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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lindak

  1. Linda,

    Hi, I am jude from Boston and I am 66. I had the banding in Oct. It was at Faulkner Hosp. in JP and it went really really well

    You are doing the right thing for yourself and family.

    Stay connected with the group at Emerson and online..it helps.

    Be well and happy! It will be quite a new year for you!!

    Thanks for responding so quick Jude. can I ask you a few questions? How long were you in the hosp? What type of anesthea did you have? Do you have any other health issues? Did you go on a liquid diet first? How much weight have you lost? Do you have this fill process I am reading about?

    I do want to loose some weight first as I understand your liver improves the success of the procedure.

    It all takes so long and I want to get going? I am in good general health and go to the YMCA for Water aerobics and Water walking three times a week, how long do yoiu think it will be before I can do this?

    I also work so I am interested in how long I will be out of work, I expect 2 to 3 weeks. I am a Quality Engineer so most of my work is desk/study type of work. I know I will get most of my answers when I attend the hosp sessions but I trust real people who have been through things way more than anyone else. I value your experience as most as younger that me and I may have additional issues/concerns that you would understand.

    I know I have asked a lot, but if you have the time I would love to hear from you,



  2. I am just starting the process - My name is Linda, I am from Framingham and have attended the informational session at Emersom Hosp in Concord Ma. I have my Dr approval and have HMO Blue for insurance. I hpe I go through the approval process O.K. The hosp has group sessions that it expects me to attend. This was one of my reasons for picking this hosp (also I have been in this hosp for other things and have been happy with them). They have done several hundred so I thought I would see somone on the web site from this group.

    I am 58+ and have a BMI of 37.5 and have high BP. Many family members have adult onset sugar, I don't have this yet but I think it would only be a matter of time if I don't losse this weight.

    I want to have more energy and be able to keep up with my husband and children (and grandchildren).

    My eval session is Jan 3rd and I am all over the map, I am worried about my age but I think the quality of my life and my familys will be greatly improved if I go through with this.

    I am going on and on just want to know if anyone in my area has been to Emerson hosp or knows of anyone who has gone there?

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