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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LynneB

  1. Dont give up on UHC! It took 3 appeals to get them to approve me. They hope you will give up & just go away, but dont let them do that to you! Write them a long letter, consult w/ an atty, do whatever it takes!
  2. The last few weeks have just crawled by, but now that this week is almost 1/2 over, I cant believe my 10 day preop diet starts 1 week from today!! Sunday thru Tuesday is Disney trip w/ my kids & Tuesday starts my preop diet!! It's really sinking in now that this is gonna happen! 17 more days & I will be sitting in the hospital waiting for it to be over. I am almost scared of what it will be like when its all over, I have spent so many months of researching and preparing and fighting w/ insurance, that I wonder if I will feel lost when its finally complete. Anyone else feel that way or am I just a nut case who shoulda failed my psych eval? LOL I am so afraid of the post op pain, mostly knowing that no matter how bad I hurt, I will have to hide the pain around my family 'cuz they really dont want me to do this. Knowing that any complications or discomfort I will endure will be all alone (except for my LBT buddies) is terrifying. I decided that for my sake and my kids sake that I will voluntarily stay overnight in the hospital since I am a single mom & I worry about being groggy the same day of surgery & trying to come home w/ my kids. They are old enough (14 & 8) to kinda take care of themselves, but I figured that would give me a chance to recoup a lil & come home Saturday instead of Friday afternoon (surgery is at 5am the 11th). My mom will keep the kids overnight & take my DD to dance class & my DS to the horse ranch & then come get me. I keep trying to convince myself that this wont be any worse than the 3 laps I had for endometriosis/adhesions, & my gall bladder, but then these scary thoughts keep creeping into my head about all the complications I keep reading on here & that is just my luck to be one of those horror stories. To top it all off, I have been getting terrible dizzy spells and episodes of very blurry vision the last week or so. I cant focus on anything! I am going to get lab work done tomorrow & then Thurs I am going to see my endocrinologist to see if its my thyroid or blood sugar thats causing this. Even though I have been doing the modified preop diet, my sugars have been extremely high. (331 last night) I take 1 glyburide a day right now, no insulin. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 1 1/2 weeks so it could be my synthroid needs adjusting, but I am freaked over the sugars being so high!! I hope they dont cancel my surgery because of that! I just feel so weak all the time, its really scary. I think I may have gotten a little too gung ho on the modified preop diet after having the flu & never really gave my body the nutrients that it needed to recover from all the vomiting I did. Thats the only thing I can think of that could be causing this. Any ideas??? Thanks for letting me ramble on.....((((((((hugs)))))))))
  3. I am cross posting this under here & April Avengers so hopefully someone can give me a good opinion on what is going on with me...so here it is..... The last few weeks have just crawled by, but now that this week is almost 1/2 over, I cant believe my 10 day preop diet starts 1 week from today!! Sunday thru Tuesday is Disney trip w/ my kids & Tuesday starts my preop diet!! It's really sinking in now that this is gonna happen! 17 more days & I will be sitting in the hospital waiting for it to be over. I am almost scared of what it will be like when its all over, I have spent so many months of researching and preparing and fighting w/ insurance, that I wonder if I will feel lost when its finally complete. Anyone else feel that way or am I just a nut case who shoulda failed my psych eval? LOL I am so afraid of the post op pain, mostly knowing that no matter how bad I hurt, I will have to hide the pain around my family 'cuz they really dont want me to do this. Knowing that any complications or discomfort I will endure will be all alone (except for my LBT buddies) is terrifying. I decided that for my sake and my kids sake that I will voluntarily stay overnight in the hospital since I am a single mom & I worry about being groggy the same day of surgery & trying to come home w/ my kids. They are old enough (14 & 8) to kinda take care of themselves, but I figured that would give me a chance to recoup a lil & come home Saturday instead of Friday afternoon (surgery is at 5am the 11th). My mom will keep the kids overnight & take my DD to dance class & my DS to the horse ranch & then come get me. I keep trying to convince myself that this wont be any worse than the 3 laps I had for endometriosis/adhesions, & my gall bladder, but then these scary thoughts keep creeping into my head about all the complications I keep reading on here & that is just my luck to be one of those horror stories. To top it all off, I have been getting terrible dizzy spells and episodes of very blurry vision the last week or so. I cant focus on anything! I am going to get lab work done tomorrow & then Thurs I am going to see my endocrinologist to see if its my thyroid or blood sugar thats causing this. Even though I have been doing the modified preop diet, my sugars have been extremely high. (331 last night) I take 1 glyburide a day right now, no insulin. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 1 1/2 weeks so it could be my synthroid needs adjusting, but I am freaked over the sugars being so high!! I hope they dont cancel my surgery because of that! I just feel so weak all the time, its really scary. I think I may have gotten a little too gung ho on the modified preop diet after having the flu & never really gave my body the nutrients that it needed to recover from all the vomiting I did. Thats the only thing I can think of that could be causing this. Any ideas??? Thanks for letting me ramble on.....((((((((hugs)))))))))
  4. LynneB

