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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Gigi557

  1. Hi Sleever,

    I also gained weight and I will be 3 yrs in on the 4th of September. I remember being told that around this time in out journey we will be faced with this problem (some of us not all), so don't feel bad about it.

    Yes, it's time to walk again and get back to basics and the only way I knew to do it was to just get out there and start walking. I did what I did after surgery. I got up walked a little and stopped, walked a little and stopped. With food I went cold turkey on carbs and dairy and began to eat meat, fruit and veggies. There's a book called the whole30 and it helped me to stay on target for the month of June and shed 16 pounds.

    Now I'm joining Bariatric Pal to team up with others that are in need of support and I hope you and I can encourage one another. It's better when someone else understands what you're going through, they stay with you longer. My family supported me in the beginning, but it began to get boring to them and they have gone back to eating what they want, I don't have that freedom. I have lost 12 dress sizes and don't want to find them. Let's work together, I know you can do it.


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