "productive burping" Its when you burp and some of the food you ate comes out with it- Its not full on vomiting but definately a sign to re-evaluate your way of eating, or the amount youre eating, or chewing Or your fill level. I have never done it, but I hear it can happen quite a bit if you get an over fill and are too tight.
  9. mia31771

    I Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know beachbum- i can relate on some level- my surgeon placed my port entirely too low and actually put it in my left breast- he usually puts them high on the chest, next to the clavicle- Apparently when I lay perfectly flat my top comes forward and he actually thought he was placing it right but didn't! So I had to have port revision surgery. I TOO was very reluctant and very scared- but my dr. was honest with me and admitted his mistake and did my revision free of charge. I am now doing fine. So I can understand you going with her on the second surgery. I am so glad things went well for you! And yes, I was STARVING after day 3- I actually started on really well blended soups like cream of potato etc. (though you should follow your dr's guidelines). At a week out my Dr. thankfully moved me on up to mushies, so hang in there! Try and get your protein in and your water- that will help with some fullness. Good luck!
  10. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    ok, I'm giving it a try Starting Weight - 354.6 Current Weight- 354.6 Green Day Weight: 342.6 DOWN So Far: 0 lbs LBS TO GO: 12 lbs
  11. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    The visit went well! My new port area looks great and is healing well! I get my next fill on 02-28 and Dr. Bagnato said he would tell Elizabeth to give me at least 2cc's in my band!! So that would put me at 5CC's so I'm hoping to feel a little restriction then!! Just gotta hang in there two more weeks- I can do it! It will be better when I can exercise I'm hoping!!
  12. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I AM SO FRUSTRATED!! The scales just WILL NOT move- I am trying to stay at around 1000 calories and its TOUGH. I have zero restriction and right now I'm still too sore to exercise. I go and see Dr. Bagnato today for my post op check up from the port revision. I wonder how long before I can get a second fill- My first fill was originally scheduled for feb. 28th and it will SUCK to have to wait that long- I cant see to get past this plateau/bandster HELL..I usually do REALLY GOOD all day long and when I get home from work I'm starving and usually tend to overeat. I try so hard not to but I always wind up failing- I feel like I'm never going to start losing any weight again- I just wish this phase would hurry up and get over with! Hopefully today I will know more news on when the next fill will be.
  13. mia31771

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Pamela- I was about to ask you why on earth are you up at 2Am but here it is 3Am and I can't sleep either!! Sounds like a good challenge! I'm up for it! Now to kick these scales and get them moving in the right direction..!
  14. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    The soreness is slowly going away thank goodness! I'm headed back to work today- I am hoping maybe my fill will be one of those that kicks in a week later and suddenly I'll have restriction but I'm not counting on that. I see Dr. B again the end of this week and I will see when I can get another fill. I'm not losing any weight- just sitting here gaining and losing the same couple of pounds which is driving me nuts- We are going to Jamaica on our honeymoon in June and I really had hoped to be down 50 lbs by then- think I'll make it? I am sucking on this willpower alone thing....
  15. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    When you get fills at the obesity clinic do they make sure you can drink water before you go home?
  16. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    How many fills did it take before you guys starting feeling some restriction- I got 3cc in my band and I don't have any restriction at all-I'm trying hard to go on willpower but man its SO HARD. I usually do good until the afternoon and then I'm STARVING. I'm trying to keep it below 1200 a day, most days 1000, and the scale still isn't moving.=( I keep gaining and losing the same two pounds....
  17. mia31771

    failing optifast stage!