    April 2008 bandsters

    go to the monthly support group link at the bottom, all the April Avengers are there! :thumbup:
  5. congrats!! better figure out a way to light that candle on a straw!! HB & welcome to the April Avengers! Fighting fat the superhero way!! :thumbup:
  6. This stuff is incredible!! I could drink it non stop! In fact I feel so thirsty for it that nothing else quenches my craving & I grab a swallow every time I go to the kitchen. It's called Essential Natural 100% protein w/ micellar casein, vanilla cake flavor. It's better than licking the beaters after mixing a cake. 1 scoop is 120 calories, 4g carbs, 22g protein. I got it at GNC. They will mix up a cup of any flavor & you can taste before you buy. The strawberry & cookies & cream & chocolate were yummy too, but this vanilla cake is the best thing ever! So glad I found one I like, check it out & hope you guys like it too!
  7. LynneB

    How to run more ...

    movie screen?? NO WAY! I want the REAL THING!! Couple of serious hunks there!! YUMMY!!
  8. I lost the weight on a plan called medi-zone. A Dr in Tampa FL created it. It is w/ help of phentermine, fat burning injections and B-12 injections. The only prob was it cost between $140 & $175 a week. Couldnt keep that up for long!!! The diet itself was 1 week zero carbs & then slowly add in "good carbs" after your system was in ketosis. You do that 1 week out of every month to keep from plateauing. I stayed w/ that Dr for 5 months before I went too far into debt to continue. I started at 285 lbs, got down to 205 before I quit. Then I gained it all back after stopping the injections & pills. (of course, I didnt exactly eat right either) Now I am down to 220 and it's all due to low carb, high protein eating. I just follow that diet without the injections. I also just joined Shapes last week & I have lost 5lbs in 6 days just from water aerobics and stationary bike, with very little weight training. I do about 5 mins of leg presses, 5 mins of abs, 5 mins of thigh machine, 5 mins of the rotating ab/pec machine and 5 mins of treadmill & 5 mins of bike w/ 4-5 hours a week of water aerobics. Luckily my ins & doc didnt require a diet before surgery, just 5 yrs medical records documenting obesity & comorbidities. The last 2 weeks, I have a protein shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch & a salad, soup, or baked potato for dinner. If I snack, it's a slim jim or a couple fat free pretzels, but I dont have a snack every day.
  9. my Dr requires a 10 day liquid diet, this includes 3 servings of dairy (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), protein shakes, broth, SF pudding, SF popsicles, 1 can of campbells chicken noodle or chicken vegetable soup a day.
  10. LynneB

    low carbing it? come join me

    today was good for me too, bodybugg showed 1036 calorie deficit for today. b-protein shake l-4 sara lee thin sliced deli roast beef (0carb) 2 slices havarti cheese took a nap...yeah!!! d- wendy classic single meat only no bread no snacking today!! I am so seriously sore from working out & I hurt my knee doing lunges yesterday so I planned on taking the day off from going to the gym but then I felt guilty sitting here watching TV @ 8:30 this am & got off my butt & went to the gym & did stationary bike, (5mins was all my knee could handle) & a whole bunch of upper body & abs. I am so proud of myself! I am down 8lbs in 12 days.
  11. LynneB

    Great news from doctor 3 months out

    HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I hope I can do just 1/2 that good! Question though...losing that fast, do you have alot of loose skin or did all the working out help to tighten you up?
  12. I worked out at Shapes today for the first time. I only did 15 mins stationary bike, 5 mins elliptical, and 5 mins on another cardio machine like a "skiing" motion, no clue what its called. Anyway, I felt great after I was done until about 15 mins or so after leaving while I was driving, I suddenly felt really dizzy & sick to my stomach. I had to pull over & blast my a/c on my face for a few mins till it passed & I was able to drive again. It was scary, I thought I was gonna wreck my car cuz even my vision got blurry when I got dizzy. It came on so fast, no warning at all. What would cause this? My heartrate never got above 140 according to the machines??
  13. LynneB

