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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. catwoman7

    I'm afraid!

    do research on the RNY (you may not have had time to do much since you've been focused on the VSG all this time). I've been very happy with mine. I had GERD pre-surgery and it's gone now. YAY!!!
  2. btw - these recommendations are pretty much the same as what my surgeon's office recommended for me
  3. I would guess most RNY patients take the extras (calcium, D, B12) *in addition to* the 1-2 MVI (multivitamins) they've told you about. I do.....
  4. I'm one of the Centrum Chewable people. I haven't had to take iron yet, but then, I'm only about 12 weeks out. I'll find out if and how much at my three-month follow-up. I'm guessing I'll have to take some but not much since I'm post-menopausal.
  5. catwoman7

    All I can do is drink..no food

    I had to have mine re-dilated as well - about 4 weeks after the first time (although I've heard of other people having to go back after only a week or two). Fortunately, this is an early complication, so it should stop soon.
  6. I waited until I was out of the pureed stage and into the "soft food" stage before I started going out with people. Then I could at least find a couple of things on pretty much any menu that "worked" (e.g., an appetizer, shrimp cocktail, Soup...). For people we rarely go out with, I planned to just say I wasn't very hungry or my stomach was bothering me or I was on a new eating program (that is, if they even noticed...), but I originally *did* plan to tell the people whom we go out with a lot. However, I haven't yet told any of them - but then, I've only been on soft food for 3 or 4 weeks. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them.
  7. I take Centrum chewable as well - but twice a day. I've found knock-offs at CVS that are even cheaper - and they sometimes run 2-for-1 sales.
  8. catwoman7


    yes. The "three-week stall" is a very common phenomenon (doesn't always happen at exactly three weeks, but somewhere around there. I stalled out weeks 2 and 3 and then dropped six lbs week 4.
  9. catwoman7

    What Diet Do You Follow?

    I'm still on soft foods, but I'd like to eventually do what Miss Mac does - Mediterranean without the bread and pasta
  10. catwoman7

    Using Syntrax Nectar question

    I've mixed Roadside Lemonade with Crystal Light lemonade, and I do think it's a lot better that way
  11. catwoman7

    Food dreams and cravings

    that stall is *really* common. I stalled weeks 2 and 3 and then dropped like 5 or 6 lbs during week 4. Hang on - it'll happen! Almost everyone goes through that stall, from what I've seen on the boards I'm on
  12. 1) taste buds changing: I don't think my tastes completely changed, but flavors have become more intense for me (sweet things taste sweeter, salty things taste saltier). I also prefer fruity Protein shakes now, whereas before I preferred the milky ones (chocolate, vanilla) 2) Hunger/appetite going away: I'm three months out, and have had no hunger whatsoever 3) Food addictions - I'm fortunately one of those who doesn't have a food addiction, so it's one less thing for me to have to change. As others have said, a therapist may need to help you with this one
  13. catwoman7

    My new mustache

    I've heard that as well. I've been taking it 3 or 4 times a week instead of every day in hopes that that won't happen to me.
  14. no - I didn't cheat. I was on five Protein shakes per day plus Clear Liquids for two weeks. The first 3 or 4 days were tough, but it was OK after that.
  15. catwoman7

    Pre Op Diet Day 5

    I actually haven't told many people outside of my immediate family. Maybe 10 tops - I was pretty careful about who I told. Luckily, so far everyone's been positive. Since I've only been losing 2-3 lbs a week (except for the first month), I may just tell others who ask that I'm doing it through diet and exercise. I'm just not sure I want it out. yes - his info may be old. Years ago these were fairly risky surgeries - but not anymore.
  16. catwoman7

    Pre Op Diet Day 5

    constant unbearable pain? Constant diarrhea? Never be able to eat the smallest bite of sugar? Where in the heck did he hear *that*??? I'm in no pain at all. Most people have trouble with constipation, not diarrhea. And "the smallest bite of sugar" doesn't cause cramps (although larger amounts can for some people). Where is this guy getting his information? Sheesh.
  17. catwoman7

    How long out of work?

    Physically, I felt good enough to go back after two weeks but was glad I took three weeks off. Even after three weeks, I still got pretty tired in the afternoon (I have a desk job as well).
  18. catwoman7

    I Don't Know What to Eat! Help!

    I am ten weeks out and still in the "soft food" stage for two more weeks. At restaurants I usually order a cup of Soup or a shrimp cocktail. Baked fish would work - but it would take me a week to finish an entree! At home I usually eat things like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, string cheese, chili, and egg salad. I could probably handle tuna salad, but haven't tried it yet. The only meat I've really had other than fish and seafood are tiny pieces of chicken and pork that were in Soups.
  19. catwoman7


    I'm not a sleeve patient (I'm RNY), but I've heard sleeve patients say that sometimes excess stomach acid can mimic hunger. I'd call your surgeon's office and see what they say.
  20. catwoman7

    Food dreams and cravings

    I have no idea if such dreams are "normal" or not, but I can tell you that I still have smoking dreams - even though I quit smoking 20 years ago! I think it may just be part of addiction.........so I'm really not surprised that some people have food dreams after WLS.
  21. I had a stricture at six weeks post-op. Going back for a routine re-check this week - thank God because I'm feeling like I have another one coming on. It's a really easy fix - they use balloon dilation while doing an upper endoscopy. I didn't feel a thing and I felt a million times better afterward!! No pain, no acid indigestion, no problems eating. BTW - the PA in my surgeon's office said strictures *usually* don't come back, so I evidently I'm an exception. At least there's an easy solution....
  22. catwoman7

    Using Syntrax Nectar question

    here's a place you can get the sampler: http://www.si03.com/EMAIL/nectar_gng_sampler/nectarsampler.html
  23. I eat almost no meat (I can go days in a row without it). I've done fine with Protein. I eat a lot eggs, cheese (string cheese and cottage cheese are especially high in protein), and Greek yogurt. Although I'm only three months out so I'm still drinking a Protein shake every day, too.
  24. catwoman7

    Using Syntrax Nectar question

    @Alex - I order from Vitamin Shoppe's Web site because our local store doesn't carry all the flavors
  25. catwoman7

    Please help

    Is this to try to get insurance to cover the cost? If so, stick to health-related reasons - that's what they want to hear. For example, it limits your ability to exercise because it gets in the way, you get rashes from it, it pulls on your back causing pain, etc - whatever fits your particular situation.

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