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Posts posted by Dallyup2me

  1. I team rope, steer wrestle and trip steers. I have struggled with my weight on and off all my life. I would get over 300lbs then go on a diet, start exercising loose a little weight and before I knew it I would get complacent, stop exercising, start eating poorly and was back over 300. its been an yo-yo effect for the last 15+ years. As you can imagine, trying to compete at a professional level when you are overweight is extremely difficult. I made the decision to get the surgery in may of this year and had it done in July. Since then I have not regretted it for even one minute. My doctors told me not to rope for 6 weeks. I gave it one week and started roping again with no issues what so ever..... Since then I have lost 74 lbs and can tell a huge difference in my ability to perform inside and outside the arena. My balance and core strength and energy level are the most noticeable changes. I finally feel like I am able to compete at a top level again and I cant wait until I have lost an other 70 lbs to see even more change. I'm sure my horses appreciate the fact they don't have to carry an extra 70+ lbs of me around as well.

    IMG 1476524963413

  2. Before my surgery I read some horror stories on this forum about pain, discomfort, nausea, ect. so I was a little worried about what issues I would face... Maybe I was just one of the lucky ones, but I have had no issues what so ever. I returned to work two days after surgery, and have not slowed down for even a minute. The Dr. told me not to rope, or ride horses for 6 weeks after surgery, I waited two and a half weeks just for good measure, and started roping again with no issues what so ever. I honestly do not feel as if I ever had surgery.(until I try to eat food, then I realize I can only eat a few bites and I am full) From what I understand a big part of the nausea, and pain comes from how well your Surgeon stitches your stomach back up. if there is any bruising or swelling in the stomach that is what causes nausea, pain and the ability to not be able to keep down even Water. I would recommend this surgery to anyone who may be struggling with weight issues.

  3. My surgery was July 2, I have had no pain, minimal discomfort and feel like I have not even had surgery. I returned to work on Monday, July 6th. I am still on full liquids and last night I consumed a full can of Campbell's Tomato Soup. (Approximately 20 oz.) I did not have any discomfort or feel like I was over full. I am concerned because I read on here numerous people who at day five cannot even keep down broth. I feel like a whole can of Soup is extreme when my new stomach is supposed to be only 5 oz or so.

  4. I am wondering the same thing, I had my surgery on July 2. I have had no pain, no discomfort, went back to work on Monday morning. Things have been great. However, last night I laid in bed and tossed and turned ALL NIGHT. I finally went to sleep around 4:30 am and slept until 8 am. Not sure if this is normal, or if there might be something wrong.

    Anyone have this problem before?

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