    low carbing it? come join me

    ok I am on the LC bandwagon so here's my yesterday & so far today: both days breakfast: 1 egglands best scrambled egg snack/post workout: essential natural vanilla cake Protein shake lunch both days: 3 slices of less than 1g carb honey ham lunch meat w/ 3 slices less than 1g carb havarti cheese pm snack yesterday: Protein Shake and 10 mini fat free hard pretzels (about 15 carbs) today will be: protien shake and 1 cup tuna salad dinner yesterday: wendys baked potato w/ chili dinner today will be either a Soup or salad, not sure yet. both days calories were under 900
  14. Since Monday according to Shapes scale I have lost 3 lbs!! I did 2 hours of water aerobics today & cardio & strength training w/ a personal trainer for 2 hours yesterday. I am so shocked that I could lose 3lbs in only 3 days! I cant wait for pre op diet hopefully I can losr about 15 or 20 lbs b4 surgery!
  15. LynneB

    The Call

    YAY!!! You are officially an April Avenger!!!
  16. I plan on doing the Aquacise classes and stationary bike classes, plus regular workouts on cardio & toning. Anyone else go to a Shapes? What do you do there? Whats your fav classes/machines, etc.? I cant wait to start on Monday! I plan to go every weekday morning after the kids go to school & on Saturdays when they are at dance class (8yr old) & horse ranch (14yr old) They also have a kids program after school hours so my 8 yr old daughter can go w/ me 2x's a week too. I am so pre op motivated right now, I just hope the few weeks I cant exercise after surgery dont mess that motivation up, but I doubt it will!
  17. LynneB

    Bander's pets? Post them!

    I dont have any pics on my laptop, but I have 10 birds.....4 of them parakeets (budgies), 2 Tiels, 1 umbrella cockatoo, 1 congo african grey, 1 quaker, and 1 blue & gold macaw. I also have 2 cats, 1 indoor that I have had almost 10 yrs, and 1 indoor/outdoor stray that adopted us about 6 months ago. All the pics of everyones babies are so adorable!!
  18. I ordered some samples but they havent arrived yet. Are they good? They seem convenient in the little test tube bottles.
  19. LynneB

    Happy Dancing!!!!!

    :thumbup:WOW way to go!!!! Congrats
  20. My 10 preop diet of liquid only says I need to drink V-8 juice, regular only no Splash varieties. I tried it today & OMG it is so GROSS! Tastes like bad tomato soup that has an entire can of salt dumped into it. I cant do it! Any other ideas on getting in veggies during liquid phases? I even tried plugging my nose & gulping it down & it almost came back up. I know after surgery I cant even do that since we cant gulp stuff down, so what can I do?
  21. They did have small tubs for $15, I got the huge one for $30. It's a GNC brand so they should have it. Its Essential Natural like Fairy said. Hope you can find it! Thanks Fairy, I definately plan to keep it going! I have never been so motivated & its because I am so looking forward to getting banded thats got me going. I can and will do this!
  22. I mix it w/ 1% milk, but the guy at GNC said its great in coffee and oatmeal too. As far as samples, I know they do mix up samples of any kind at my GNC, I would think they would do it if you asked them to. The guy at my store said its nationwide policy, and they also take back anything you dont like even if opened as long as you return it w/in 24 hours, with a receipt. They took back Solotron liquid multivitamins that were disgusting even after I tried to take 3 doses of it over a 2 day period. No questions asked, they took the open bottle & gave me chewables to try instead. The diet I have been following is just a high protein, low carb for the last year. I have been on B12 injections and phentermine but I quit those about 7 months ago. I have lost almost 8lbs this week from 2 days of the flu & after the flu I have just been doing a modified pre op diet of a protein shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch, & a salad for dinner. Today I had my 2 shakes, 2 small slim jims for snack, a small chef salad from publix that I only ate the meat, cheese and boiled egg off of it, and a wendys baked potato for dinner & my bodybugg said I consumed 736 calories (counting the whole salad since there was no way to break it down in bodybugg planner) and burned 1616 for a deficit of 880 calories. I am starting my liquid only pre op diet on the 1st & I didnt want to let my appetite come totally back from the flu. I also take chromium picolinate to curb appetite & cut down carb cravings.
  23. it was about $30 for a huge tub, it wasnt really expensive
  24. I am diabetic, my sugars are usually super high like 250-300 even on meds. (glyburide, no insulin) Maybe thats what it was, I have never felt that way before. I am not banded yet, will be on the 11th. All I had before I went was a protein shake. Tomorrow I will eat a lean pocket or something & see if that helps. It was so strange to go from feeling so great to so sick in just a few mins.

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