    I followed my pre-op diet pretty strictly but mine wasn't as strict as yours..I only had to do a sugar busters diet, which was the cut out everything white like rice, potatoes, etc...Now the post-op diet was hard because I didnt swell much and i was starving...I actually moved on to foods sooner and did tell my dr. I would tell your Dr. and just let him know. I dont think eating one peice of toast would rule you out for surgery, but if you cheat everyday it certainly might. I wish there was ONE set of guidlines everyone had to follow= because some dr's dont even require a pre=op diet at all, which makes it very frustrating for the rest. Heck I just had my first fill and can go back to solids after two days if I can tolerate them, some doctors make their patients do liquids for an entire week. There is a lot of variation, but be honest with your Dr. I'm sure you aren't the first patient he's had to cheat. But I won't lie- I have questioned whether I made the right decision because It was VERY hard for me to follow the post-op liquid diet. Good LUck, let us know how you do..I think we all question ourselves.
  18. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey Everyone! I'm home from my port revision. I must admit that I feel a TON more sore than I ever did with the actual entire first procedure. I guess reopening the old wound has something to do with it. Everything went well and I got 3CC's put into my band. I'm off to go veg out for a while and enjoy not having to work or take care of anyone right now, lol. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers sent my way!
  19. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hi Everyone- just wanted to post a quick update- I'm trying hard to stay on plan and at around 1000 calories a day. Its hard- especially with zero restriction. I'm also moving my big rear and walking a mile every day! I will be glad to get a fill on Friday and back to being able to eat only small amounts. It's comical (almost) that just a few weeks ago I was whining about not being able to eat 'normal' foods and wishing for the days when I'd be able to eat them. Now I'm wishing I could go back to the restricted feeling. LOL. I swear I am a gas factory. LOTS of foods and even exercise I find, gives me gas- or lets me expel the gas- LOL. I'm feeling much better about having my port revision and am slowly but surely coming out of that depressed mood that I had gotten into. I appreciate everyone who msg'd me and checked on me. I will update on Friday as soon as I'm home from the procedure. Thank the lucky lord Dr. B says I don't have to have the zappy wrist thing again- Its crazy, but the only thing I really am dreading is the darn IV- which should tell any newbie that the actual procedure is not that bad at all!! Everyone's progress looks great! Hopefully soon I'll be back to seeing the numbers go DOWN!!
  20. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Kat- he gave you a fill when he banded you?
  21. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I saw Dr. B again today- I'm all ready for surgery he says- so this friday I will have my port revision and a fill! I'll be glad to get it over with and get back to losing weight!
  22. mia31771

    Banded 12/18 And staving!!

    How much protein are you getting in each day? My dr. reccommends at least 60 grams. Also try cutting anything white from your diet like rice, potatoes, white bread- I find I am craving carbs myself and that keeps me starving but when I first got out of surgery and had not had any refined carbs or sugars I didnt crave them, but the MOMENT I put them back in my body, wammo- crave city. Just a few suggestions but hey 33lbs down is great! Keep up the great work!
  23. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Nip50 I don't think Dr. B is a quack either, if I did he wouldn't be doing my surgery free or not. The REASON that it is free is because its his error that my port was placed in the incorrect spot. I admire someone who says, hey, I messed up but I'm willing to fix it. Nothing is wrong with my port other than he put it in my breast instead of high on my chest where he normally puts them. My weight contributed to the difficulty of the placement, but I know he has performed the surgery on much heavier patients with no faults. Its just one of those things that has happened and hopefully soon we can get it corrected and move on. Am I upset that this happened, of course. Do I think it was because he was inept as a surgeon, certainly not! The only reason I mentioned quack was because ppl on the chat literally attacked me with how I was an idiot to let him opperate on me again. It really shook me. I think maybe its best to steer clear of there for a while. Congrats on your weightloss! 64 lbs is fantastic!!
  24. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I'm having it done on a friday so I should be back to work by Monday. I just need time to get over the anesthesia- I can't take that zappy wrist thing again- god I'd forgotten about that thing....ugh...this so sucks. Everyone on the chat is saying my dr is a quack and that I need to sue. I know he didn't do it on purpose. Do I wish he'd been more careful and done it correctly, hells yes, but I'm not going to sue him- they almost made me feel like I'm being stupid for letting him do my surgery again.
  25. mia31771

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Well girls, I have to have port revision surgery. I saw Dr. Bagnato today and he placed my port in entirely the wrong spot. The way i was laying on the table flat made my breasts fall back and on my chest and he thought he was placing it higher than he was. I go back on feb. 4th to make sure all signs of infection/redness are gone and then if all is well I will have my port removed and repositioed on february 8th. Dr. Bagnato is not charging me and he says he will give me a fill at the same time he does the port revision. I won't lie and say I'm not IMMENSELY upset, but its just one of those things that I've got to do. My port is currently in my actual breast and he thinks it will cause problems with filling if we don't do the revision. I could wait and see come fill time, but I'm not happy with a port in my breast either, so despite the fact that I really really really don't want to have surgery again, I must. I am glad he is going to give me a fill because I have zero swelling anymore and can eat normal foods if I let myself. I'm still in shock. I called Terri crying after I left because I'm just so shocked that this has happened to me. Lord help me stay positive and not let this get me down.

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